Joy the DM 11/22/2024 (Fri) 02:03 No.6547 del
>demoralize people too if you throw it at them


>can we use the time to learn some skills?

Based on the current rules, not really. It takes many days. I have alowed more ways to gain skills, as in, getting one when you increase your plate.

I'm looking into downtime activities and we will be playtesting them in a game with Bear and I with Freya DM'ing. We're still learning more information and designing a game that is dirtier than you may want.

For instance, we will be implementing the ammunition use mechanic where they lose a level of quality after every use, giving them +1 for new and -1 for patched.

Instead of [20/20] arrows in your txt file, you would have:

[N #] they start 20 here
[G #]

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