Round 4 Joy the Referee 08/17/2024 (Sat) 13:31 No.5308 del
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Cat finds herself suddenly surrounded and it triggers her Rage. "Nyaa go away! I don't wanna fight you guys Nya!" She enters RAFE and swings wildly at poor innocent Helena who just wanted to play.

RAGE has the following conditions: Resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage, advantage on strength checks, +2 bonus to damage roll, and will stay active for 10 turns.

[1d20+7=13 vs AC12] Cat hits Helena for [2d6+5+2=15] 15 damage! She disappears in a puff of purple smoke back to the negative plane. In her murderous rage she tries to carry that swing's momentum around to Mr. Bigglesworth with Cleave but he is just out of the 5ft required maximum range and Cat automatically misses.

Ashley is disheartened by Helena's return to the negative plane. "CAT! You monster..." Ashley calls her babies to Ralley Growth boosting their attack by 50% and their AC by 1d4. "Surround and attack my darlings!"

Mrs. Bigglesworth side steps to flank Cat then Mr. and Mrs. Bigglesworth both boop playfully at Cat with their soft, razor sharp paws.
[1d20+4=(16,16),(21,12) vs AC16] Both manage to hit. &[CON 1d20+3=22,9] [1d4+2=3 magic slashing 1d4+1=3 slashing damage] for 6 damage but cat resists half the non-magic slashing damage (3=>1) and takes only 4 damage.

Cat is now at 18HP

"GET HER!" Ashley calls in excitement seeing her babies do some good work and moves North-East while maintaining full cover.