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/go/ - Golden Oaks General #3 Anon 05/13/2024 (Mon) 03:37 [Preview] No. 10357
Welcome to Golden Oaks! Sit back and get /comfy/ and dive into the vast amounts of data across the web that has been generated by the MLP fandom.

What is Golden Oaks?
Golden Oaks is /endpone/'s archival and analysis thread devoted to the rather broad topic of the fandom itself. Active archival is a major feature, but a variety of topics are also active points of discussion. From analysis of trends and situations, to self reflection and representation (Some /tech/ discussion related to that end is welcome as well!).

What is Golden Oaks not?
Golden Oaks is not for the simple dissuasion of the latest scandal within the fandom or gossip about X. These subjects maybe relevant at times in the discussion of certain happenings and periods within the fandom, but the thread itself shouldn't dive into drama without reason.

What is this place?
This is the Endchan's pony board. While we are microscopic we have regular posting and a fairly distinct culture as can be with a handful of anons and drifters. /go/ welcomes outside contributions. Feel free to look around.
Current /NMAiE/: >>8915

A new thread has been created:>>10356 /culture/ (...and More!) for better discussion of certain niche topics and deep dives when this thread is too cluttered or topics that maybe too tangential but still useful.

Earlier /go/ Threads:

Pegasi Anchor Anon 05/13/2024 (Mon) 03:42 [Preview] No.10358 del
(5.55 MB 359x360 PegasusAnchor.gif)

Special anchor post. Reserve for only impending shutdowns of websites or mass deletions (or at least when the there is a high potential for such).

Stuff like this:>>8116,>>8983,>>9248

Cerberus Anchor Anon 05/13/2024 (Mon) 03:50 [Preview] No.10359 del
(220.62 KB 800x450 CeberusAnchor.png)
General Updates

Updates on the various archiving related activities of the thread. Not every little update of course, but stuff that maybe more worthy or certain milestones. Completed scripts, important progress and what have you. Use your own discretion.

Posts more like this:>>>8361, >>9068, >>9174

Anchor Anon 05/13/2024 (Mon) 03:54 [Preview] No.10360 del
Other Stuff

An anchor for everything else that might be worthy of highlighting. Again, use your own discretion.

Posts more like this:>>8195

How can I get involved? Anon 05/13/2024 (Mon) 08:22 [Preview] No.10367 del
(1.08 MB 788x535 Odds_and_Ends.gif)
Anypony can get started with something! Here is a simple (and incomplete for more in depth stuff) guide to for some suggestions on starting out.

Simply starting out:
Individualized archiving and keeping of records (especially interested in basic accounts and timelines of websites, see:>>4085). If you have any memories to share, that is nice as well! Even old screencaps and old accounts of what a place was like! {If thread seems too busy or it seems a bit off form main objectives, I again point to /culture/:>>10356)

For videos: Youtube (and other many other websites!) YT-DLP is the best thing available right now.
Don't forget the comments!
yt-dlp with --write-comments or this script here: https://github.com/egbertbouman/youtube-comment-downloader which That we had been using in the past rather intensively. NOTE: both not working for me as of writing this, uncertain if broken by a Youtube update or just something wrong on my end, don't have much time to test at the moment.

For full websites, the best option is grab-site from the Archive Team. It is a specialty tool that archives websites in the WARC file format:
Note that Windows support is experimental.

Using Linux, you most likely have Wget already installed, it can do simple websites and single web pages easily enough, although more complicated sites will NOT work well. Can do WARCs, but a bit problematic(see:https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Wget_with_WARC_output) You can get a version of Wget with Powershell on Windows, but it is very different under the hood. By default, Windows does come with its own version of curl as well. I'm not sure how useful either of these are in archival context compared to their Linux counterparts at least potential usefulness in some situations. There is a version of GNU Wget for Windows but it appears to be very outdated.

httrack is a program that has seen some use around here in the past. It might have a use but it's web crawls are incompatible with WARCs:
It does have Windows support and I am still interested in investigating potential uses (weirdly, it sometimes was able to grab complex sites relatively well for me) but this is much lower tier option due to no-WARC support, it's own separate web-crawl format, and uncertainty of how active the developer is now.

Linux: You might want to have this installed for the tools mentioned above. No fear, you can do that in Windows now!
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/linux/install (need to look up some better Youtube tutorial or something.)

More questions! Anon 05/13/2024 (Mon) 08:34 [Preview] No.10369 del
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More advanced:
This is very broad and something I don't feel like I can even attempt to cover with any sort of justice right now. A whole host of issues are faced with archival right now. There is significant issues on several fronts. All of the free data and generous terms of the 2000s and 2010s internet are dying. Plus a rise in censorship and desires to rein in the old civil libertarian spirit of the Internet (for good or ill, one cannot deny that a lot of things will be wrongly caught in the crossfire) Endangering too many things to count. The central archives that underpin a lot of web history are also under potential risk for a variety of reasons. One bad lawsuit or the wrong person calling it quits (in the case of someplace like archive.today or The Pony Archive) might mean the loss of YEARS of archive work. I don't believe it is within the average person means to save everything everywhere but if a lot of people put a little effort a lot more could be saved then we expect if these places ever go down. Realistically, any long term advanced archiving should take these factors into account.

Hardware: This really deserves it's own section. Simply downloading and storing fair bit is pretty easy now and can be done with Potato PCs and a few external hard drives. Full on data hoarding with a plan of keeping something available years or even decades requires a bit more careful planning.Plus plenty of inbetween! From an old Optiplex, cheap default configured NASes to full on enterprise grade servers. There is a lot of set ups that could work for a lot of different people. One thing to remember though: multiple backups! Not everyone can go full 3-2-1 method but unless your storing it short term it is good to have two copies of something at least. Also learn about bit rot!

For some of the terms you may see around here frequently (needs expansion but this is a start).

InterPlanetary File System: something that has been getting a lot of use around here lately. It is a distributed decentralized network and protocol. Think BiTTorrent without a central server (but more than that) would be a simple TL:DR. I like what Archivist said here on it:>>10173
>General idea, from one perspective. Are you interested in BitTorrent, but wish it was as elastic and expansive as the web? IPFS may be your solution! It takes good ideas from various things, such as HTTP and BitTorrent. Similar to the web, which has many various things, try not to rely on others to host IPFS data. In BitTorrent you can somewhat rely on other peers to host "important data" (read: some retarded TV show/movie/anime/video game/etc.) forever. Can't expect other peers to host your HTML or folder forever.
I could also invoke comparisons to ZeroNet and Freenet but I think those might be more obscure!

Web ARChive: a file format that is designed specifically for archiving websites. This isn't the same as downloading a single web page and is, to simply put it, much better at getting a site intact than most manual scraping.

Z File System: /g/, r/datahoarder, and many techbros best and only choice for the storage of anything ever. Using anything else is retarded by some people's definition. Very good for long term storage and protection against bit rot. Lots of other useful features! Depending on your use case, might not be necessary or ideal.

Useful Links
https://wiki.archiveteam.org/ (The website of the archive team)
https://theponyarchive.com/ (The main and largest archive of the fandom right now)
https://desuarchive.org/ (Main archive of /mlp/ posts)
https://www.youtube.com/@DeletedPonyVideos/ (Randomly uploades deleted pony videos, sometimes useful, though it ain't the Library of Alexandria)
(Plenty more could and will be added here at some point).

Note: I consider this guide to be incomplete and will hopefully have the chance to expand it in the future or even add a section or two. Certainly better guides for Windows users and more tools/archive links for othe

Odds and Ends Anon 05/13/2024 (Mon) 09:38 [Preview] No.10370 del
(596.19 KB 1370x724 551.png)
Alright, this thread is now finally started! It only took like, what? 1 month late! That is the story of my life most of the time. Like most things, these can be a bit bumpy as I am often rushing to post while I have good Internet speed/access/uninterrupted time. All three of which sometimes come at a premium.

The guide is imperfect. Really, there is a lot of issues I could expand on. I focused on introductions to someone who is totally new to this and clarifications of a handful of things but I feel this could be better. Any suggestions here are welcomed of course.

Speaking of suggestions, /culture/. Anons were sometimes ambivalent on spiting the archiving section of the thread with the history and analysis sections. I understand both sides and have gone back and forth myself. I am not going to ban cultural analysis and history here or archival on that thread as I feel the subjects are too intertwined. Right now, I consider /culture/ to not be a full split but a optional place where some topics can be moved too as needed. Will see where it goes from there.

Something I would like to highlight. YT's Comment Converter:>>8361 and Feed-Analyzer programs:>>8413.I still haven't given up on these even if my life has been... complicated at times.Wherever you are, you still have may enteral salute. As I said before, no pressure to restart on these yourself, though if you ever come by again, you're more than welcome on /endpone/!

Archivist, what can I say? You might have a chaotic posting style but you are saving TBs of data constantly. You also get pic related! Though, don't put pressure yourself, alright?

There are plenty of more anons who have contributed and lurked here. I thank you for your contributions and wish you all the best!

Anon 05/13/2024 (Mon) 14:11 [Preview] No.10373 del
Previous thread:
. HTML: >>9086
. JSON: https://endchan.org/pone/res/9086.json

To get the JSON/API version of a thread replace the "html" at the end of the URL with "json". JSON URL of a 4chan thread:

Showed up as binary data non-basic text jibberish in Megalodon for some reason. BTW, ウェブ魚拓 was updated to newer software or whatever in the start of 2024-05. Similar websites (rev.2024.05.10):

rsync information (has a duplicate "-S, --sparse" section):

Anon 05/21/2024 (Tue) 07:48 [Preview] No.10381 del
2019 video not in TPA - "13 Kitchen Hacks And Decor Ideas":
. Beheaded pony
. Unicorn milk

2018 video not in TPA - "16 My Little Pony Hacks And Crafts":
. Russian text, DIY "life hacks"
. There was maybe two or more other MLP-related videos by this channel, but I didn't bother

2023 video not in TPA - "Twilight Sparkle Inflation Spell Animation (Watch Carefully At The Description)":
. reupload of an original animation
. small channel

Booru.org is likely shutting down

Anon 05/22/2024 (Wed) 10:09 [Preview] No.10386 del
Sexy mare:

YouTube videos, accessibility - "Administrator has disabled this endpoint." (works without "&local=true" but with no proxy):

Working proxy (also "itag=18"):

Doesn't get >720p with those numbers. "Even downloading at a low resolution such as 240p or 360p still is infinitely better than nothing (0p)." --https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/YouTube

Anon 05/22/2024 (Wed) 11:09 [Preview] No.10387 del
videos.json from WBM, pony-related channel now has at least one hidden video:

Related to this channel which has some/all videos in TPA:

I see that you linked to "Comments Converter":

Haven't learned a lot about that software, but I guess it does this: takes .info.json with YT comments -> outputs HTML where you can easily read the comments on the YouTube video.

>Sexy mare
Also Roseluck:

pfp from npr video:
>https://web.archive.org/web/20240520154214/https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=MN-qXPyIDAs "Places to Avoid Getting Cut or Stabbed at All Cost"

Anon 05/22/2024 (Wed) 12:22 [Preview] No.10388 del
In the previous thread I saw that gateway.ipfs.io is gone (redirects to ipfs.io). Not so bad, I found that site to be unimpressive. Worse: cf-ipfs.com seems to be gone now too (3-test). It redirects to ipfs.io or dweb.link: both of which performed significantly worse than CF gateways from what I've seen (TTFB). #FuckGoogle image from cyb.

>httrack might have a use
Use case: for some reason you can't use GNU/Linux and are like stuck with Windows 7. I have have tried various versions of wget for Windows and they were all horrible/unusable for writing .warc.gz
>but it's web crawls are incompatible with WARCs: https://www.httrack.com/
I was wondering about that in the past. Now I know.

Anon 05/23/2024 (Thu) 00:48 [Preview] No.10389 del
>website archive.today
I recommend also using that site because Wayback Machine (WBM) sometimes deletes stuff. Multiple times, it seems that I got blocked from archive.ph. If I go there now in Brave, it shows a white page with the message "Welcome to nginx". However, if I go to that site in lynx browser, it works as expected.

Was saved here - video file showed up yesterday in WBM but not today:

HTTP 403:

Working proxy:

>cf-ipfs.com redirects to ipfs.io or dweb.link: both of which performed significantly worse than CF gateways
I think I first noticed this in 2024-05-21 UTC. A 2024-05-20 12:41 UTC capture of cf-ipfs.com (no redirect to non- cf-ipfs.com):

That text file is basically this:
># The Great Web
>The Great Web is a web that lasts. It is based on three simple ideas.
>## Access
>Anyone who can store secret and compute digital signatures can use the Great Web. Humans, robots, animals, plants, and even mycelium can use it without discrimination and limits.
>## Immutability
>Particles in the Great Web can survive through spacetime thanks to frozen content addressing. So the Great Web can last indefinitely.
>## Universality
>The Great Web is built by connecting particles through cyberlinks. The result is universally acceptable language, dynamic but understandable and acceptable by anyone.

Anon 05/23/2024 (Thu) 10:30 [Preview] No.10390 del
My little pony spotted at the beginning of this episode of a shitty commie series:

( ebook blocked by Pinata: https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafykbzacedpavr5qwaqwdmckccacz3nx42yicq27jh63t54nc35aemm5wih7m )

Anon 05/25/2024 (Sat) 10:10 [Preview] No.10395 del
Post on pony butt (cross-thread): >>10394

>My little pony spotted at the beginning of this episode of a shitty commie series:...
Also maybe in the "eat the bugs" episode (pic related):

The premise of that series is stupid. A group of girls get stuck in the Canadian wilderness, in a forest, due to a plane crash. Plane crash survivors couldn't make it back to society after like a year. Just burn down the forest. That would get the attention of someone who could save you. And/or learn to live nomadically instead of continually living "stranded" in the same place.

Anon 05/28/2024 (Tue) 10:07 [Preview] No.10406 del
(555.34 KB 755x1024 BB.png)
Certainly, pony references in the media count as on topic, even if briefly, in my book.

The comment converter formats and sets up the YT videos to be used in a archive fashion where they can be viewed with avatars and more easily readable than YT's infinite scrolling format (that was the idea anyway). Examples here:>>8381

>Booru.org is likely shutting down
Never liked that place but still a shame considering stuff might be lost in that mess.

> "Even downloading at a low resolution such as 240p or 360p still is infinitely better than nothing (0p)
My mentality as well.

>I was wondering about that in the past. Now I know.
Found something of interest though not a full solution. National Library of Austria has tried to make a program that converts crawls:
Maybe not the most active development and has some potential issues of its own but good to note.

Anon 05/29/2024 (Wed) 08:48 [Preview] No.10409 del
Here is a shortened link ( info page at https://mub.me/yxUpk/stats ):

Informs me of 2022 video not in TPA - "MLP:FIM | FULL PMV | Princess Celestia & Princess Luna | Tribute 8 | Running Up That Hill":

Interesting. Also include httrack files to avoid possibility being called faked WARCs.

Anon 05/29/2024 (Wed) 09:04 [Preview] No.10410 del
I think I did download this channel in the past:
>Walk of Life PMV (Time Capsule Version)

While posting to Endchan on mobile there's a bug where an image attached to a post you made days ago gets automatically attached to the post you are currently writing. Press x to remove attachment. I didn't notice that and that's what happened with that post.

Anon 06/02/2024 (Sun) 10:40 [Preview] No.10415 del
How to download WARCs of .onion sites: use Linux+torsocks+wget. Linux+torsocks+grab-site doesn't work, but there might be another way to do that. Seen as deleted but linked in DDG as:
>The Uncensored Hidden Wiki - GitHub
>The Uncensored Hidden Wiki is an open, community-driven directory of uncensored onion services accessible on the Tor network. This repository serves as the central hub for maintaining and updating the list of onion addresses, providing users with unrestricted access to the diverse content available on the deep and dark web.

pfp from npr video
>https://web.archive.org/web/20240531124523/https://invidious.protokolla.fi/watch?v=HF7ZlfJfIz8 - video by anti-reaction-content idiot
Channel w/that pfp has some MLP videos

Anon 06/02/2024 (Sun) 11:17 [Preview] No.10416 del
In the previous /go/ thread 2 torrents - 4K MLP and 4chan-mlp - were seen as too offline. They are now both 100% available! Size of both combined = 1.5 TB.

In the previous thread it was pointed out that Google Cache no longer exists, so maybe Yandex Cache has that page which is in neither WBM nor archive.is:

Another 404'd non-archived webpage - text from DuckDuckGo Search:
>뚜루루리 11/19/2023 (Sun) 19:40 No. 423 del. ni-chan http://plnemlsyla6h5t3nuoz2algzmy635ceuendnjwsmhwn2os5fxahshiad.onion/

Anon 06/04/2024 (Tue) 07:10 [Preview] No.10419 del
(596.19 KB 1370x724 551.png)
Always useful to know. Thanks! Has their ever been any pony .onion site, specifically? I imagine with how technically inclined the fandom is, probably. Note, not talking about tor gateways on their own.

>mobile bug
I want to say I encountered this on desktop, but, it's been YEARS at this point. Like that is back in 2019.

Anon 06/04/2024 (Tue) 08:49 [Preview] No.10424 del
2022 video not in TPA - "[PMV Collab] Back to You" (original animation, artsy):

I have tens of gigabytes of subdomains from there, including this WARC (20-image gallery):
. https://cmcfeet.booru.org/ - small
.. https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafybeid3uiq57oapdhqsgt52jqdva4zc22nzomj7kqsj5bbug4frw2773m/cmcfeet.booru.org-2024-05-15-5add2f64/

About that subfolder: this -- https://archive.ph/?url=https://dweb.link/ipfs/bafkreidnzznfkc5dpkf37mjcqmlhbtyyewyd7zmwtwuraqm6mv6cvresia -- is a file in ../[...]. When trying to save it to archive.is, I got the "link shows up for my IP address but not archive.is's" which sometimes happens with dweb.link. https://archive.ph/wip/... timed out on the initial capture request. The odd/interesting part was the URLs that archive.today showed in /wip for that. It showed Cuckflare captcha -- https://dweb.link/cdn-cgi/challenge-platform/h/g/orchestrate/chl_page/v1 -- which I saw Protocol Labs add to ipfs.io recently/before. That's disturbing, but not my focus. That /wip URL also showed this non-Internet-routable IP address link -- -- which reveals something about how archive.ph or dweb.link works internally.

>Has their ever been any pony .onion site, specifically?

Anon 06/04/2024 (Tue) 23:15 [Preview] No.10425 del
I think I can recall some novelty stuff existing but I wouldn't know (and be traveled enough) to know every small corner of the Internet. Technically, this very site is a .onion ponysite (and primarily how I access it) and is an odd random coroner of the internet.

I presume you are talking about:>>10381
Weird that place is dying off. One of those places than has been around for ever but feels at this point like a rundown dead city like Detroit. Empty and broken, and yet, life still persists. I hope the displaced communities there can find better homes.

>National Library of Austria
Not on my bingo card. Why would they be using something like httrack and not some over engineered and hopelessly out of doubt corperate product? httrack sort of fits the bill on being a little dated but in my experience it isn't shit. It actually works pretty well and I believe I have seen it used to archive some early fandom chan content before.

Anon 06/05/2024 (Wed) 09:36 [Preview] No.10426 del
Thinking I didn't download this pony-related channel (banner attached):

2013 video not in TPA - "Bring me to life [PMV]":
>How can you see into my eyes like open doors? Leading you down into my core where I've become so numb Without a soul, my spirit's sleeping somewhere cold Until you find it there and lead it back home (Wake me up) wake me up inside (I can't wake up), wake me up inside (Save me) call my name and save me from the dark (Wake me up) bid my blood to run (I can't wake up) before I come undone (Save me) save me from the nothing I've become Now that I know what I'm without, you can't just leave me Breathe into me and make me real, bring (bring) me (me) to life (Wake me up) wake me up inside (I can't wake up), wake me up inside (Save me) call my name and save me from the dark (Wake me up) bid my blood to run (I can't wake up) before I come undone (Save me) save me from the nothing I've become Bring me to life I've been livin' a lie There's nothing inside Bring me to life Frozen (frozen) inside without your touch, without your love Darling, only (only) you are the life among the dead All this time, I can't believe I couldn't see Kept in the dark, but you were there in front of me I've been sleeping a thousand years, it seems Got to open my eyes to everything Without a thought, without a voice, without a soul Don't let me die here, there must be something more Bring me to life (Wake me up) wake me up inside (I can't wake up), wake me up inside (Save me) call my name and save me from the dark (Wake me up) bid my blood to run (I can't wake up) before I come undone (Save me) save me from the nothing I've become Bring me to life I've been livin' a lie (bring me to life) There's nothing inside Bring me to life

pfp from npr video
>https://web.archive.org/web/20240605074853/https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=oHEUKgmGcTY - main/only problem with TF2: aimbots; Way less important problems = IRL harassment, digital chat spam
Channel "ImmaLittlePip" has some MLP videos.

Anon 06/05/2024 (Wed) 09:49 [Preview] No.10428 del
> >>10424
> I presume you are talking about:>>10381
Yeah. I replied to that post but didn't quote "booru.org". Can make another simple post for replies on that for progress/info.

So I had an actual "Connection error" (not spam filter on .ws TLD), or .ws + paragraph of text = filter.

Emo Twilight Sparkle doing science

Anon 06/05/2024 (Wed) 10:20 [Preview] No.10430 del
2014 video not in TPA - "My Little Pony Nightmare Moon Evanescence Bring Me Back to Life" (more than 7 million views!):

Image = recent featured Twifag image
Wonder if this is directed at someone specifically

Other image: 20ez 512M tile; there was a Doge 2048, what about an MLP 2048?

Anon 06/06/2024 (Thu) 08:02 [Preview] No.10431 del
(482.29 KB 2048x2048 3204933.jpg)
2014 video not in TPA - "My Little Pony Nightmare Moon Evanescence Bring Me Back to Life" (more than 7 million views!):
This is one of those things that shows that is always good to double check. Something can be prominent and everyone thinks someone else must've got it but no one did. I remember that video! Wasn't something of a fav but I would just randomly click through stuff and I saw it a few times.I might... might have it downloaded somewhere when I was trying to go through the old emo and edgy PMVs and other related pony content in some early archive attempt.

I think I recall this channel too but not for any of their content; I remember the name sticking out in comments of other videos that weren't MLP related. Now, maybe a different commenter but I think this is the channel. Two for two in vague nostalgia today!

>I think I can recall some novelty stuff existing but I wouldn't know (and be traveled enough) to know every small corner of the Internet.
Perhaps I should rephrase that question. I wonder if there any dedicated pony sites with their own purposes or communities that were hosted only/primarily on .onion? I would think so but know of none.

> Technically, this very site is a .onion ponysite (and primarily how I access it) and is an odd random coroner of the internet.
True, but this .onion, and a place such as Derpibooru's, are only alternative gateways to normal internet sites often the case for me as well.

Anon 06/06/2024 (Thu) 12:51 [Preview] No.10433 del
2014 thread which includes an anon "dumping the shitty ocean book":

Some of the images are 404'd and I have some/all of those here:

"Host"=older. "Resource type"=newer. WBM discriminates against porn "resource types".

I have an incomplete WARC of that.

Anon 06/10/2024 (Mon) 11:22 [Preview] No.10441 del
2012 video not in TPA - "(PMV) Applejack - I'm Yours [1080p HD]" (small/medium-size channel):

I didn't see any MLP thing related to the 1963 film "Bye Bye Birdie"; title song:
Similarities to MLP:
- Girly
- Saccharine sweet
- Happy/upbeat music
- Retro/older (G1 spin on it if you want)
- No reference to species ("hands", "pony")

"Better" or "more sensible" than some things which have been "ponified". Also, I could imagine a simple animation to go with it if someone wanted to try their hand at animating.

Speaking of music, this is one of the best sets from this specific radio program - "Sub Focus Essential Mix 2023 - BBC Radio 1" https://invidious.incogniweb.net/watch?v=Mgc5UNDaySQ ; for the most part: I like it and think it's a banger.

From a torrent, so maybe won't be very online - "My Little Pony Vänskap Är Magisk":

Anon 06/12/2024 (Wed) 20:02 [Preview] No.10445 del
I basically searched Twibooru for this:
("human on pony action" OR "pony on human action") + "ai generated" + ("futa" OR "gay")

I found only a small amount of search results.

>cf-ipfs.com always redirecting to ipfs.io
Also unfortunate: cloudflare-ipfs.com has been redirecting to ipfs.io for ~weeks now. For example, this file which was deleted off of archive.org due to getting too many "bad" comments:

CF gateways are basically all redirects now, so those are "no longer a thing". Users sometimes dislike CloudFlare for the right reasons, and sometimes for the wrong reasons. I can see Clownflare having less of a presence as being a positive. For example, when Cloudflare goes down (in the past/future) there was a big Internet blackout. That's one of the bad things about stuff being so heavily centralized. Crimeflare - criticisms of Cuckflare and whatever:
. http://crimeflare.eu.org/
. https://0xacab.org/dCF/deCloudflare/-/blob/master/README.md
. https://gitea.slowb.ro/dCF/deCloudflare
. https://geekflare.com/find-real-ip-address-of-website-powered-by-cloudflare/
>You cannot pass this invasive “browser check” without enabling JavaScript. This is a waste of five(or more) seconds of your valuable life.
>Do you really think Cloudflare has 100% uptime? You have no idea how many times Cloudflare goes down. If Cloudflare goes down, your customer cannot access your website.
>Cloudflare similarly prevents many people who have poor internet connectivity from accessing the websites behind it (for example, they could be behind 7+ layers of NAT or sharing the same IP, for example public Wi-Fi) unless they solve multiple image CAPTCHAs. In some cases, this will take 10 to 30 minutes to satisfy Google.
>In the year 2020 Cloudflare switched from Google's reCAPTCHA to hCaptcha as Google intends to charge for its use. Cloudflare told you they care in your privacy(“it helps address a privacy concern”) but this is obviously a lie. It is all about money. "hCaptcha allows websites to make money serving this demand while blocking bots and other forms of abuse"

>Similarities to MLP
Forgot to post: "cute/beautiful/sexy"

Anon 06/12/2024 (Wed) 20:55 [Preview] No.10446 del
I found it interesting to think about and experience how gets "lost in transition". In 2024, I uploaded a "many" images to Derpibooru (some/all autocopied to "altboorus"). I did that until I got permabanned for a stupid reason; wow that website went downhill. When uploading, I knew the source (mainly image file links and not webpages), but didn't include it in the upload most of the time. Just included the image+tags. More generally speaking, data can be shared like this:
1. Just the data
2. Data + minimalist metadata (title, tags)
3. Data + medium metadata (description, etc.)
4. Data + high metadata (filename, timestamps, etc.)

For De'p'u I was doing level 2 basically. For this other thing (blockchain/cryptocurrency-related) I was pretty much doing level 1. Even with only low/no metadata it can in some cases be a monumental task to "archive many things" or "all that you've got".

More on this topic: [insert here]

Also, I wrote a great IPFS alternative to individual image webpages to replace boorus. It doesn't do search result galleries (yet?).

Feeling like Ann-Margret is sexier than the other girl (in "Mad Men"):
. https://invidious.incogniweb.net/watch?v=s4TqjpcZ4Ow
. https://invidious.incogniweb.net/watch?v=zWxgk2y5RDA
. https://invidious.incogniweb.net/watch?v=FV-IbKB5dlo

Anon 06/12/2024 (Wed) 21:00 [Preview] No.10447 del
^*I found it interesting to think about and experience how information gets "lost in transition". In 2024, I uploaded "many" images to

Helpful to provide even just an image file link in the source field in the likely event that the booru does not support no-derive images. (Also helpful to do that for other reasons.) Pic unrelated.

Anon 06/13/2024 (Thu) 20:50 [Preview] No.10449 del
Videos of interest / rewatchable:
. PMV, LSD trip... https://endchan.org/.media/fc5dcd255243b8b233c96db1c2ae3c8b-videowebm.webm
. AI, harsh audio, neat https://endchan.org/.media/5d76809e813984402091e316e1f34152-videowebm.webm
. AI, less harsh audio https://endchan.org/.media/66230b33312a448be7043e6ca37383a9-videowebm.webm
. MLP parody of the opening credits of Friends https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafybeibb465xhmnuk3yiu2nlozuyhem7nnxtnwvwhpkoonubvtirrwfp6q
.. video file https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafybeige7xhxvnc7mx74tizlvilqwtzlkhfezgbz3p7btaqmx6ol2e6gr4
.. metadata:with tags https://sabrig1480.xyz/ZaxMXc6onnl7rzhHgmnYq7QanpQIkCTxH15LVQ2KdgM
.. metadata:time https://aralper.xyz/UwD_MnJn6U0rME_tyaQK8sFir7nwJBI9n7sKA6XcF-Y (showed up like 6 minutes later after AR add)

"5XX Server Error - Twibooru" captured here:

In the previous thread this question was asked: is there any Shonen anime-based MLP fanfic? Did see any of that, but I saw something similar... (BTW, Shonen animes are sometime/often formulaic.)


Time taken to rsync 15,989,596 mostly 1MB files (8,715,690,568,293 B = ~8.7 terabytes):
2024-06-03T18:54:24.618420660Z ->
= 10 days which was the predicted time at 10 MB/s for 9 TB. Less than 1 TB/day.

Anon 06/13/2024 (Thu) 21:01 [Preview] No.10450 del
>and a few external hard drives
Just make sure they aren't Western Digital 5TB easystore external HDDs; I'm one-million-percent sure that those are terrible and poorly designed, and they fail way too quickly. I think the My Passport external HDDs also suck, but I'm not entirely sure. (Best Buy sells these stinkers.) SSDs are OK for operations, but don't use them for long-term storage. They degrade after one year of not being plugged in (refreshes their electrical charge).

*Didn't see any of that

Anon 06/14/2024 (Fri) 04:30 [Preview] No.10451 del
This image: Rainbow Dash and the girls had a sleepover and repeated a certain phrase a certain amount of times before a candle-lit dark mirror. Unexpectedly, a monster of an unknown species appeared in the mirror.

In the past, there were posts about an IPFS search engine (multiple instances of this existed in the past but no longer work) and findability. Search engines are based on indexes. You can create indices of dags by running this:
>$ ipfs refs -r --format="<src> -> <dst> = <linkname>" [CID]
In the past I created scripts to index a dag (various methods), but sometimes I was annoyed that it would download the data and not just the metadata. Today I had a realization: just running the node as read-only! Haven't tried that, but it should work. (Other problem: shows blocks within files, may not want to do that and only show CIDs of files and not blocks within them.)

Anon 06/14/2024 (Fri) 15:35 [Preview] No.10457 del
Huh, I thought that an if statement like the following in sh wasn't POSIX-compliant. Guess I was thinking of something else - maybe double square brackets?
$ ipfs ls -s \
bafybeifdw3oaaxcdfv5w3zxd4k7btczdcqq75562b3foosfhntspchbbnq/torrents/by_infohash/0a28fe146ed6d80f2e5f2921f1cd39400aa794b2/Ponibooru-Select-Safe \
| head -n80 | grep "^bafk" | awk '{print $1" "$2}' | xargs -d "\n" sh -c \
'for args do cid=$(echo "$args" | sed "s/ .*//g"); \
size=$(echo "$args" | sed "s/.* //g"); if [ $size -lt 150000 ]; then echo $cid; ipfs get $cid; fi; done' _
Pics related

Anon 06/16/2024 (Sun) 03:48 [Preview] No.10461 del
"Secretly/somewhat the next /pag/ thread" now read-only:

When did 4chan remove the "posters in this thread" count?


Of one channel:

2019 video not in TPA - "Timber PMV":

2021 video not in TPA - "Hellfire - MoonLight PMV":

Saw that MLP-focused channel when searching for a PMV of "Moonlight Mile" by The Rolling Stones:
Top 3 comments on that = "Dead friend/family member liked this song."

Anon 06/16/2024 (Sun) 05:38 [Preview] No.10463 del
I've done some analysis, and it seems that Endchan rewrites every single image that I post. If true, this is bad and is worse than what 4chan does. Here's a test of 2 PNGs, 2 JPGs, and 1 GIF with links to original images below. (Endchan image files are named by MD5 hash + MIME type.)

1. JPG, MD5: 8d004ae26a49089a16829efcc6f5bf43

2. PNG, MD5: 55c556f146894d9df78e42a9586631d4

3. JPG, MD5: aa6ca96c19b66babee493164566b0115

4. GIF, MD5: b131704afaf666ed659d3b886787e0e0

5. PNG, MD5: e9e4608809fbc762b519f3e767c9aa00

Anon 06/16/2024 (Sun) 05:47 [Preview] No.10464 del
That's Vitória Fumo UCiuinS6t_wUf1f_nZ7A9Q9w and I'm downloading it via the "script":

Oh good, 5/5 images untouched (upstream=downstream so sanity check=passed). Seems I had bad info or a misunderstanding. If I wrote a password on that post, maybe (probably not) I'd delete it to not "look dumb".

Anon 06/16/2024 (Sun) 09:02 [Preview] No.10465 del
Didn't cross my mind until now: I could have went with a "nuclear option". If you post pony porn there, then there's a chance that jannies will delete all of your posts. More likely if you also post text along with the clop which enrages those Internet janitors. Would be curious to see what would happen in that case. Maybe a "thread rebirth". 499th post in a thread=last bump possible + 500th and after=no bump possible. If the bump limit is reached then most of the posts in the thread gets deleted, leaving like 100 non-deleted posts, can the thread be bumped again? Perhaps I'll find out in the future.

I finished downloading that:
Step 1=done (find)
Step 2=done (download)
Step 3=TODO (redundancy+share)

Pfp of that channel with PMVs attached.

( BlackGryph0n commented on some video about making transparent wood: https://web.archive.org/web/20240612111022/https://invidious.incogniweb.net/watch?v=uUU3jW7Y9Ak )

THREAD SUMMARY Anon 06/16/2024 (Sun) 14:50 [Preview] No.10473 del
At least one anon says that I don't explain things well enough. However, spending all my time explaining things feels like a waste of time to me. It is beneficial to those looking to easily understand though. More work explaining things below:

I know some users are interested in thread summaries and information being more easy for anyone to understand. So, I will summarize part/all of this thread "very roughly": https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41078194/ with post numbers for more details. I'll explain it like a story/encyclopedia maybe. The OP has 3 goals in mind: visibility and revitalization/restoration of 2 torrents, image dumping with metadata, [and sharing insights or info]. The torrents are imageboard images+4K Esrgan upscale of MLP:
>Twilight Sparkle had a sign in front of her house with a book drawn on it - the logo of the Golden Oaks Library?
>\ Sizes:
>417 GiB [Loyaldk] My Little Pony 4K Upscale
>1058 GiB 4chan-mlp
The 4K one is about 24 FPS and maybe not color corrected (41078233). That post links to another 4K MLP thing. Interest expressed in 4K; mlp leaks mentioned; audio of MKV files=ac3 5.1(side) + aac (LC) stereo and subtitles=subrip. 3 images with metadata posted. Imagining DJ Pon3 DJing a specific set that was played on BBC Radio 1. 3 images+metadata. It was seen that one cannot upload MP4 files to Derpibooru.


And how long did it take me to write the above and below?
Like 10 minutes? Would have been faster typing on a better computational device. Something I want to know: is there a block explorer (or transaction/item explorer) for this -- https://arscan.io/address/5sqfubD1WdH2zrUcdf60uhXTofOjiJBBo3-wvV0z7P8?tab=items (example) -- which works in a CLI or as an API? How could I get the hash of those pages of items without web scraping it? (Guess I will webscrape this other MLP-related address in the meantime.)

THREAD SUMMARY Anon 06/16/2024 (Sun) 15:04 [Preview] No.10474 del
*get the hashes of those pages of items [hash of each item]

Thread summary cont.: MP4 files can be uploaded to Twibooru, but it shows up as a 404'd video file for hours after.
Twibooru (philomena) markup is stupid when dealing with underscores in the description field. Criticism of 4K which I don't think is really valid:
>Meh. Small details still look like a blurry mess.
5 images+metadata. Imagination: DJ Pon3 is now playing the Justice Essential Mix. "Deanonymized", remembering /pag/. 2 images+metadata. An anon claims that he'll "seed [4K] until [his] house burns down".

THREAD SUMMARY Anon 06/16/2024 (Sun) 15:15 [Preview] No.10475 del
Subject field gets cleared each time I post. Thread summary cont. 1 image+metadata, More Derpibooru stupidity:
>"unicorn" implies "horn", but what is actually seen in this image is this: unicorn=true, horn=false.
BitTorrent peer with 100% didn't show up for everyone: blocked in some way maybe. Ugh, I don't really want to summarize this, so I will just lazily quote it with fix(es):
>I guess you have a better setup than me: larger storage and automatic backup. I have been uploading/downloading torrents for more than a year straight with a [somewhat] constant uptime, started in 2022-10. (Of course I messed with torrents years ago, but not with a significant seeding duration.) I can host about 4.5 terabytes of them at a time. I have more than 5 TB of torrents, but not a good system to be hosting that much all at once. Over said one and a half years I went through 2 or 3 HDDs, and I copied the data to another HDD before they died each time (mostly). I have ~90% of my torrents in two different HDDs (one cold and one hot). My best uptime with IPFS is [85] days straight; I reset this uptime to zero if it ends up offline for more than about 12 hours (has been offline for days now so it got reset recently).


IPFS uptime now = roughly 25 days straight.

THREAD SUMMARY Anon 06/16/2024 (Sun) 17:41 [Preview] No.10476 del
"Pinkie's Brew" is a song from "Friendship is Witchcraft" which is related to or focused on present-to-past time travel:

1 image+metadata. HDD working constantly for like 4 years straight, as he later corrected himself:
>I doubt [my setup is] any better. Some would probably say it's too fragile, but whatever. An Odroid HC2 with a 10TB ironwolf drive, and a 1000/1000 connection in and out my house, that's it. Ghetto compared to what you seem to be doing with backups and whatnot, but I've been running with that for like 5-6 years now, constantly up, constantly seeding, never had any problems. Who knows when problems will appear, but I try not to think about that.
>\ While we're at it, the fat leaks I am seeding. Misspoke, it's not 400gb, but 212 gib. Still good stuff for whoever is interested.

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