Anonymous 04/09/2017 (Sun) 13:00:45 No. 40 del
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>if endchan is popular on reddit or 8chan but I don't think it is popular on either
The reason why endchan is not popular in 8ch at least is that BO usually try to silence people from knowing about endchan. People only know about reddit,4chan and 8ch so if their native board gets rekt (such as krautchan) then they will often create a bunker to 8ch because its known for user create boards. However if someone advertises another board, they will often get banned because the BO doesn't want to lose its owners what is DDR during Soviet era. Users get oppressed and do not own freedom of speech. This is often known as rulecuckdom that 8ch has gone popular and other bullshit thanks to exodus.
These events then correlate to the 8chan hackings, because users were not treated well.

Even more concerning is that 8ch is one of the biggest boards next 4chan which they both are datamined thanks to google's captcha and other google services that then can follow users behaviour, log it to file and sell it to the highest bidding company.

Endchan is none of these. Endchan supports all forms of connections (clearnet,Tor,i2p) giving the users freedom and privacy. Endchan also does not have adds and runs on donations. Thanks to lynxchan engine, servers are less strained due to its effiency as well as it does not require use to use possibly malicious used javascript (privacy and security concern)

We don't have bad board owners who cencorship in here endchan when it comes to bigger boards (ie. /pol/,/tech/,/b/ etc.). We can say that we represent freedom of speech and free software. Something that only can be seen as the end if these are not met.

The end is near.

If you can't understand what I'm saying, then I deeply want you to reconsider being a BO. This exactly I wanted to know, where are you from. If reddit type of users came to here, it would truly destroy our principles of freedom. Infact there already is a reddit clone that brings freedom of speech to its users if you can't abandon the reddit type of interface and usability.