Satan 11/10/2022 (Thu) 03:19 No.33972 del
It's too bad none of my siblings managed to ever write at that level, so lyrical and well.

Roberto, who is also the "doctor" at the beginning of the series, who works with Tenma, the dude with glasses who says Tenma is the best neurosurgeon, sarcastically... Is another one of my half-brothers. He's Steven Paul Smith the musician. Steven was/is in The Beach Boys, Heatmiser, and is Elliott Smith.

He's also a bad criminal. Steven/Roberto is. He raped me back then, too. Around the same time. I was in the single digits of age, and he was also in his twenties. He was working an entry-level position at the hospital, or at multiple hospitals. He worked with Doctor Michael Reznor. Doctor Michael Reznor worked at multiple hospitals at the time.

Junkers is based off of Jeffrey Dahmer the serial killer. He was also working at the hospital, or multiple, despite being imprisoned, already by then, for serial killing.