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The next shiba inu Kendu inu 06/05/2024 (Wed) 00:23 [Preview] No. 1 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Kendu inu Might be your retirement im high convinced...

Kendu inu looks like its programmed to billions of mcap.


1. Holders growing everyday (see picture of holder chart)
2. Founder of shiba is follwing the project since it was below 500kmcap. (now 50m+)
3. You will never see a more working community then kendu inu join our telegram and you understand why our motto is we dont gamble we work!
4. We are mentioned by Sytoshi Kusama (founder of shib) to be in there Shiba magazine.
5. There are rumors kendu founder miazaki and systoshi are friends.
6. Kendu had a limited supply of under 1000B
7. We all did this organic we never did payed marketing or other promotion 100% organic
8. Big twitter people start to following us by there own like Michael O'Hearn (Original gigachad)
9. we recent been on time square on a big screen a community member made this happen
10, we launching real life products and some are live already (merchandise) (drinks) (stickers) and more to come