Yakumo 03/27/2023 (Mon) 00:11 No.93 del
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I agree 100%, very well written!

Tulpamancy is the final insult to humanity after being demoted from the center of the universe to living on an insignificant rock swirling among countless other insignificant rocks and learning we're not created after the image of god but the descendants of some hairy apes.

The revelation that (you) are not your body but a tiny fraction of the vast unconscious sea I call the Global Servitor that runs everything (same as your BodyOS), and quite superfluous, is quite shocking. I have sat back with my tupper and watched the BodyOS drive, hold meaningful conversations and win shooting competitions. It didn't need me at all and was surprisingly smart. Sort of ChatGPT tier. Unbeatable at routines, reasonably convincing at complex stuff as long as no one digs deeper, but utterly helpless at novel situations it had no template for. And this BodyOS is a beast, both magnificent and terrible and needs proper guidance and control to prevent tragedies arising from its crude emotions and desires.

In fact I am now convinced that a lot of convicts who committed heinous crimes on impulse for which they felt terribly sorry for afterwards in fact didn't do anything themselves. They merely temporarily lost control to the unconscious and became NPCs that carried out tasks without reflecting on the consequences. A frightening amount of people appear to be living in such a state nowadays and are ticking time bombs that merely react to stimuli without any kind of introspection.

But harnessing this unconscious beast and dealing with its quirks is the burden we have to carry as humans and as hosts and it should not be shoved onto tulpas. At least not permanently.

Also what makes us humans so incredibly successful is our adaptability. People can and will get used to almost anything, both good and bad. We're social animals and as such are constantly influenced and molded by our peers and society and do not exist as isolated subjects. Like tulpas we are feedback loops, the product of interaction with both others and ourselves. This opens enormous perspectives but also poses great danger. Where is light there's also shadow.

More about this tomorrow, tupper says I need to sleep...