Anonymous 05/21/2024 (Tue) 04:31 No.68934 del
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Actually she would have saved/fixed me. A month into the relationship I told her about my suicidal desires and she seemed to really care about me, I was/am also a little anorexic and she forced me to eat. I remember kissing her many times while she ate and we laughed. She even pretended to be interested in video games for me. In summary she was a bit perfect, I think she was one of those girls who are so organized that they fall in love with chaos. In the end she kinda wanted to remain my friend but I broke all ties like a faggot kek. I basically haven't thought about her at all since then but a few days ago I was on a celeb thread on /b/ and i discovered that she was literally Bella Thorne but in a semi-Jewish version. I thought about showing my celebros the resemblance, but it turns out she deleted her Facebook or something. I can't find her and there are no photos of her saved on my cell phone, I deleted them all. I remember even throwing away a letter and a gift she gave me. Yes I admit it, it's over, but deep down I never wanted to be saved anyway :/ I think