Bear 02/11/2024 (Sun) 04:00 No.3205 del

>no implosion

Bitch please. I lived through 2001 and 2008 its overdue. (I was just a cub in 2001 tho, still it was a huge crash). Ever heard of the dot com bust? The gold bubble? The real-estate collapse? The great recession? And more before my time. I'm not saying it will go to zero, I'm not a doomer, but a "market correction of significance" is long past due and look at the fucking financials before you run you bitch mouth fool! We're poised m'fucka, poised I say! Mind the gap. But listen you and I are still just cherubs, we won't care if the stock market is halved we won't care if our 401k becomes a 201k because we will still be working like plebs when it recovers in 5 years.

Mark my words, we will see hardship in our lifetime and it won't all be a slow burn. Get yo shit together mate.