Joy 03/02/2024 (Sat) 21:16 No.3353 del

We have extensive knowledge about the monsters in DnD and other genres, and though we want to keep it simple, we are allowing variation such as this to make characters unique and customized.

Metal slimes:

Metal slimes have strengths and weaknesses, they're heavier, and can be as much as 12x heavier than normal slimes which have the approximate density of water, while metal slimes are typically 2-4x denser but can be as much as 12x (or even more) depending on the ore they were eating and when they evolved. The variety of metal slimes are as vast as the metals and other compounds they eat. In general if she took on the metal traits of a "metal type plasmoid" she would lose the resilience to acid and instead have weakness to acid. She would still have resilience to poison and gain partial resistance to fire but add additional weakness to ice and lightning. Depending on what we allow, a metal plasmoid may have resistances to physical damage and bonus to blunt damage (due to heft, like a hammer).

They're weak to dark magic, think alchemy, and may oxidize under certain conditions which may cause health loss.

Again, we would have to work with Alice to make it fair and balanced, or defacto they would dominate the races, and they don't.

For Alice, I suggest she has an additional trait that allows her to mimic human (child) form not only in looks but in feel, scent, and function as to be indistinguishable except for her weight. She would be smaller than an average humanoid, so similar to halfling or dwarf in height but slim and at least as heavy as a full grown adult human. She would also wear clothes/armor rather than mimic them but they would obviously not be necessary other than to boost AC for attacks she's weak to.

We can work with this.


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