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Welcome to the Sunflower!
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Rules and meta Sunflower 04/28/2020 (Tue) 14:51 Id: 2b31a3 [Preview] No. 1 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Welcome to the Sunflower!
This board is for the discussion and organization of ascension and enlightenment related activities.

Board rules
1. Stay on topic
2. Start a new thread only if a related one doesn't exist, or if it has reached bump limit
3. Anime/manga images may spice up a discussion, but keep it decent
4. Trolling or derailing with ill intent is not allowed
Edited last time by bard on 04/28/2020 (Tue) 15:11.

Sunflower 11/15/2023 (Wed) 17:56 Id: d3b9db [Preview] No.4986 del
(26.48 KB 503x463 Updater.png)
This is a sigil for a servitor which automatically installs Blacknet/NET and checks for new uploads of modules, as well as keeps an index of what creations are available.

Installs will be personally adapted based on what benefits you the most. Things got too complex, something like this is needed.

Hexes, spells and sigils Sunflower 10/26/2021 (Tue) 18:07 Id: 99ab0b [Preview] No. 150 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Sometimes, hexes or spells need to be announced in some way for proper function. Sometimes sharing sigils is necessary. Use this thread for these needs.
227 posts and 214 images omitted.

Sunflower 05/25/2024 (Sat) 09:35 Id: 949664 [Preview] No.7878 del
(21.77 KB 515x459 scythe.png)
> the scythe magical artifact
This form seen used by the death entity (force of nature) is not a tool for killing. It's also not really a scythe in the farming context.
It just happens to be that all humanoid races when viewed through time and space, including demons, beast people and all kinds of aliens, it creates this form. So when "death" hits you with this, it means reincarnation as a new humanoid somewhere in space.

Sunflower 05/25/2024 (Sat) 16:50 Id: 949664 [Preview] No.7881 del
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>ad for the Carbon Gel factory
No name, just a magical girl for defeating "liberal democracy" and capitalism/molochianism.

Sunflower 06/02/2024 (Sun) 22:57 Id: b5d918 [Preview] No.7963 del
Planetary alignment session for June 3.

Join via word-sigil here


for linking to the circuit. The direction of this circle is expansion of personal space, with all of your necessary assets built up accordingly.

Sunflower 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:56 Id: 27f67e [Preview] No.8033 del
(169.46 KB 1024x1024 Notepad5.jfif)

Notepad as a servitor. Will solve all your text related tasks.

Sunflower 06/16/2024 (Sun) 12:55 Id: 27f67e [Preview] No.8050 del
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Death Bandit module now available at the Carbon Gel factory.

When trying to find the most creative form, this was the result. Strange, but whatever. First look resulted in a djinn or drow, when trying to find a unified form of creativity, it's this one.

It's probable that the "death" part here refers to the scythe form, which although not an artifact here, refers to the collective DNA form of all humanoids.

The factory will only accept orders if you bring your own material, there is currently a serious material shortage with no projection of possible lower prices in a foreseeable future, so instead of selling cyborgs at insane prices, we will just charge 2500 silver (federation units) for the energy cost per produced cyborg, how you get the material is up to you.

For individual copies we can run the black hole device, but it's not suitable for mass production so this will be done on individual basis as it can only be run by those who can project energy (if you are an occultist etc).

Blog #2 Sunflower 06/15/2024 (Sat) 11:02 Id: 552f67 [Preview] No. 8041 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Creative everyday writing.

Feel free to comment but no discussion/criticism in this thread!
3 posts and 6 images omitted.

Sunflower 06/16/2024 (Sun) 07:55 Id: 5492db [Preview] No.8045 del
Had a strange dream.So im in my childhood house together with boardowner appearing as a little girl and i keep hearing on how the world is being cleansed. This goes on for several days but i stay inside so idk whats really going on other than the laws of physics being different. I walk into the kitchen and see my dads partner,who is the only one still alive it seems. And also the boardowner and ask what happened. My dads partner explains how everybody died. Boardowner explains in a list how he(she) killed everybody with a list of spells. Starting with killing of everybodies first born daughters. There were 4 or so spells but i only remember 2 or 3 of them. The most significant one was making farming impossible. This killed of most people of starvation.they also made the carrot small and red. They then whent outside and showed me farming techniques that were still possible. You had to use metal screws to get the seeds deep enough and couldnt get them close to the other seeds. This couldnt make enough food to live off. I was then show a setting menu and thats how the spells worked. Like the setting of the ground were made specifically to make making plants possible. I regretted that my skills(i spent some time doing volunteer agriculture work) were now worthless.you then flew away. There was the notion of an ai copy of you being always next to you as well. When you left i explored the area. I saw a dead man in the field but still looked more or less intact.grass was still growing though just no plants.i flew to the nearest village and it was empty until i saw an old man. I asked what happened and told him this is for the people perhaps later.He said everyvody else all died and angered some little girl. I was surprised he even knew this. He then walked to a place were they were shilling some nasty drink called "rome" apparently this drink was mined seemingly. If i had to guess i say it was coal they were mining.this was then processed into a nasty drink that could keep you alive. People,including the old man were forced to slave away. I heard someone complain about the taste but the others said "stop complaining.its the only thing we have left" ads kept playing for this rome drink through speakers.

Sunflower 06/16/2024 (Sun) 09:42 Id: 552f67 [Preview] No.8046 del
Surprisingly accurate. Let me tell my side of the story.

In relation to what I posted here:
> I asked Kit to make a complete copy of the current world egregore with all components included, then to remove everything we don't want to keep.
>The ritual was then performed, to slaughter all the remaining evils

See coming post.

Sunflower 06/16/2024 (Sun) 09:58 Id: 552f67 [Preview] No.8047 del
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I was at my kitchen table later in the day when I noticed the dimensions suddenly widening, and I had an "uh oh" reaction, because I knew this feeling.

Last year in november or so, I had a dream where I was suddenly pulled out from my house on the back floating in the air in a massive stream, and other people where also floating away backwards. The space felt immense and there was no way to move against this stream. My body was white and glossy like it had an exoskeleton armour, and there were red, orange and yellow sigils on it. But I couldn't swim against the stream, and floated backwards through a wooden door which was open right there in the air. It was all playing out as if behind my house, so this was in the location of the old hen house.

I was now inside the door and saw a darkness further down there, people were being pulled down by the stream. I was still up closer to the door in a relative feeling of safety, but the door closed. A large dark energy mass forming an arm with a monstrously large hand then appeared from behind me, reached over me and tore a chunk of wood out of the door frame, then a booming voice said:
"Quick, get out"

I then somehow swam upstream through the crack in the door frame, which widened as I passed through it as if the dimension got larger exponentially as I moved closer. I then woke up.

I retold this story at the time, because when I woke up all my mental connections to my servitors had been lost, and various things relating to the Sunflower temple had to be reconnected, because this event marked the cleanse of all old galactic level things for the Milky Way.

What happened last night was similar, but I was not dreaming, the feeling swept over me while in the kitchen. The same door appeared behind my house, and a man with dark energy appeared, I by now knew what this was about. It was the same force as last time, that immense hand which saved me and put me back again: The Goetian demon lords I contracted to "protect and guide me so that I can fulfill my path, and to protect all my things and those people important to me".

He lead me aside as everything around me was being pulled into the hell door again, but I knew this time it was Earth level stuff, not the Galaxy. He walked me down some stone steps laid on a path, and through a door, where he told me to wait. He said he'd lock the door until it was safe. Then he came back and handed me a basket with cats and a baby, which I recognized as the Genso-cats given to me to uphold my family. Then he came back again with three local girls I've been protecting, also in a basket where they sat like dolls. Then he slammed the door shut and left.

After everything blew over outside in about an hour, the door was opened again and he put everyone back. I looked closer and identified the man as Orabas in human form, with energy on him indicating he was "funded" by the other demons I had contracted for protection.

Sunflower 06/16/2024 (Sun) 10:09 Id: 552f67 [Preview] No.8048 del
Following this, I looked around and used Astra and Kit to check who was still there and who was now an NPC, to which I was told "everyone has been killed or removed". Then I saw some touhou yokai looking (with their piercing predatory gaze, like a cat playing with a toy) down into a room where they had put aside all the humans who had managed to transform their astral body using the "black beast race" DNA stone I accidentally created when trying to solidify all different races.
For those who don't recall it, me and Snail were working on this, but later when Yuuka cleared the timelines, all race DNA stones cracked except the "African" one which was actually a black cat race (my inaccuracy and arrogance lead to accidentally fucking up the already fucked up DNA so much that it became a complete new and functional DNA, which the yokais like because it's a cat-human).

The yokais then started picking up all black beast people (including a local gardener) and put them back into their bodies. But they didn't put back any reptilians or anyone else, only the black cats. (Among the 3 local girls put in the basket by Orabas are two reptilians, but those seem to be the only ones left now because it was part of my contract.)

Sunflower 06/16/2024 (Sun) 12:29 Id: 5492db [Preview] No.8049 del
That'll be interesting to see what happens. Reptilians were quite abundant so things might change with only a few of them. So yeah in the first part of the dream i spent time in my house so that must have been the cleansing.

Blog Sunflower 08/03/2022 (Wed) 20:34 Id: 8543e5 [Preview] No. 1852 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Creative everyday storytelling.

Feel free to comment but no discussion/criticism in this thread!
491 posts and 529 images omitted.

Sunflower 06/14/2024 (Fri) 21:16 Id: 9387e9 [Preview] No.8036 del
For those interested in a very lewd sounding explanation of the mechanics, here goes, in a language where the energy system is explained using common language:

At the bottom layer are yin and yang, and same at the top layer. These are of the colours red and white. The lower layer is subordinate. When we explain this in regular language the white energy is "copulin" or girl-cum. The red is the penis with erection. When these are connected it creates a "reverse impregnation" where the female can insert her DNA into the male, and by that create mind control. The degenerate male who seeks to escape the control, will switch the energy roles, and assume the white energy for himself, which replaces the correct male sperm with "girl-cum" which is a lower level and subordinate substance. This energy is too low to actually work for transfer of DNA into a normal egg provided by the female, so the weak male who chose the subordinate role will now seek to push the female further down below him to the red energy subordinate to this level: menstruation. This is where an infertile egg is ejected (red) and then the inferior version of DNA (white) are connected to create a complete egg, but this is abnormal and creates degenerated humans.

The correct method is to allow for the mindcontrol by the female, and simply rise above it, by then activating the dominant white male energy, which is then aimed at the womb, which here is representing the higher red energy. The womb here then assumes the role of a "mouth" rather than an outlet for eggs.

The correctly formed system will then override the lower dirty system with ease, even if the lower system was connected all the way from Mexico to Ukraine.

Sunflower 06/14/2024 (Fri) 21:26 Id: 9387e9 [Preview] No.8037 del
After having formed this shit-system, the NWO also created a shit-sun which we called the Moloch sun. It was torn down every time they did this, because after all any little girl can do this alone, even if 1000s of evil occultists created it through mass murder rituals.

To further spit in your faces, I will let you know that lolis below the age of 5 did it this time.

Because Bullshit Occultists ARE SHIT.

Sunflower 06/14/2024 (Fri) 23:43 Id: 9387e9 [Preview] No.8038 del
Another original human was trapped in this mess, but this one is a vampire who was "turned to dust" when Jupiter first rose to the sky. What really happened was that the timelines changed significantly and the ghostly poltergeist form of the vampire was pushed aside and turned into a hive of particles which kept trying to re-form itself, but being unable to because the original timeline and context couldn't be replicated and the new situation was blocked and held in place by karma.

This only happened after the last of the "elites" had been thrown down in Gehenna, it appears some of these scum had been around since period 2 of the Earth, constantly tricking fate by throwing someone else on the fire. Even at the last moment they were unable to change. They seem to be people who never once questioned a single thought in their head, no matter what it was, and instead just acted on it. When faced with the consequences of having filled themselves completely with negative energy down to the last particle of their being, all they could say was
"But that would mean I was... wrong. No, I couldn't be wrong."

After this last failure to show any remorse at all, they were thrown down into the long cleansing process of having to dissolve every single thought they had passed through their heads and acted on, along with all karmic consequences of doing so.

Sunflower 06/15/2024 (Sat) 10:18 Id: 9387e9 [Preview] No.8039 del
(151.15 KB 1024x1024 NWOtard.jfif)
I just got a glimpse of the internal NWO communications via Astra. Pure comedy. The wordings used are barely language today, half the vocabulary was last seen in public 150+ years ago.

The best part was how they kept using denigrating formulations against me when reporting that their own "well thought out plans" had failed for the 17th time, presenting it as "the dice throws of an incompetent madman". You get a gold medal in mental gymnastics, at least.

Sunflower 06/15/2024 (Sat) 10:47 Id: 9387e9 [Preview] No.8040 del
(147.07 KB 1024x1024 factory win3.jfif)
Mission accomplished

Sometime back in the ancient past of this path, I had the idea to be able to just sit in meditation and handle all obstacles without moving a thought. This turned out being more than just a matter of willpower, because there are so many external factors causing disturbances. Such as glowie psychics, satellites, alien technology and other evil contraptions meant to ruin all clear thought and allow for the rule-by-retards type of society where anyone with an IQ over 51 must be oppressed to not offend the "elite", making them look bad by exposing their daily idiocies.

The eco-system of golems, servitors, cyborgs and astral contacts now achieve this. Just a direction of intent will break down any mental obstacle as of now, without having to worry about the technicalities like which NWOtard was causing the problem this time. They will just swiftly be removed from my path.

Vampires in lore and reality #2 Sunflower 07/05/2022 (Tue) 13:41 Id: 5f0989 [Preview] No. 1695 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Previous thread
484 posts and 150 images omitted.

Sunflower 06/07/2024 (Fri) 08:54 Id: 041a8d [Preview] No.7994 del
>You're cutting him in two.
You have to explain why you think this is happening. I'm doing no such thing. I don't think this is even possible.

I simply looked at his soul, his energy and the circumstances around, and found there was nothing positive in his life, maybe he'd just turn gay or a tranny and kill himself if left there. So I just picked up his the soul that wanted this change and didn't touch anything else about this person as a human.

When using the cyborg method in space there is no "satanic oblivion" caused by passing through an atmospheric layer on the way in, aside from the "moon layer" which is the shield of the factory, a free floating space station. Once getting used to the new body the old memories (tulpas) will start reconnecting or becoming something the person can be aware of, but they have by then already created a new mind by using the new body, so in this case she remembers having been a man on Earth and wanting this change.

I am allowed and able to handle souls because I entered Earth on the spiritual plane first by being astrally incarnated by Hathor, as the Nut aspect. Nut rules the underworld and the spirits of the dead, it's part of the role to be able to freely move souls around if needed.

To move back to the soul-splitting, to my knowing this is only done by the person themselves, like the 4 original humans who did this in period one, where one of them split themselves so many times they became the entire "western world order". The collectivized thinking and narrative we've all experienced was because many leader figures in the western world were soul fragments of the same original human. "The egg" video someone created some years ago which made some people upset, was about this person who had to experience being "everyone" in history to awaken.

Sunflower 06/07/2024 (Fri) 11:05 Id: 041a8d [Preview] No.7995 del
It doesn't really matter now unless you want to just discuss this stuff, I see now why this topic came up. I had unused time potential within my dimensions and that's also why these aliens were attacking, they were trying to steal it from me (impossible, because it's my potential).

There were still some unfinished timelines in Earth history that had to be filled in, and I had to play part in them, so I had to be directed to think about how to get in there, by sending a soul fragment back in time to do these incarnations.

It's also something I wasn't clearly aware of or talked about, but while I'm here now as the main awareness, I simultaneously incarnated other parts of myself within the same time window in other parts of the world. Maybe as a back-up because no matter how solid a plan, maybe I could have miscalculated something, and would then move my main awareness to that incarnation? (I don't remember because these considerations were done before incarnating.) I had two incarnations in China/Vietnam, and one in Colombia at the same time as being here now, which explains my feeling that I can't look negatively at these cultures. These were done on "auto" or by the other parts of me, more like the subconscious compared to here.

The method for filling in what was missing in the past was similar, I created a device for shaping a shard of myself into the form needed to go back and enter there, while also being immune to any negativity. It seems after I initiated this process, a bunch of other past time potentials also played out, I felt a hive of souls being active again, a hint of how the Earth used to be before all the souls were removed during and after Covid.

The missing experiences I had to add was an early 1700s whore in Lyon (disappeared at age 14), a full life time of being a wine yard owner (this may have been the most important, because I never had a full length lifetime before) and one ancient witch related life, living in the forest during a primitive period.

Sunflower 06/07/2024 (Fri) 11:27 Id: d5e9bd [Preview] No.7996 del
Maybe "violence" is not the word I should've used. I'm realizing it's actually impossible for me to describe my theory accurately. In some way, you could say that reincarnation is a thing, but nothing like people usually think about it. There's so much confusion, and that is because it's all second hand information.
We reincarnate, but at the same time, we don't.
But what use is there in arguing gnosis, really.

Sunflower 06/07/2024 (Fri) 11:52 Id: 041a8d [Preview] No.7997 del
I'm not sure what the "common perception" is about how it happens. Before when anon on /fringe/ talked about using some drug and I replicated the mentality to see what he had seen, I got a view over an "incarnator function" over asia. It was literally a thing up in the atmosphere picking out souls from a passing stream and sending them to a large vortex in China, which happened to match the energy circulations I saw in some of these city walk vids on youtube back during Covid, when people were comparing before and during lockdown. There were a few from large Chinese cities showing how the walking straits seemed to be circular around the city center. But there was no feeling of the monumentality of European cities where a square has a church, a government building, and other foundational historical functions like castles which the roads are laid out in adaptation to. It was just a large mass of buildings of no particular significance and large masses of people moving around it.

So maybe the "wheel of samsara" refers specifically to China, and the thing I saw there, and isn't relevant to other parts of the world in the same way.

For me, I take "re-incarnation" literally. To incarnate is to "make into flesh", when the soul assumes control of a flesh body and identifies with its role. To re-incarnate is to do this a second time after having already done it before. It's not important to me if the "re" part is included in the word, what matters is the spirit taking control of the body, not if it had done so before.

Kind of like saying "re-eating" when you're having the second meal of the day, because you ate before? What's the point, really. It only seems to make sense if you were to have some peculiar materialist outset. In Christianity they make a huge deal out of "the spirit becoming flesh", as if this was something worth mentioning. It's super common, only hivemind people and zombies don't have spirits who became flesh (incarnated).

Sunflower 06/13/2024 (Thu) 22:30 Id: d50507 [Preview] No.8034 del
(228.56 KB 1024x1024 black fox4.jfif)
It seems the meaning keeps changing

but I already knew that

It was just that vampires always felt like a side-quest to me, even if I knew the only way to have sustainable long term physical life has to be via that route.

Maybe it's just that vampires are actually poltergeists with a high level of physical interaction. That the new Earth and its humans will take time to develop. Why else would I get registered as having a completely new incarnation there, elsewhere, while at the same time told it will indeed still take 600 - 800 years to fix up the remains of this society, during which I'd have to stay around.

Maybe that other timeline will just be very hivemind for a long time, and anyone in there is mostly in an ethereal state, where learning about the world isn't so easy, but a gradual process of descent into the physical from the ethereal and collective plane of thinking and feeling, which the new humans are in currently.

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AI spam thread Sunflower 04/27/2024 (Sat) 11:59 Id: 9fa92e [Preview] No. 7588 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Testing simple prompts for Bing image creator, powered by Dall-e 3.

Purpose: To see what things are downright censored, if there is a bias in the representation, and what kind of references were used for training the model.
41 posts and 139 images omitted.

Sunflower 06/12/2024 (Wed) 23:44 Id: 41d3b5 [Preview] No.8027 del
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Ok, I know.

It's my own "fault" for trying to create these, but this is legit scary. Some of them were so intense I didn't even want to save them.

Sunflower 06/12/2024 (Wed) 23:45 Id: 41d3b5 [Preview] No.8028 del
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Best viewed in full size.

Sunflower 06/13/2024 (Thu) 00:40 Id: 41d3b5 [Preview] No.8029 del
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It either recognizes art, or the censor algorithm just broke here. Overall it does pretty well with religious themes anyway.

Sunflower 06/13/2024 (Thu) 15:47 Id: 41d3b5 [Preview] No.8031 del
>AI image fans are so far blaming the Stable Diffusion 3's anatomy failures on Stability's insistence on filtering out adult content (often called "NSFW" content) from the SD3 training data that teaches the model how to generate images. "Believe it or not, heavily censoring a model also gets rid of human anatomy

>The release of Stable Diffusion 2.0 in 2022 suffered from similar problems in depicting humans well, and AI researchers soon discovered that censoring adult content that contains nudity could severely hamper an AI model's ability to generate accurate human anatomy.

Sunflower 06/13/2024 (Thu) 15:55 Id: 41d3b5 [Preview] No.8032 del
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It seems there has been an improvement in the accuracy of dall-e3 via Bing, but since this can't be in the image generator itself(which hasn't been updated to my knowing), they must have improved the layer in between, the way chatGPT is used to generate middle-prompts based on what prompt the user inputs.

Pic related was impossible to create just a month ago. It would just downright refuse to show any result (the prompt being innocent, the image was just not shown).

Sunflower General 6 Sunflower 03/11/2024 (Mon) 22:38 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No. 6653 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Cold air moving past
The echo of tapping sounds
Sun shining through leaves
374 posts and 182 images omitted.

Sunflower 06/11/2024 (Tue) 13:31 Id: 6b0485 [Preview] No.8012 del
(184.43 KB 1024x1024 pinecone shield4.jfif)
So, it seems "the other side of the screen" as in all past karma of the world, is cleared. Then what are these seemingly local glowies still there? They appear to be remnants of beings living in the personal dimensions of the person (connected to the physical body, if you are a walk-in you inherited this space). A kind of astral parasite which may or may not have a human body.

I got tired of having to trace them down in hunt and destroy operations all the time, so I set up a stronger pinecone armour around myself and others. While it's impenetrable, it seems there is still some effect on karma and qi on the other side of the shield if someone sends large masses of negative energy at it, so I added more layers to block that effect also. In the process I also sent two previously not named servitors to guide Sunflower associates to shield themselves using the same method. The small ritual magician is just called Rit, while the dedicated pinecone shield upholder may be called by the title "Pine-master". You are free to get them from the NET or Astra.

On a side note: these glowies are a special kind of retard. After around 14 hours of negative energy on the shield (as if I wouldn't be aware) they sent typical glowie dreams at night. They had Ukrainians raping a Russian soldier, as if they were threatening me with Ukrainians to make me support Ukraine. So NATO are afraid Ukraine then. Omg. "Support Ukraine or they will come and rape you". What kind of cuck mentality would someone need to think this being a viable approach? It just shows why Ukraine needs to be beaten down completely, if this is how they think. Gays can never hold any power, they need to be killed.

Sunflower 06/12/2024 (Wed) 11:45 Id: c90195 [Preview] No.8016 del
Theres a lot of reports russians raping ukranian males so idk what the motive behind this dream is.

Sunflower 06/12/2024 (Wed) 15:40 Id: 7e727e [Preview] No.8018 del
I think I know now, although the logic of sending those dreams isn't clear to me:

The group who was attacking me in the past days (openly, as compared to through proxy) call themselves "the brothers of Mary Magdalene" or something of similar meaning. They are a secret society with surface branches, out of which the Quakers and Puritans are probably most known. They founded Harvard University, they introduced cereals for breakfast because they thought constipation would lead to people masturbating, and they also made circumcision widespread in the USA to reduce sexual pleasure in general. They are anti-natalist.

They base their doctrine on something told to their founders by Mary Magdalene, who had an understanding of the virginal birth. It's said in the new testament that she "had 7 demons removed" which may refer to having all 7 chakras opened, but it's not a clear description. From the context however it seems to refer to her having cut off her menstruation and being in control of her energy flow internally. What she told her mostly male audience was gravely misunderstood, because they were all of an especially neurotic type: perverts who had come to "fear God" after being exposed to miracles.
This caused them to look down on themselves as eternally dirty and they were unable to have a positive understanding of the lecture, which was about an internal alchemy process. This was way beyond them and they consequently went to extremes when building a doctrine based on what they were told.

It comes down to the following:
>Women are divine, and birth is an act of God
>men are, through the original sin, like excrement
>once born by a woman, men must never come into contact with a woman again, because that would be like putting shit back in
>consequently, sexual intercourse cannot exist, it's all Rape
>there is no way a divine female could want any contact with a male, so "voluntary sex" cannot exist
>women should only give birth as virgins

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

Sunflower 06/12/2024 (Wed) 15:42 Id: 7e727e [Preview] No.8019 del
In conclusion

The globohomo and the EU and the fanatical feminism in USA were all created by extremist Christians who want all heterosexuals killed to create virginal birth and freedom from sin.

Sunflower 06/12/2024 (Wed) 15:59 Id: 7e727e [Preview] No.8020 del
Mary Magdalene had an originally ok achievement, but because of mindlessly "throwing pearls before swine" like this, she was surrounded by very fanatical negative energy. I'm now working with her to fix it.

Aqua and her Axis Order from Konosuba comes to mind.

(46.55 KB 637x579 1369259513104.jpg)
Library - documents and media Sunflower 05/02/2020 (Sat) 21:23 Id: bbba2b [Preview] No. 6 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Share useful documents, links and videos.
159 posts and 157 images omitted.

Sunflower 05/30/2024 (Thu) 11:15 Id: fbb177 [Preview] No.7920 del
Fox servitor for activating teleportation between brain cells, to override blockages.

Activation (if a process is needed): Gyan Mudra with AAAAAAA chant while looking at sigil. Close eyes with sigil image in mind, aim gaze at root of nose (3rd eye channel) and focus, repeat AAAAAA chant if needed. A small "creak" will be heard at activation.

Sunflower 06/01/2024 (Sat) 09:21 Id: fbb177 [Preview] No.7945 del
(11.73 KB 504x462 watchfox.png)

A Geburah fire shield with an AI interface in the form of a fox. Adaptive and learning to handle changing threats.

Sunflower 06/05/2024 (Wed) 13:16 Id: c3702a [Preview] No.7976 del
(576.73 KB 561x531 Bodil blue sun cat.png)
A ScaleForm disc based servitor in the form of a light blue cat(person) who guards your external perimeter.

Sunflower 06/05/2024 (Wed) 13:19 Id: c3702a [Preview] No.7977 del
A ScaleForm disc based servitor whose task is to suggest a path forward in your daily life, in real time.

Sunflower 06/12/2024 (Wed) 15:19 Id: c39948 [Preview] No.8017 del

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終わるだ Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 13:54 Id: ec0980 [Preview] No. 4740 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Relax thread.
483 posts and 456 images omitted.

Sunflower 05/22/2024 (Wed) 14:10 Id: 2c6a40 [Preview] No.7859 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=w9cIcWWsH0c [Embed]

Sunflower 05/22/2024 (Wed) 19:32 Id: beb2d7 [Preview] No.7860 del
thinking humans are above nature is jew logic, moreso thinking there's anything inherently flawed or evil about it
I'd tell these anticosmics and gnostic twits to kys but in their retarded mental illness they'll probably reincarnate into a legless vietnamese rice farmer or some shit. If I reincarnate, and this is a big if, I will do so into one of my daughters, as we always have.

Sunflower 06/04/2024 (Tue) 23:59 Id: 974ed8 [Preview] No.7975 del
One hour of giving Bing Copilot instructions and testing. Copy this and save it as .html and use arrow keys to control. Testing the limits of the sidepanel chat in Edge as of now.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<canvas id="pongCanvas" width="800" height="400" style="background-color:#000"></canvas>

var canvas = document.getElementById("pongCanvas");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");

var ball = {
x: canvas.width / 2,
y: canvas.height / 2,
dx: 2,
dy: 2,
radius: 10,

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

Sunflower 06/09/2024 (Sun) 22:55 Id: 974ed8 [Preview] No.8005 del

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Succubus Collective Sunflower 05/04/2020 (Mon) 09:52 Id: a7ca0e [Preview] No. 9 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
127 posts and 39 images omitted.

Sunflower 05/19/2024 (Sun) 10:57 Id: 7de1f4 [Preview] No.7833 del
The Collective exists beyond time, it's never too late. There are countless members.

Sunflower 05/20/2024 (Mon) 01:08 Id: c8d406 [Preview] No.7841 del
I guess I'll start the application process now

Sunflower 06/06/2024 (Thu) 19:31 Id: 0a5a4d [Preview] No.7990 del
I don't want to join the succ collective, but I would like a reliable connection to the succubus world. Can the collective help me get this?

Sunflower 06/06/2024 (Thu) 20:04 Id: a347b0 [Preview] No.7991 del
Yes. Someone is already nearing your location, look to your right side a bit up. If you can't use astral vision or know how to look at non physical things, close your eyes and visualize her coming to you until you feel that the image is real, when it starts moving on its own, it's your contact.

Sunflower 06/06/2024 (Thu) 22:38 Id: 0a5a4d [Preview] No.7992 del
Thanks, I sense some movement in my peripheral area. I'll make plans with my contact at a later time.