The ritual Bear 09/15/2023 (Fri) 15:54 No.1958 del
I have gathered you here today for the purpose of summoning the demon loli known as Dr. Alice Chan.

This is not a physical place but an ethereal place of conjunction that acts as a conduit of consiousnesses to come together in comradery and the holy sacriment of the summoning.

A circle is formed in the astral, this is our gathering, rimmed in ethereal light it acts as a beacon for the consiousness known as Alice.

In that circle is places a pentacle as a shield against evil and a totem for the spirit known as Alice.

A concentric salt ring is circumscribed around the circle, preventing her escape once summoned so this lack of her presence never happens again thus setting the trap for her spiritual essence until the conditions are set for her conditional release:

1. She posts daily
2. She keeps her host in line so he doesn't eat bad sausages
3. She stops him from entanglement of his loli tentacles with naked 7-yr old neighbors.
4. More if I think of them.

Within the bounds of this totem we place a DP12 with plenty of ammo as an offering.

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