11/10/2022 (Thu) 02:56
No.33970 [X]

>>33969Here's my half-brother "Tenma": [Embed]Johan Liebert was based off of me, and Doctor Kenzo Tenma was based off of Doctor Michael Reznor of Nine Inch Nails. We're related. They're relatives.
Dieter from Monster was based off of Christopher "moot" Poole, of
Lipsky was based off of another half-brother of mine. He is not the half-brother of Tenma, however. Lipsky and I have different fathers. Tenma and I do not; we share a father, but not a mother.
Doctor Kenzo Tenma is the real villain, a villain protagonist. Johan murdered no one, but Tenma murdered... How many and whom?
Important, because Doctor Michael Reznor of Nine Inch Nails, Tenma, still isn't in prison. He might be a serial killer on the loose, who is licensed to work in hospitals and other places where doctors are employed. Killing, murdering, abusing... Maybe. Unlawfully, illegally, unethically...
He also raped me back in the 90's. I was a child. Single digits of age, while he was in his twenties. He raped me in a hospital while he was working there. He still hasn't been charged for it.