Anonymous 10/01/2024 (Tue) 05:05 No.103289 del
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it doesn't really matter
like nothing really matters
everything i do results in failure

if you bump or dont bump, doesn't mean i matter

its all the same shit everywhere i go. im just a loser. i was put on this earth to have the one dream of being beautiful and liked and then always getting laughed at and ignored. like my existence is torture being in this body and mind. everything i want and everything i need will always be just out of reach

cant get a job, cant have friends, cant enjoy anything really

like i really just became a masdive loser, at least other girls have things like college or something going on in their lives. i just stay alone in my room sad 99% of my life. ive been so over doing anything at all since like 12. i didnt like any high school subjects i just spent all day worrying that nobody likes me because nobody talked to me, and trying to leave school early. im going to be this way forever arent i. undersocialized retarded loser

plus im black! more reasons for people to hate and avoid and be mean to and ignore me! yay

i shouldve stuck to focusing on school but it was so hard being there when you feel like you're all alone all the time while everyone is having fun together wothoutyou