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Israelis Attack Food for Starving Palestinians in Gaza Reader 05/16/2024 (Thu) 00:55 Id: 61dc9f [Preview] No. 22549
A mob of Israeli settlers were filmed attacking a Jordanian truck convoy delivering desperately needed food aid to Palestinians starving in Gaza under Israel's blockade. Videos shared on Monday showed Jewish men, women and children trashing the aid trucks while laughing and waving Israeli flags. Under Israeli government supervision, Israeli settler mobs have been attacking Jordanian humanitarian aid convoys en route to Gaza. They are advocating for the mass starvation of Palestinians in the Strip. Zionist gangs even brought children with them to help destroy aid for the suffering population of Gaza. The World Food Program director Cindy McCain said earlier this month that parts of the Gaza Strip are already experiencing a "full-blown famine" and the situation is only getting worse.

Meanwhile, Israeli occupation naval forces are firing at Palestinians who are fishing along the shores of Gaza, as Israel blockade of all crossings into the strip, leading to starvation and Israeli civilians under the protection of Israeli police have been throwing parties in the streets to block food aid from entering Gaza for months now.

Congress voted to give Israel another $26 billion in aid just last month : https://www.informationliberation.com/?id=64425


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