Princess Svenningsen#badfox 10/05/2024 (Sat) 19:35 Id: b21763 No.233748 del
I watched the first 30mins of it.
But the way Lucifer of talking in old English(the way the subs translated) was extraordinarily difficult to actually read and see what was happening on scene. Especially for a movie like that where the director relies heavily on visuals to communicate abstract emotions. Albeit, Lucifer was debating with God about the free will and some other things. But I had to keep pausing it to understand what Lucifer and God were debating. So, 30mins turned into an hour.
>Mandatory reading in high-school.
That's nifty. I don't think we ever had to read epics that large in scope.
I did watch the Son of the White Mare.
I really enjoyed the scene with the griffon. I actually had to pause it and tear up for a moment.
Also, the dragons were awesome.