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Insulting National Socialism or Hitler or promoting jews will be banned immediately.

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/rwg/ Revolutionary War General: The End Edition Anonymous 04/03/2024 (Wed) 21:57 Id: abfb7d [Preview] No. 93063 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
/rwg/ serves as a record of events; we do not endorse ANY illegal act. All posters in this thread are Patriots. NO FEDCOATS. By posting here you denounce the talmud and accept Christ Is King.
/rwg/ oppose the federal government in favor to each state's individuality. Our purpose is to discuss, share news, and share information on this subject

Anti-Fed States

>Declaration of Nullification Finalized
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sage NAMEFAGGING IS HARMFUL 05/10/2024 (Fri) 22:22 Id: abfb7d [Preview] No.93639 del
>Now you see why you don't come to end/pol/ in favor of that fucking shithole.
This is all actually far more than I care to think about.
Really no difference between a chan and a kun to me so long as my posts aren't being deleted and I'm not banned for being an uppity niggerfaggot.
>so far that's never happened here
Anyways the other retards and or glowniggers who were maintaining this 'general' thread on 4chen seem to have fucked off so I'm calling it a day lads.

Anonymous 05/18/2024 (Sat) 23:51 Id: cc5f7a [Preview] No.93751 del
Uhh ok. lol

>visiting 8krap

LMAO even

OP, visting that garbage website is no good for you. Do you remember how bad it was in 8ch?

That site owner screwed you over once in the past. Why give him a second chance to do it?

sage Anonymous 05/30/2024 (Thu) 01:59 Id: abfb7d [Preview] No.93846 del
>OP, visting that garbage website is no good for you. Do you remember how bad it was in 8ch?
>That site owner screwed you over once in the past. Why give him a second chance to do it?
JW at least hasn't done a smear campaign in the last 5 years.

Anonymous 05/30/2024 (Thu) 02:08 Id: 06dd44 [Preview] No.93848 del
He's a filthy jew pigfucker.

Anonymous 06/08/2024 (Sat) 16:01 Id: 44c36b [Preview] No.93892 del
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>JW at least hasn't done a smear campaign in the last 5 years.

I don't get it. How is defending a botnet with loads of spam free speech though? You know that speeches can be staged right OP?

Defending Hitler and National Socialism General Anonymous 11/27/2019 (Wed) 15:20 Id: 88987e [Preview] No. 77267 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
ITT: We defend Hitler from claims such as that he was a jew working to establish Israel/etc.
From a "French" jewish anti-Hitler website:
<The shady things about Hitler sustaining the idea he was a zionist jew
Authored by "hexzane527".
>1) First of all, in a country dominated by jews as was Germany during the 20's and the 30's, it would have been impossible for a hostile goy like Hitler to come to power. When they control a country, jewish leaders don't let hostile goyims take back the power. So, the rise of Hitler is unbelievable, especially in such a short period of time.
hexzane527 seems to have no idea how revolutions work at that. 10 years isn't a "short period of time" first of all.
Hitler's takeover wasn't democratic or such at all. It was purely a result of the peoples' will. Von Hindenburg appointed Hitler the chancellor, and through that Hitler took over in 1933. He wasn't elected.
>2) The reaction of Hitler about Dunkirk is also incredible. He can capture the entire English army. But what does he do ? He let them flee. What !!? And the Hitler's pretext is that he had a great respect for England ! Wtf !!? No, only a traitor acts like that. A real nazi would never have done that.
>He did that because he was a zionist jew. And as the war was a fake one, he had to let the english army flee. Otherwise, England couldn't have continued the war. And the USA couldn't have made the D-day and won the war with the USSR as it was planned.
How childish. If you look at the two options here:
<Hitler respected England and the English people to the extent that he actually said he wasn't willing to shed their blood for war.
<Hitler was a Zionist jewish puppet which is why he let them escape!!
Which one is more reasonable and realistic?
Second, Dunkirk wouldn't have affected the war with England at all. It boils down to Lord Halifax or Churchill becoming prime minister. Halifax could've accepted the position of PM, and he was for peace with Germany. The mason Churchill being one of the worst warmongers of the 20th century he would have still been stubborn enough not to accept the peace if Hitler bombed them at Dunkirk.
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Anonymous 05/17/2024 (Fri) 19:34 Id: 79d640 [Preview] No.93720 del
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Anonymous 05/23/2024 (Thu) 19:21 Id: cdd050 [Preview] No.93785 del
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Posting this finding
>Claims stem thst this is photo of georgr soros in waffen ss

This is beyond pathetic attempt at making the stupid strawmann of they are deym yathzees
First of all that Waffen ss unterschar furer is oscar groening, the book keeper of auschwitz labour camp
The face is completly different than of young soros and especially soros had no glasses
Third and most important factor

Anonymous 05/24/2024 (Fri) 07:50 Id: 1d2868 [Preview] No.93787 del
What's more: That black and white image is of Oskar Gröning. He died before he could serve time for fake atrocities. Jews whine about this across many articles.

Anonymous 05/24/2024 (Fri) 10:22 Id: 8e4104 [Preview] No.93791 del
That is most definitely not him. But I'm not even surprised so many crap are made.

Anonymous 06/08/2024 (Sat) 15:58 Id: 3cf514 [Preview] No.93891 del
>this is soros
Nah that's not him. Too skinny and /fit/

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Invitation to Endchan's Fourth Christmas Special! Anonymous Global volunteer 12/15/2019 (Sun) 10:10 Id: 96d170 [Preview] No. 77736 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Discussion thread:

No politics. Please leave it up here for a few days, even if it's inconvenient, maybe someone is interested.
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Anonymous 05/03/2024 (Fri) 03:23 Id: fd2ca7 [Preview] No.93544 del
Right. Only Cary Grant and Fritz Feld.

Anonymous Admin 05/31/2024 (Fri) 19:24 Id: d0c9ef [Preview] No.93849 del
June 1st, at 9 and 20:00 UTC.

Ain't a lotta Jews here.

Win some lose some.

Anonymous Admin 05/31/2024 (Fri) 19:28 Id: d0c9ef [Preview] No.93850 del
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Forgot this.

Anonymous 06/01/2024 (Sat) 09:25 Id: fd2ca7 [Preview] No.93852 del
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Anonymous 06/08/2024 (Sat) 15:52 Id: 76f350 [Preview] No.93889 del
Ehh, it's a little pretentious. But I think this was the film director's first movie though. The other 2 clerks movies weren't so good though

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Tired of the CUCKOLD Dollar that enables income tax and endless NIGGER HANDOUTS? Monero Ends This! Anonymous 05/11/2024 (Sat) 06:13 Id: 9548e1 [Preview] No. 93644 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Tired of the CUCKOLD Dollar that enables income tax and endless NIGGER HANDOUTS? Monero Ends This!

end diversity the the nigger jew dollar cult

No Border No Nation Monero Fixes this. You will never have a border with a printed corrupt dishonest dollar. You will never have a border with jews stealing white labor and spying on all white transactions through the banking aparatus. Then you will never be able to stop jews from giving niggers endless handouts.

jews do not let white communities have borders
jews enforce diversity throguh the barrel of a gun
is the new economy of the WHITE MAN!
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Anonymous 06/04/2024 (Tue) 05:34 Id: 9548e1 [Preview] No.93864 del
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Kim doesn't give endless handouts to niggers. Rather based.

Anonymous 06/05/2024 (Wed) 02:52 Id: 8a4fff [Preview] No.93877 del
North Koreans are anti white faggots who swallowed the holocaust fraud pill just as much as the west.

Anonymous 06/08/2024 (Sat) 15:49 Id: 169a4f [Preview] No.93888 del
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>Kim doesn't give endless handouts to niggers. Rather based.

Dude, did even like read the post I made >>93750?

I wasn't even talking about any other races or anything. I'm was talking about how much of a pathetic and weak slob kim john whatever looks like.

But you're not gonna read my post anyway. You're just here to shill your altcoin so we mass buy it and then you sell it when the price goes really high. It's okay I get it.

Also, the only reason North Korea is still a thing is because of China. They're the ones keeping the lights on in that place. Maybe they feel bad for the people there. I don't know. A lot of people smuggling going on between every state surrounding North Korea though.

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Humour thread Anonymous 04/04/2024 (Thu) 21:54 Id: 8d07b5 [Preview] No. 93076 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
is this board too slow for an humour thread?
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Anonymous 05/28/2024 (Tue) 01:17 Id: 26782d [Preview] No.93832 del
The left one doesn't make sense. Is it geniuses or drooling retards? Can't be both.

Anonymous 05/28/2024 (Tue) 06:43 Id: 9ad99e [Preview] No.93833 del
I think it goes on reference of a bell curve where the smart and very dumb people basically have same convictions compared to midwits rhat are a majority of population who like to overthink etc things
There are actually many of such altrough format itself is mediocre at best

Anonymous 06/03/2024 (Mon) 23:56 Id: d81b05 [Preview] No.93855 del
You can absolutely have issues and conflicts when the low IQ and very high IQ arrive at the same conclusion, as the former derives the correct decision by instinct whereas the latter does it through empirical thought (and instinct).

For example, low IQ people avoided the vaccine because having their rights taken away and being told to do something for a donut seemed like faggotry. High IQ people recognized that vaccines take decades of human testing before they're safe based on all scientific history, in addition to knowing that jewish pharmaceutical companies and big government has centuries of abuse aside from banning any research into the long-term effects or being able to sue them. Both arrived at the conclusion that the vaccine was a jewish poison and compliance-control method before rejecting it.

Anonymous 06/04/2024 (Tue) 07:59 Id: 26782d [Preview] No.93871 del
>Both arrived at the conclusion that the vaccine was a jewish poison
Not really. Those who are anti-vaccine and either don't research to find out the vaccines were jewish controlled or flat out refuse the information because "hating jews is bad" are the fucking idiots.

Anonymous 06/04/2024 (Tue) 13:37 Id: 9ad99e [Preview] No.93873 del
>You can absolutely have issues and conflicts when the low IQ and very high IQ arrive at the same conclusion, as the former derives the correct decision by instinct whereas the latter does it through empirical thought (and instinct).
it was not because i had a problem to conclude how both are basically the same but differ in perception my nitpick was led onto bell curve as a meme format since i saw a lot of them applied on it where it didnt make sense as its scientific finding

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Vitality by Exercise Anonymous 05/17/2024 (Fri) 15:59 Id: 86e805 [Preview] No. 93708 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
This idea of the niggers being remnants of Homo Erectus, the kikes being Neanderthals, and the european-asians being Cro Magnon. All competing for control over the planet. This idea made me rethink about an older idea I once had.

What does an athlete needs to stay in top form?

What does a nation, civilization, or ethnic group needs to stay in top form?
But not just moving the body, exercise here is meant in a more wide and general sense. Existential exercise. Exercise to keep existing.

Some guy once conveyed that same idea of "exercise" as "struggle", and that idea is much much older than that. Far preceding the world wars, but this is not the point.

Now, what about the niggers and the jews? From the point of view of an european or an asian?
They, niggers and kikes, particularly the kikes, are mostly destructive and often parasitic, inside european civilizations. The moreso if one accepts this idea that they are distinct humanoids entirely, and that they instinctively want to destroy all competition, and destroy all europeans and anything created by europeans.
So the first instinct, of any european person free from brainwashing, of just wanting to remove all the niggers (and other alien foreigners) and kikes from the european lands, is not a misplaced impulse.

What I'm about to propose, is about what to do with the niggers and jews living outside the european lands. Should they be eradicated too, or not?
Given an hypotetical scenario where they have already been completely kicked out of all europe (and america and asia, if you want to include them too), what to do with the niggers and kikes living elsewhere?

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Anonymous 05/24/2024 (Fri) 08:11 Id: 6a6e8a [Preview] No.93788 del
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>Same can be said about german national socialism, you can only judge the results. What lasting immunity did that short time grant the german people? Nothing.
Watch it. You can easily catch a ban for that kind of bullshit.
>were only a little bump over the total submission of germany to globohomo in the following decades
Because kikes overwhelmed little Germany with their corruption over major empires that were post monarchies.
>After cleaning up the damages done by the kike hold over europe, it's of most importance to reinstate the discipline of exercise
Again, you're projecting thoughts about the future and not a solid plan to first remove kikes.
>or as you summed up, everything gone wrong will just repeat itself.
No. You suggested everything would go wrong after jews are removed. I say otherwise.

>I don't think there is any particular plan or strategy in exercising the will to live.
I thought your particular plan was to keep the kikes around to build up an immunity? Right?
>random philosophizing about basic survival needs boiling down to "people need nourishment"
>it's all an individual matter, and the individuals will shape the group they are part of.
Groups have hive mentalities. The hive now, as they have been for decades, is bending over for ZOG. That's not just Germany. 14 nations of Europe have harsh penalties over rejecting the jew holocaust fraud.

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Anonymous 05/24/2024 (Fri) 08:29 Id: 6a6e8a [Preview] No.93789 del
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>There is no plan, just to stay in the midst of things, in the midst of people, in the midst of time, in the midst of the people who share your history and spirit, and to Live with great decision.
I live in the midst of the wrong people. The ones who surround me on a daily basis are not my people. That is thanks to jews.
>Dominance over manipulative people, like jews and not only, is best exercised by indipendence of thought and action.
I already possess that. It gains me nothing but bleak awareness.
>As there is nothing a manipulator hates more than being uninfluential and lacking control over others.
If only the others were more rather than so few.
>So if a jew, or if a byproduct of jewish corruptive activity, tries to block your path, or tries to divert your route elsewhere, you keep moving on where you intended to go, where you decided to go by your own will
>and judgement of reality, and if necesary you run over anyone blocking your path, never stopping, never slowing down, you make no concessions nor put up your own decisions to a trade in exchange for some tranquillity.
My path continues towards death, as does us all, with no end to the jewish control over my people with the intent to replace us. Our dominance has already been replaced. Those monarchs you labeled as weak at least held control for centuries. .You criticize National Socialism for the end result. Yet what Hitler did was everything you just described. His attempt at least resulted in 12 years of solid tranquility for Germans. What tranquility do Americans and Europeans have now? Not a moment of it.
>Anyone giving up on asserting themselves because of the fear of getting harmed, has already lost their will to live, and with the loss of that will has also lost his future.
Public shooters assert themselves without the fear of being harmed. Then they're harmed. They not only frequently fail at their tasks - they strengthen worldwide Zionist control through the jewish victim complex.
Your continued pontificating really doesn't offer any practical solution to the above mentioned problems. I feel as if I'm typing to Socrates. Philosophizing vaguely in a roundabout way does not solve issues.
>What are these traditions and things fought over by your ancestors you are talking about?
>You don't need to tell me, just, in that answer lies the vitality which your ancestors passed over to you, and the vitality over which you must act, or disappear if you fail to act.

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Anonymous 06/04/2024 (Tue) 00:23 Id: 301d1b [Preview] No.93856 del
>What I'm about to propose, is about what to do with the niggers and jews living outside the european lands. Should they be eradicated too, or not?
Jews have to be annihilated everywhere, domestically and to the ends of the Earth. Even assuming they hypothetically were all migrated to one containment zone on the opposite end of the planet, time and time again for millennia that they are incapable of not acting out their parasitical tapeworm nature from across the globe. They are responsible for cyber-terrorism and ransomware attacks, they conduct false flags as a regular matter, and openly engage in assassination / terror campaigns. Besides this, they control financial arms and -will- loop other countries into war with Europe even if it spells their own destruction. They have to be viewed as an alien species from a different universe, only thriving on death and evil, for that is what they are.

Mohammedians and the like were successfully beaten away by White Europeans and removed from maritime piracy very successfully for hundreds of years; they're just not really a threat when kept in their own lands and away from European and White soil. Blacks equally so just return to their traditions of eating each other and spending time in the shade, when aid is cut off-- I think the problem solves itself, except for when White territories are threatened such as Rhodesia or South Africa.

I don't view these people as an exercise in struggle to better one's blood and folk, I view them as a series of parasites damaging an otherwise glorious and healthy body. They have to be removed, and their presence doesn't build up one's strength or character.

Anonymous 06/04/2024 (Tue) 03:20 Id: 6a6e8a [Preview] No.93857 del
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Precisely. I only view OP's suggestion to keep jews around as a means to build up our immunity "because greater evil would show up" as a subterfuge. There is no such thing as a greater evil than jews. As you said, our white ancestors were always perfectly capable of fighting off any others. That is, until jews were thrown into the mix. Now there is influence we can't fight against. Only by freeing our own minds, not the masses. For those minds we free, the mind is often re-brainwashed in a short period of time and their opinion of the one who freed them sours.

I had a patient rant at me today about the W.H.O. and how much that org pisses him off. I said nothing. I've been at this for many years. I know to rant in the same manner would make me look as crazy to the dimwitted normie masses surrounding me. What this guy possessed was a minor awareness of the problem, believing he's onto something major, but what he lacked was an awareness of the solution. He clearly doesn't even know about kikes controlling these orgs.

Whether peaceful or violent, nothing is accomplished significantly by one-self. No lone shooter ever raised a massive revolt by picking off regular civilians, jews or not. No lone bomber ever raised a massive revolt by blowing up any populated building.

There is only one solution and many ways to accomplish it.
Are what we need on our side. How we go about this is the difficult part. Start with 9 men and walk door to door converting people who convert those they know - for 13 years with some minor press joining us until we amass around 11 million. That's a long fucking time and none of us has the willpower or patience for it. Besides, people will sometimes turn us away or re-brainwash. Maybe even most of the time.
Another means is artificial numbers. This solution is more of a pipe dream than the first. You would need to create an android brain based exactly off of the human version. One with failsafes to prevent tampering or anyone looking into the code or the brain self-destructs. Ensure the parts are cheap enough people can pay for one the same amount as a car, with monthly payment plans. Service centers may repair any part of the android besides their brain, the operating system. The failsafes have to exist because they'll have an underlying code to exterminate all jews - something no brainwashed twat should discover and re-write. The masses would pay you a lot of money to mass produce domestic androids who will do their chores for them. Yes this is more far fetched. You'd either have to be a millionaire able to afford people with specific educations, or much less likely- be a lone genius capable of creating this on your own.
Required employees might be: neurologists and human biology majors, electrical and mechanical engineers, electricians, network architects, software engineers, app developers, UX designers, chemists, machinist mechanics, technologists, roboticists, IT specialists, scientists, programmers, hackers, computer repairers, prosthetists, craftsmen and sculptors.

I don't know exactly. I'm just spitballing here. Daydreaming. Fantasizing.

Anonymous 06/04/2024 (Tue) 03:33 Id: 6a6e8a [Preview] No.93858 del
A third more practical and modern solution would be to amass 12 individuals of varying skills to hijack the public opinion and influence the masses. Fixers. All with the same goal but capable of actions such as hijacking news satellites and hacking popular websites. You could gain numbers that way far easier than taking the route of Jehovah's witnesses.

I do not fucking give a shit about faglet/troonlet/copterlet sprogs. They were already retarded and gullible to begin with. They deserve to be fucking beaten to death with mallets.

By the way, trannies and attack helicopters are neutered retards that were never male or femoidal to begin with. They're too fucking retarded to bone retarded sprogs or kill themselves, and the only "pronouns" you should refer to them as are "it/its".

Anonymous 09/02/2023 (Sat) 03:44 Id: e85eda [Preview] No.91007 del
I'll refer to them as male when they're biologically born male and female when they're biologically born female. Those stupid spoiled cunts like to recite the phrase "gender isn't real". I like to respond with, "No, tricking yourself into believing you're a different gender than your born genitals is not real. It's make believe. You're fucking pretending."

Anonymous 02/25/2024 (Sun) 18:08 Id: 92f0da [Preview] No.92721 del
Just mention chromosomes. It's not that hard. They will argue about their "internal identity", but you can refute their logic by pointing out their superficial and external actions.

Anonymous 02/26/2024 (Mon) 12:34 Id: e85eda [Preview] No.92723 del
They're often too stupid to even understand what that means. You can't argue logic with the mentally insane.

Anonymous 05/26/2024 (Sun) 18:16 Id: a4774f [Preview] No.93805 del
Where do intersex mutants fit into this?

Anonymous 05/27/2024 (Mon) 01:57 Id: e85eda [Preview] No.93811 del
There aren't near as many intersex as pathetic delusional retards pretending to be intersex. That is what our modern jewed world has become.

Fucking make believe.

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/POLCG/ Politicallly Incorrect Christianity General Anonymous 01/29/2022 (Sat) 19:01 Id: 515ba9 [Preview] No. 86330 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
We will view in a Christian way things like general politics, ideas, et cetera.
For example National Socialism in a Christian way, Neo-Confederatism, Christianization, Christian Fascism, anything.
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Anonymous 03/08/2022 (Tue) 14:36:56 Id: 05bb89 [Preview] No.86721 del
Oh look, it's random words guy again. I'm not a FED with access to some government database so how about you fill us in?

Anonymous 03/11/2022 (Fri) 04:21:36 Id: 4f9796 [Preview] No.86736 del
No SS didn't do that. That's just edgy hollywood mythology

Try explaining this in layman's term or in plain English for normies

Anonymous Board owner 03/31/2022 (Thu) 16:35:08 Id: 590c0b [Preview] No.86994 del
I'll just leave this here, yet again, because of the rambling homosexual kike I just banned and deleted his posts, both for claiming the same tired old lie and posting gay porn. The Hasbarat shills never get it. There is no freedom of speech for jews here This is the corner of the internet where all degenerate kikes must fuck off.

Anonymous 04/17/2023 (Mon) 06:11 Id: 25a8fd [Preview] No.90277 del
Is OP still active? Awesome thread btw

Anonymous 04/21/2023 (Fri) 21:18 Id: d53656 [Preview] No.90322 del
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read moar learn moar

SERIOUS WARNING From Lara Logan Anonymous 05/22/2024 (Wed) 17:14 Id: d53b71 [Preview] No. 93770 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
IMPORTANT: For four years under the current administration, the border has been effectively open. We have yet to see the full consequences of that, but I have been investigating this & it is worse than anyone thought. There are people inside this country now who are far more dangerous than those who carried out 9/11 and hardened by many years on the battlefield. The obvious reason they would infiltrate a country with people like this in significant numbers is that they’re planning something. These are not the type of people who would come to America for a better life. This comes from multiple sources - external & internal - whose identities need to be protected for security reasons and because this is a national security crisis that has not been addressed. Stay tuned.

Take note of those who attack me for this reporting - there’s a good chance they’re operatives or being directed by someone else and too stupid to realize they’re being used. If they say they are “patriots”, it’s probably not true or maybe they just aren’t very bright.

This is a very serious & detailed national security situation & it is ongoing so I cannot say more than this at this time.


Anonymous 05/22/2024 (Wed) 19:45 Id: 49c169 [Preview] No.93775 del
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Well well. If it isn't Lara Logan who claimed gangrape in Egypt. The people who carried out 9/11? You're biased because you were paid to lie about flagpoles being forcefully stuffed up your ass. Convenient how your camera battery died the moment thousands of Egyptians were alleged to rape you, isn't it?

The 9/11 attack was caused by jews and you were one of the thousands of distractions from that fact. No bitch formerly from CBS jews gets to claim otherwise here.

SOROS Leaks https://www.mediafire.com/?gtq8e8aw3jpj0 Anonymous 04/17/2024 (Wed) 17:08 Id: 88014c [Preview] No. 93377 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

Anonymous 05/18/2024 (Sat) 23:58 Id: 954b72 [Preview] No.93753 del
Mmmkay here's a leak OP. His Brazilian wife divorced him and owns half of everything he owns.

Anything he earns, he splits it in half with her.

Is that a good leak for you OP?