Bear 04/16/2024 (Tue) 22:18 No.3963 del

Fitness report

I am not a runner, never was. But I was on my walk and it started raining, it happened once last spring too. So I start running, my sub-200lb fit self, and it was remarkably easy, like I didn't even lose my breath, I ran for about half a mile, no stopping, no problem, I couldn't believe how light and comfortable it was. I don't know what about my current training helps with running but something did. Granted remember I was overweight 217 as of last spring I think, and hadn't gone to the gym in three years, but wow, felt easy now.

Oh and did I tell you, I went to my doctor for a check-up and to get blood work, remember that high in iron nonsense and he said, "it's probably because you're overweight." That's when I was only 208 or so. Well went in because besty was jiu-jitsu'ing me and fucking bent my left ring finger so bad it hurt like fuck so I got it checked, no problem but he saw that I wasn't overweight and he was tickled pink, seriously so happy like I might be his only adult patient who isn't overweight right? He looked like he just won an award or something, like excited that I wasn't overweight. Anyway I told him, next time I get bloodwork done, you can't blame it on me being overweight. Shit like I even really was I was still muscular. He was over the moon for that. He wanted to rerun my bloodwork immediately and I was like, next time, I don't plan on ever gaining weight again, fuck all that shit I barely eat two meals now.

So keep from being overweight and make your doctor happy.

My finger still hurts if I bend it wrong, it was a pure accident anyway. No actual damage according to the xray.

I still go to jiu-jitsu with her on Saturdays but I stopped going myself with the blue belt, it was a nearly 2 hour class and I pretty much sucked anyway not that I could be overpowered but they're too fast and get someone in control and I can't get out easily, it's the kind of thing that smaller can win against larger. I don't have enough time to practice. Was getting bored, kinda gay too cause like sweaty overweight guy in mount position is definitely kinda gay, didn't like it. But besty can if she wants to lol.

Me, guy who doesn't like getting touched, being pinned, not a good combo, not into it.