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post some fucking video games this time

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2D platformers Anonymous 08/06/2017 (Sun) 19:02:32 [Preview] No. 10993
Do you think 2D platformers with anime sprites are still viable? I've been thinking of making a platform with Sonic physics set in the slippery snow, except instead you play as a cute armless ice skater who has to fight by slashing enemies with her kicks. The world would be a fantasy environment that encourages you to explore like Donkey Kong Country 2, and the gameplay would punish you for misjudging your speed or timing as you burst through ice walls.

I am concerned that the current generation only cares about Unity engine and 3D games. I might not even be able to break even if I ever sold the game, and to be honest It's hard to motivate myself to make it if I'm just doing it for free.

Anonymous 08/06/2017 (Sun) 19:48:31 [Preview] No. 10994 del
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I know the free-range animus have skyrocketed in price, but if you can strike a deal with a good moé farmer I think it's possible to source some good high quality moé locally. You just have to keep it a niche seasonal product for limited audiences, and hope it doesn't become a global fad among faggot hipsters. Because then you get the scalpers and the whole operation is just fucked, like retro gaming.

Anonymous 08/08/2017 (Tue) 17:45:34 [Preview] No. 10997 del
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Do you want to become a GORILLIONARE, or do you just want to be a small doujinshi/indie dev? Moreover how the fuck are you going to distribute your product? Like, it's cool you're making a vidya, but if your goal is to strike a profit, you're going to have a hard time.

Anonymous 10/12/2017 (Thu) 17:13:36 [Preview] No. 11298 del
Yes probably, can't imagine all these Steam/Vita cross launches have been deliberately pushing themselves into the maw of defeat.

You would get one published on Vita today, definitely, to a moderate success if its any good. The magic of Vita is that it really peaks the capability of a handheld of its kind of design. It's still sellable 10 years from now if it even gets some price drop form hardware improvement like it has gotten to this day. And since its proprieatary it avoids the market competition from PC even though it's really fast and loose with its dev kits, apparently they sell it to anybody for like 1000 bucks no strings attached, just a registration as a dev.

I genuinely believe it's a gold rush to an existing middle-low budget install base waiting forever to happen simply because nobody has faith in "old" consoles, and devs are shooting themselves in the same foot they should be using to do some legwork. It's like waiting for a more powerful console to launch although a more powerful handheld has no demand, especially against the Switch. And if that's the case you should release on Steam/Switch instead, although I hear it's a crapshoot of being personally approved by a Nintendo 'Creative Fellow' (an actual title of Miyamoto, e.g.)

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