12/09/2024 (Mon) 16:32
No.119130 [X]
>>119033Well I want to tell her I'm sorry I made things weird in the past and that I NEED us to be friends again but I WANT to be more than friends, but her mom could probably kill me in a single punch. That's why I'm so scared. But at the same time, I'm genuine and I just want to live a great awesome life with her.
>>119054>somehow even skinnier than KiEew. Too skinny is too skinny, she needs to gain some weight.
>>119063Holy crap I would LOVE to see your tummy you cute sexy thang.
>>119069Most books are absolute cringe, bro.
>>119071Normal people don't read, sorry to say. I would, but I have to be working constantly since I do art for a living.
>>119092Mmm, Kenedi has some fat tits, I see why you like her.
>>119106>IKRRRR!!!??? CAT CLOTHES ARE TOO CUTE i used to have those cat tights when i was liike 15 but my uncle said they were ugly and i threw them away -_-Yo what the HELL, dude? European uncles must be crazy, it should not be anyone else's business what looks good on you or not!
>>119110I've definitely seen Claire's in Burgerland, so I guess it's in international brand.
>>119123I wouldn't do Amazon, because Amazon DEFINITELY leaks data like crazy. I deleted my Amazon AND Twitch recently. Don't know about Throne, only women can use it, so I haven't read their ToS.