Adventure is for the Adventurous or die trying. Joy the DM 09/08/2024 (Sun) 23:17 No.5654 del
>less encounters, not all day every day

Dungeon exploration is encounter intensive. Low level adventurers are supposed to be killed by high level encounters, but that doesn't seem to be happening in your case. Blame the dice that love you, this is statistically skewed, not my doing.

The in-game breaks may be slim while exploring the Cragmaw hideout, but normally you'd clear it and that would be 6-8 medium encounters in a day with resting per the DMG. You had 1 so far this day, 1 yesterday, but you will need sleep soon. It might be necessary to find a hideaway after this encounter before diving in. The following day you'll likely be clearing the hideout, that's going to be a lot of encounters total. It's the nature of the game to do this.

In SheShe's story, they do a lot of situational conversations with NPCs and each other, that tends to break it up.

Yulya can post when she's mentally prepared to and take breaks as needed but expect a lot of encounters, traps, puzzles perhaps, investigation and so on during exploration, in your immediate future. If it's not the kind of game you want to play, then we'll have to adjust but give it a chance first for this first quest, then come back here and we'll discuss. I'm mostly following a pre-written questline with edits for this hideout.

It's called "Dungeons and Dragons." You've seen two dragons and zero dungeons. So experience this one and then we can see how it went afterwards. This one is small compared to others SheShe's group has played. So it's a good level 1-4 dungeon to start. I've already paired it down.

We don't want headmates to become traumatized by it all, but exercise is beneficial.