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what's up with jordan and shmorky? Anonymous 05/23/2023 (Tue) 12:06 [Preview] No. 12885
what's gotten into him?

Anonymous 05/23/2023 (Tue) 12:10 [Preview] No.12886 del
(15.53 KB 500x376 1477589689668.jpg)
it's a good thing the fucker's gone. he probably wouldn't care if even yonkers is asking for him to come back

Anonymous 05/23/2023 (Tue) 12:16 [Preview] No.12887 del
Jordan's fetishes lead him to dark areas of the internet where they are accepted, which leads to him discovering and developing worse ones. It's a downward spiral akin to drug addiction, forever chasing harder and harder hits. Finding this "artist" who has his current mix of degeneracy made him feel that the path he's taking is okay. An enabler if you will, even though they have never interacted. The loss of this person may be leading to doubts and feelings of loneliness.

Anonymous 05/23/2023 (Tue) 15:44 [Preview] No.12893 del
jordan is trying to copy shmorky lately. he's even calling himself "shmarty" and copying his name
they're both degenerates so it males sense

Anonymous 05/23/2023 (Tue) 15:50 [Preview] No.12894 del
a cross between shart and marty
no wonder he was talking about people of walmart before

Anonymous 05/23/2023 (Tue) 17:35 [Preview] No.12905 del
Into who?
Dude I just like his style okay, and his klurfy things.
Even the sandypants days.
What? At least my fetishes don't involve children or shit eating. SO you're wong.
The only "path" I'm taking from him is his art style and other projects he's done, and that's it.
No that's Torky.

Anonymous 05/23/2023 (Tue) 17:49 [Preview] No.12909 del
(33.65 KB 164x153 poopoo baby.png)
whyd you eat the poopies geordie
was it as a joke
whyd you keep posting all the underages geordie
did someone pay you

Anonymous 05/23/2023 (Tue) 18:05 [Preview] No.12910 del
>At least my fetishes don't involve children or shit eating
they do tho
you talked about eating your own shit
and you love shota and loli and cub
you even drew it on /b/ earlier

Anonymous 05/23/2023 (Tue) 18:09 [Preview] No.12911 del
lol how could i forget about the loli so quickly
geordie what about the loli you drawing
was it a commission

Lemonz 05/23/2023 (Tue) 19:49 [Preview] No.12915 del
Vomit. Thils whole thing is vomit.
I would say eat shit and thrive
But lol

Anonymous 05/23/2023 (Tue) 19:59 [Preview] No.12917 del
nah i don't love loli shota or cub
>they do th-
no, they don't

Anonymous 05/23/2023 (Tue) 20:04 [Preview] No.12918 del
School me on this wtf

Anonymous 05/23/2023 (Tue) 20:13 [Preview] No.12919 del
shmorky is a pzds, geordie is a pzds. it shouldn't be too hard to piece together, geordie wants to be like the more well-known pzds, so he's emulating his style in hopes of being the next shmorky.
recently geordie has been desperately trying to be like him

Anonymous 05/23/2023 (Tue) 20:15 [Preview] No.12920 del
(128.46 KB 1122x1042 img_9422-1122x1042.jpg)
you drew cub and posted it on /b/ earlier, sharty
you're a pedophile scat fetishist
you would probably love to eat this

Anonymous 05/23/2023 (Tue) 22:15 [Preview] No.12929 del
shmorky? who's shmorky? who's being the next shmorky?
i don't know what you're talking about. i don't know any shmores or keys. i don't know what you're yapping about "diapers" for, or this shit stuff.
i don't know "carefully".
i'm torky, shmorky's cousin that knows a lot better than he ever did. even the story about him sucking off a guy was ridiculous as his name is, but i assure you i can continue his legacy without him. wherever the damn bastard is.
so no one, not even a "geordie" is doing anything of what you're obliviously saying.
no one's a "pzds". no one only does diaper content, compared to his shit i've done it more appropriately because i'm not into wetting or messing, or the cubs he's drawn. i mean did you not see his inkbunny when he was sandypants?

Anonymous 05/24/2023 (Wed) 00:24 [Preview] No.12932 del

Anonymous 05/24/2023 (Wed) 21:10 [Preview] No.12959 del
(211.74 KB 1200x1289 foto_no_exif (1) (1).jpg)
You seem lost.

Anonymous 05/24/2023 (Wed) 21:46 [Preview] No.12960 del
No I'm not.
And besides imagine not getting the joke. I'm not acutally shmorky's cousin lol I just like his style and characters

Anonymous 05/25/2023 (Thu) 05:37 [Preview] No.12966 del
Stanky the Shmorky is a CUB PEDOPHILE

Anonymous 05/25/2023 (Thu) 05:46 [Preview] No.12968 del
>imagine not getting a joke made by an autistic pzds that requires knowledge of the work of another pzds
sounds like not getting the joke is a good thing
getting that joke would brand him as a retard or a pzds expert or both

Anonymous 05/25/2023 (Thu) 22:13 [Preview] No.12981 del
The joke is that it's referencing Shmorky's style, whether or not they are allegedly "dead".
>"game show"
Fuck off. And fuck your soundboard. This isn't "funny"... I know this is edited.

Anonymous 05/26/2023 (Fri) 02:14 [Preview] No.12982 del
The only joke here is you.

Anonymous 05/26/2023 (Fri) 04:10 [Preview] No.12985 del
(You) ARE "the" Joke, Jordan.

Glad that you could manage to figure out it has been edited, but it is still (You).

Anonymous 05/27/2023 (Sat) 09:28 [Preview] No.13009 del
I'm not a joke.

Anonymous 05/27/2023 (Sat) 09:31 [Preview] No.13010 del
Yes, (You) ARE a Joke, Jordan! You replied to a shitpost AGAIN.

Anonymous 05/29/2023 (Mon) 07:29 [Preview] No.13033 del
Jordan is dead, isn't he? I mean seriously, he's dead. It's over for him and us here. He's gone.

Anonymous 05/29/2023 (Mon) 10:36 [Preview] No.13034 del
>oh no someone who hasn't posted in 2 days on one inactive site is dead!!

Touch grass.

Anonymous 05/29/2023 (Mon) 10:53 [Preview] No.13035 del
>Touch grass
>Terminally inside suburbanite

Anonymous 05/29/2023 (Mon) 11:07 [Preview] No.13036 del
No, I said that because you think your favorite "lolcow" is always on this board. No they aren't.

I quoted that sarcastically btw, I ain't no lolcow.

Anonymous 05/29/2023 (Mon) 11:44 [Preview] No.13037 del
dont worry about geordie
hes picked up a lot of tranny slang from his new friends
sorry should that be xie has picked up
dont want to misgender it

Anonymous 05/29/2023 (Mon) 13:13 [Preview] No.13039 del

Anonymous 05/29/2023 (Mon) 16:16 [Preview] No.13040 del
(354.09 KB 400x560 klimbot.png)

Anonymous 08/02/2023 (Wed) 12:15 [Preview] No.15484 del
(11.88 KB 218x320 ack.jpg)
>Even the sandypants days
What part specifically of him pretending to be an underage girl obsessed with shit is it that you like?

Anonymous 08/18/2023 (Fri) 21:21 [Preview] No.16204 del
Oh, but the thing is... Shmork and sandy are the same person. There was no underage girl involved.
If anything he did a great job at, it's him drastically changing an art style while still drawing like his own I guess?

Anonymous 08/19/2023 (Sat) 05:15 [Preview] No.16219 del
(284.71 KB 1361x759 Poop or Blood.png)

Jesus fucking Christ...

Yonkers the Poopcat gets caught Masturbating with Minors in Video Chat & claims "It was a Ghost": (22 May 2023; 2' 01):


Anonymous 08/19/2023 (Sat) 06:38 [Preview] No.16230 del
The whole character was just him pretending to be an underage girl obsessed with shit.
What part of those days did you like?

Anonymous 08/19/2023 (Sat) 06:53 [Preview] No.16231 del
Prove it by not just saying that stupid claim. Shmorky was what, around his possible 30s during this little secret phase. Y'know, before the chatlogs he had in 2014. Two fucking years after, he just vanished.
And then, Lowtax's knowledge... yeah Shmorky is Sandypants. Sandypants was never played by an underage. The actions arent underage, and the voice isn't underage either.
I never did. Also you're super late on this weird accusation you keep making up.

Anonymous 08/19/2023 (Sat) 07:02 [Preview] No.16232 del
(555.06 KB 1920x1080 1692423893103072.png)
(377.92 KB 920x838 1692345008888622.png)
(4.32 KB 351x559 1692427849850503.png)
(3.22 KB 400x400 1692426595395012.png)
>”I still hate 4Chan” – Yonkers/Poopcat etc
Posts on 4Chan…

Anonymous 08/19/2023 (Sat) 07:04 [Preview] No.16233 del
Never said it like that.
I don't like 4chan but I don't overly hate it.

Anonymous 08/19/2023 (Sat) 07:12 [Preview] No.16235 del
He was pretending to be an underaged girl. That's kid play or whatever they call it. Why did you like that, is this the real reason you're obsessed with diapers and shit? Are you just a pedo making excuses?

Anonymous 08/19/2023 (Sat) 07:15 [Preview] No.16236 del
(200.01 KB 982x1280 1670210.jpg)
Jordan loves to jack off to little girls

Anonymous 08/19/2023 (Sat) 08:33 [Preview] No.16239 del
give me evidence about this sandypants persona being a 'underage pretend' thing or shut up
oh wait you don't have
also it's called ageplay, there is no "kid play". no im not a pedo, i'm correcting your flawed mind

Anonymous 08/19/2023 (Sat) 08:33 [Preview] No.16240 del
No, you do. Seriously you're not worth of any conversating. You're an AI at this point

Anonymous 08/19/2023 (Sat) 10:26 [Preview] No.16242 del
Okay pedo.
>was a 13 year old girl
So he was pretending to be a 13 year old.
What part specifically of him pretending to be an underage girl obsessed with shit is it that you like?

Anonymous 08/19/2023 (Sat) 11:09 [Preview] No.16243 del
That wasn't even a real confirmation, idiot. Plus, 13 year olds dont go on inkbunny and stuff like that. They don't overtly mention diapers like some guy provided the voice for.

Anonymous 08/19/2023 (Sat) 11:13 [Preview] No.16244 del
To quote you
>This is how evidence works.
I've submitted my proof but your only proof is:
>No because I said so
Where's your proof Jordan? It's your turn to prove he wasn't pretending to be a 13 year old.

Anonymous 08/19/2023 (Sat) 11:20 [Preview] No.16245 del
What about DeviantArt, do 13 year olds go on DeviantArt?

Anonymous 08/19/2023 (Sat) 17:02 [Preview] No.16248 del
(284.71 KB 1361x759 Poop or Blood.png)
Jesus fucking Christ...

Yonkers the Poopcat gets caught Masturbating with Minors in Video Chat & claims "It was a Ghost": (22 May 2023; 2' 01):


Anonymous 08/19/2023 (Sat) 22:18 [Preview] No.16259 del
i said "give evidence" not "how it works"
no one in the kiwifarms thread has once said sandypants was an alleged 13 year old. hell, lowtax has already confirmed that shmorky is sandy.
Well if you're talking about minors like R1verRed then, well... they CAN be on deviantart. But they should not be faking deaths and drawing fetish porn. I don't care if he hates nsfw, but fetishes are only meant for adult users drawing it... NOT CHILDREN

Anonymous 08/19/2023 (Sat) 22:58 [Preview] No.16263 del
>i said "give evidence"
I'm still waiting for you to post your evidence that he wasn't pretending to be a 13 year old.
That makes it 1 piece of evidence to me and 0 pieces of evidence to you.

>fetishes are only meant for adult users drawing it... NOT CHILDREN
You were drawing diapers before you were 18. If you were young enough to be "groomed" then by your logic you should also have been too young to be doing that.

Anonymous 08/20/2023 (Sun) 05:36 [Preview] No.16267 del
(15.40 KB 559x302 TheLTNProject.png)

(805) 567-8214
Call now!

Anonymous 08/20/2023 (Sun) 07:13 [Preview] No.16268 del
>what's gotten into him?
Shit. Big lumps of shit.

Anonymous 08/20/2023 (Sun) 08:12 [Preview] No.16269 del
(10.59 KB 400x400 pWve60h.jpg)

Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 03:42 [Preview] No.23573 del
At least I was comfortable being into.. whatever I could, when I was a minor too!!
I don't understand why you have so much beef with me. Fuck...

Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 04:16 [Preview] No.23595 del
(124.20 KB 291x378 Insane.png)
>I don't understand

Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 05:08 [Preview] No.23599 del

Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 05:17 [Preview] No.23603 del
WHY do you have beef with me, don't just quote part of my post and misintepret it. It makes you look like an actual idiot.

Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 05:41 [Preview] No.23614 del
(68.17 KB 378x350 beef.jpg)
Where's the Beef?

Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 07:47 [Preview] No.23630 del
Lolcows and beef, poetry at work. Was that intentional or did you stumble upon it?

Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 13:48 [Preview] No.23652 del
(30.03 KB 350x488 pq14.jpg)
(71.68 KB 600x466 pq01.jpg)
(12.81 KB 200x169 pq23.jpg)

Anonymous 05/19/2024 (Sun) 15:58 [Preview] No.28519 del
I forgot all about Geordie's idols lol.

Anonymous 05/19/2024 (Sun) 18:57 [Preview] No.28537 del
>Geordie's idols
sounds like a charlies angels reboot
but fat and covered in poo

Anonymous 05/21/2024 (Tue) 05:29 [Preview] No.28705 del
Please do not ai this nightmare to my eyes... ;____;

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