12/07/2024 (Sat) 14:53
No.118382 [X]
>>118375like looks or personality or both? im not going to ‘rank’ them because it feels creepy but here are my opinions, i will admit.. the more i talk to someone and appreciate their personality, the more beautiful i find them.
i think vamp is so beautiful and unique looking and i think she could easily be a model, shes also been extremely kind to me and i love her aesthetic and little interests i think shes so sweet.
i think cewl is super pretty, her aesthetic suits her and i think shes really funny and cool and i see her like older sister vibes, she always reminds me of grass for some reason.. lol, in a good way.
im obsessed with belle delphine but idk if she counts so i wont talk about her much but shes just in my soul and heart always especially her older aesthetic before the whole kawaii egirl onlyfans stuff.
i dont know much about kay but ive lurked her thread a little and she looks insanely cool and perfect and im envious of her pretty hair and style.
i havent talked with bee much but im honestly intimidated by how cool she is.. i love her haircut and she looks like she could look good in literally any aesthetic ever.
i obviously adore agatha and bia because they are cuties but everyone adores them so theres not much to say.
one egirl i dont really like much is iris, this is kinda unjustified because shes not mean at all, she hasnt done anything bad so this is literally entirely in my brain but i just dont like how she pretends she isnt pretty.. she always posts about how ugly she is and how nobody likes her , but then all of her posts get loads of likes and positive comments.. she also constantly talks about wanting gifts/money and stuff from people.
this are basically my opinions.. im not sure if i answered this right lolol