Princess Svenningsen#badfox 09/08/2024 (Sun) 03:46 Id: 152c68 No.232702 del
He used any means necessary to ingratiate himself with her and please her. Daji liked animals, so he built her a zoological garden with several rare species of birds and animals. In addition, he ordered musicians to compose and choreograph lewd music to satisfy her musical tastes.[7] He also constructed his "pond of alcohol" and "forest of meat" specifically for Daji.[8] At one point, King Zhou gathered 3000 guests to his wine lake.[7] He allowed the guests to play the cat and mouse game nude in the forest to amuse Daji. When one of King Zhou's concubines, the daughter of Lord Jiu, protested, King Zhou had her executed. Her father was ground in pieces, and his flesh fed to King Zhou's vassals.