10/05/2024 (Sat) 12:29
No.104374 [X]
>>104309I've never seen iris claim to want mainstream fame. I kinda always imagined that her entire life dilemma is yearning for human connection through groups, but simultaneously maintaining an image of static selfishness and failing to comprehend the dynamic adaptive reality of interpersonal relationships which makes her ignorant of people and things, The reason she is lonely stems from a selfish choice of sullen complacency…you cant only blame ‘’normies’’ or being ‘’black’’ is your own personal choices too iris.
Also the notoriety she seems to want is the publicity and remembrance of the few egirl’s posted here..but i don't think she understands the only reason these egirls get attention is for 1)curated an image of perfection that attracts Emotionally immature people who latch onto as a surrogate for their lack of individual identity (kennedi) OR 2) dying young / going crazy from drugs/ having 1k+ nudes on every platform (bianca-ciara)..
That is my pseudo armchair - psychoanalysis of her...iris could serve as an example of what not to do bc i see alot of myself in her and i could've ended up the same way if it wasn't for introspection (which i believe iris is also capable of)
If this comes across as mean just know that people wouldn't exert this much thought energy into someone they hate or view as a total waste, only those who you believe cultivation is possible for. But anyways i miss you iris and hope you're okay