Anonymous 12/02/2024 (Mon) 00:06 No.116975 del
At least read a book about the history of psychiatric diagnoses before saying things aren't real. If BPD isn't real, neither are PTSD or autism based on the same exact argument you made earlier. You just like the idea of having PTSD or autism more because they're "cute" while BPD isn't, which means you're aware of the fact that your behavior IS far more unpleasant and unstable than behavior strictly associated with PTSD and BPD. Contrary to popular belief, you don't need trauma to end up behaving in the ways outlined by a BPD diagnosis, and sending nudes to an older guy out of your own volition before cheating on him isn't trauma anyway. It's so nasty seeing you intentionally try to manipulate everyone here into thinking that, because BPD "isn't real," then your behavior and obvious personality defects must not be so bad after all.