Princess Svenningsen#badfox 10/26/2024 (Sat) 22:34 Id: 35db6c No.234177 del
You know something.....
Churches seem REALLY bad lately. I'm not talking about the decline of churches. I'm talking about the overall quality of churches have taken a massive decline. I tried going back to churches and they seem..... Off.... Like the pastor could give two shits about you and only sees you as a paycheck or someone who has money to donate. When you don't donate, they throw you aside like a used napkin. Granted, most of my encounters are with Baptist churches and they have a reputation for being far out there cult types (which I've been to a few). Even in the best of times. But, I went to different denominations and..... Everyone there is old. Like, suuupppeeerrrr old. Especially Lutheran and Methodist churches. It's really jarring and alienating when you're the only male there under 65.
Additionally, I'm not sure what's going on with seminary schools... But they seem to be cranking out a uniform pastor mold. As in, all the pastors have the exact same personalities, message, demeanor. But, change with their message slightly depending on the flavor of denomination you're with. Surely I'm not the only to experience this?