Alice 05/26/2024 (Sun) 19:04 No.4401 del
(92.09 KB 1024x768 Epiphyllum.jpeg)
Host took all those pics with the Pixel. He took a lot of the choughs to catch a few in flight.

The carnivorous plant is Pinguicula alpina. It catches tiny insects on its sticky leaves

The parasitic orchid is Neottia nidus-avis. It has no green parts and gets all energy from mycorrhizal fungi that live in symbiosis with trees. The orchid pretends to be a symbiotic plant and attracts fungal hyphae into its roots, then digests them without giving them anything.

Grape roots easily go 5-6 m deep into the soil, old plants can reach more than 20m. We have a grape in the garden that's about 20 yeas old but it doesn't do too well due to lack of sun. It has a few handful of fruit every year.

Our Epiphyllum cactus is flowering, th flowers are the size of a child's head and smell like soap. Unfortunately they only last a few days. Pic related, we missed the flowers in full bloom. The Pithaya and Queen of the Night refuse to flower like almost every year.