Reader 02/22/2024 (Thu) 16:18 Id: 188475 No.22154 del
I will say this, living in America is not so bad when you can live more rural, there are some beautiful small towns and some of them which were previously hit by financial depression and outsourcing over the last few decades are booming once again due to so many Americans fleeing the major cities ("white flight" all over again). I feel bad for fellow Americans who are stuck in the major cities, there are many Americans who cannot afford to move elsewhere. Housing prices are rigged in the States too, purposely by the Federal Reserve, in order to keep lower class working Americans from moving out of the cities. Basically in America your quality of life all depends how much money you make, or your inheritance. If you were born into wealth you can live a pretty decent life, and if not tough luck no one gives a fuck (sadly so but that's just reality here and no it's not a fair system at all). Economy is completely rigged to keep the lower classes poor, to keep the wealthy fed and happy while keeping the government uni-party and the (((oligarchy))) they work for in power at all cost. Working class citizens are literally considered expendable by our own government (notice how they allow illegals from all over the world to flood into our country to replace American workers' jobs with slave labor). Therefore America is not going to last very much longer. Russia and China will become the next major superpowers. For a while I assume the Jews will treat Russia good after America collapses, only to later fuck your country up and betray Russia like they have done to America. Seems to be their MO, as many seem to convey here and on pol.