Frogger Anonymous 03/31/2016 (Thu) 09:59:43 No. 569 del
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Let's talk about Frogger.

frogger was an arcade game back in the day created by konami about a frog crossing traffic.
The gameplay was fun and simple and innovative for it's time.

in the late 90's, konami partnered up with hasbro and mad a new fogger game for the ps1 and pc simply called "frogger", that game bought new things like 3deeee and actual level design and a story... it was good and difficult.

then 2 years latter, a sequel was created called "frogger 2: swampy's revenge" it was for ps1 and pc and it was an improvement in every way from it's predecessors like a new playable female frog! let it be known that frogger was the first franchise to be truly diverse.

in the early 2000's, konami wanted to make frogger "edgy" and "hip" so they made him talk, wear a bookbag and strech him out a bit.

there were 3 ok games for this new "edgy frogger" at it was all good.

then in 2011, konami made a new bland reboot to frooger simply called "frogger" on the 3DS.

where did all the talent go? this new frogger on the 3ds was bland and boring as shit and it wasn't even funnily edgily bad like the edgy froggers... such a cash grab...

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