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Resources Rose ~ Board owner 04/09/2017 (Sun) 10:36:06 [Preview] No. 2
A small list of resources, none of them created by me.

Articles, Studies and General information about Questioning, Transitioning and other stuff: https://pastebin.com/CyW1dXV8

Lots of useful links about/for transgender people: http://pastebin.com/h1vLPxyV

Transgender FAQ: http://pastebin.com/8QbKyShU

Voice Training: http://pastebin.com/dgipdsge

MTF Info Dump: http://pastebin.com/36HC6ZmT

Am I trans/trans help threads archive: http://pastebin.com/CPzj0xv9

Trans Help General Archive (from 4chan's /lgbt/): http://archive.loveisover.me/lgbt/search/text/trans%20help%20general%20%23/username/annicole/type/op/

Basic Trans Information: http://ai.eecs.umich.edu/people/conway/TS/TS.html

Transition timelines: https://imgur.com/a/qWpxv

Makeup tutorial: https://imgur.com/a/JO33K/

HRT effects timeline: https://a.pomf.cat/zghrqd.png

Anonymous 04/09/2017 (Sun) 11:05:47 [Preview] No. 13 del
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When will you learn? The Tor Spammer's Union is an unstoppable force.

Your board will never have meaningful discussion as long as its on my website, sweetheart.

I recommend https://8ch.pl for your board.

Anonymous 04/09/2017 (Sun) 11:25:48 [Preview] No. 19 del
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From where did you hear of this place?
Why did you decide to come here?

Rose ~ Board owner 04/09/2017 (Sun) 11:35:53 [Preview] No. 22 del
I guess you may be right. Thanks for the link.

You are very popular on reddit :^)

Anonymous 04/09/2017 (Sun) 11:45:53 [Preview] No. 25 del
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>You are very popular on reddit :^)
You lost me there. What do you mean "we"?

Rose ~ Board owner 04/09/2017 (Sun) 11:57:41 [Preview] No. 26 del
(273.50 KB 1920x1080 whatdoyoumean.jpg)
>What do you mean "we"?

Anonymous 04/09/2017 (Sun) 12:18:54 [Preview] No. 31 del
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Oopsie daisy, I got bit confused so I wrote gibberish.

Is endchan popular in reddit or by reddit did you mean 8chan

Rose ~ Board owner 04/09/2017 (Sun) 12:34:22 [Preview] No. 35 del
I was just kidding haha I don't know if endchan is popular on reddit or 8chan but I don't think it is popular on either, 8chan is too busy hating 4chan and reddit hates anonymity.

I just mentioned reddit because people on imageboards always get lots of butthurt when they see that word haha. But it didn't work with you :/

Anonymous 04/09/2017 (Sun) 13:00:45 [Preview] No. 40 del
(271.51 KB 953x1200 gnu qt.jpg)
>if endchan is popular on reddit or 8chan but I don't think it is popular on either
The reason why endchan is not popular in 8ch at least is that BO usually try to silence people from knowing about endchan. People only know about reddit,4chan and 8ch so if their native board gets rekt (such as krautchan) then they will often create a bunker to 8ch because its known for user create boards. However if someone advertises another board, they will often get banned because the BO doesn't want to lose its owners what is DDR during Soviet era. Users get oppressed and do not own freedom of speech. This is often known as rulecuckdom that 8ch has gone popular and other bullshit thanks to exodus.
These events then correlate to the 8chan hackings, because users were not treated well.

Even more concerning is that 8ch is one of the biggest boards next 4chan which they both are datamined thanks to google's captcha and other google services that then can follow users behaviour, log it to file and sell it to the highest bidding company.

Endchan is none of these. Endchan supports all forms of connections (clearnet,Tor,i2p) giving the users freedom and privacy. Endchan also does not have adds and runs on donations. Thanks to lynxchan engine, servers are less strained due to its effiency as well as it does not require use to use possibly malicious used javascript (privacy and security concern)

We don't have bad board owners who cencorship in here endchan when it comes to bigger boards (ie. /pol/,/tech/,/b/ etc.). We can say that we represent freedom of speech and free software. Something that only can be seen as the end if these are not met.

The end is near.

If you can't understand what I'm saying, then I deeply want you to reconsider being a BO. This exactly I wanted to know, where are you from. If reddit type of users came to here, it would truly destroy our principles of freedom. Infact there already is a reddit clone that brings freedom of speech to its users https://voat.co if you can't abandon the reddit type of interface and usability.

Rose ~ 04/09/2017 (Sun) 14:16:06 [Preview] No. 42 del
Thanks for your post. I'm happy you take some time to educate me.

I understand what you are saying except
>because the BO doesn't want to lose its owners
Why someone would be like that I don't understand.

The thing is, on 8chan, if you have a board you have a board, you only need to not post cp and for the rest you're free do to as you wish. On the frontpage here it says, "Here anyone can run their own boards. The only three global rules are: (...)", so I thought it would be the same. I expected some spam and harassment but not people getting mad about their post being deleted or talking about free speech (I find it interesting how such people always think free speech means that they can prevent others from expressing their views but not others them).

I was not interested in creating a board with free speech but rather a board without harassment towards transwomen. Also not really meant for discussion, just so that when 8chan goes down and transwomen browsing chans look for another place they can find something.

I can see that some people would say that if I ban people for hating on transwomen then I am violating their right to free speech. I would say that freedom of speech is important but there are also other important things, like having a place where you can talk without being harassed.

Endchan sounds like a great place but if shitposting like what people did here is common then it is not a good place for /mtf/, sadly.

>This exactly I wanted to know, where are you from.
I would not say that I am from somewhere, rather that I use some places more than others. Reddit is fundamentally flawed I think but it has its advantages sometimes. Imageboards are not fundamentally flawed but can suck just as much as reddit when the coder is a lazy shit or when the owner sells user data or is just an asshole.

>If reddit type of users came to here, it would truly destroy our principles of freedom. Infact there already is a reddit clone that brings freedom of speech to its users https://voat.co if you can't abandon the reddit type of interface and usability.
I know voat and the only difference it has with reddit is that it is run by what Americans call conservative people instead of what Americans call liberal people, so it glorifies the former and hates on the latter instead of the other way around. In essence it is exactly the same thing as reddit, so it lacks a usable interface and anonymity. I think people's origins don't matter, what matters is their culture. If someone says they come from reddit it is a red flag for me, but I don't automatically disqualify them.

Anonymous 04/09/2017 (Sun) 14:31:31 [Preview] No. 44 del
>Endchan sounds like a great place but if shitposting like what people did here is common then it is not a good place for /mtf/, sadly.
you are not the target demographic for this site if that is the case.
> I would say that freedom of speech is important but
but it's not important to you and you want a hugbox, just admit it stop pretending you're for free speech.

Anonymous 04/09/2017 (Sun) 17:27:22 [Preview] No. 54 del
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>because the BO doesn't want to lose its owners
By owners I meant users. Sorry for the inconvenience. Not a native in English.

>I was not interested in creating a board with free speech but rather a board without harassment towards transwomen. Also not really meant for discussion, just so that when 8chan goes down and transwomen browsing chans look for another place they can find something.

If you are not interested in creating a board with truly free speech then you should restrict the content you don't want your board to have. And before enforcing your unwritten rules, you should let other anons know what is not okay to post. The more transparent you are, the more trust you will gain as a BO.
I assume that you are still quite new, so to make board better for everybody, you should make a sticky and or locked post with the rules you want to be enforced. Just to name a few to give an example:

1. No shitposting or post with no content or serious discussion. This includes one sentence insult posts.
2. No bullying, bullying is never cool.
3. Even if you disagree, please be respectful of other posters.

This way you can give rational and logical reasons why a person was banned or his/her post was removed. The way you have been handling things for the past 2 hours have been problematic and caused even more unnecessary friction with those who posted here, just because you disagreed with them or thought they were mean. I mean how would they know that what they posted and said was wrong when there was no rules given?

>I can see that some people would say that if I ban people for hating on transwomen then I am violating their right to free speech. I would say that freedom of speech is important but there are also other important things, like having a place where you can talk without being harassed.

First of all, there is not a single place on the Internet without hate or for that matter trolls whom flame. However, how do you deal with this troll when he starts to get more elaborate with his hate? Instead of using simple and short insults, he starts to use facts and informative analyses to give a reason to hate mate to female (or trannies? Just to put it out there, because you will find yourself in situation like this or the same kind of discussion with you and me but with a different subject. Now when it comes to harrassing, well I have hard time to give consulting about this because, what kind of harrassing is it? I mean you can always ignore the post which is the most effective way to stop. Not giving any attention and reaction is the best way to react. debatable statement You get the point.

>Endchan sounds like a great place but if shitposting like what people did here is common then it is not a good place for /mtf/, sadly.

Endchan is a great place but to make it even better, you have to be one confident BO with clear and simple moderation line which everybody can understand and adapt to. Shitposting may or may not appear, it of course depends on the subject. Controversial subject as trannies awakens hate on anons which will then lead to flaming and shitposting. Even I shitposted to your board but after I saw that I didn't to evolve this board or make it more interesting I started to make these fucking walls of text to guide you fags to that you don't bring any of that 8ch type of BO here.

I also would like you to mind, what ever you do here and post, will be seen by other for many years to come. That is why I always try to make my utmost quality post in case of lurkers for many years to come.

>you are not the target demographic for this site if that is the case.
Implying we only shitpost in this site.
Just to be honest, is there something wrong wanting a hugbox? I mean hugging for example a girl is very comfy. But yeah, I think BO made a many mistakes similar to this hotdog. Forcing things will cripple it's usability.

Anonymous 04/10/2017 (Mon) 08:50:39 Id: 2fa3b2 [Preview] No. 55 del
I have never visited 8ch.pl but in this case, it seems to be better that these 8ch refugees go there.

Anonymous 06/16/2017 (Fri) 21:18:52 Id: f34d98 [Preview] No. 56 del
(152.74 KB 556x543 lol genderfluids.jpg)

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