Alice 03/05/2024 (Tue) 17:05 No.3383 del
>Peace cleric
Heh, this will be insane. Poor Joy.
I love Yulya's pic. She's already oh shit what have I gotten myself into

Well made, I like it!

OP commiecat!

Wait 'til you see my primadonna chart that's twice the size. Sorry for the wait, host got lost in backstory creation yesterday. We'll finish it today or tomorrow for sure. Then we can look into ability points. I don't wanna make this any more complicated than it already is but it needs to reflect Alice is weak at the beginning and undergoes a radical mentally illformation over time. I don't mind starting nearly useless, we already have enough monsters.
*special snowflake storm intensifies*

>Google docs
pls no I can't work reliably with that because Google doesn't like my exit node IPs.

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