08/20/2024 (Tue) 16:29
No.91258 [X]
>>91136>>91137You retards it was always like this. They put you against impossible standards to keep you feeling like shit and crawling back to them. They want you to be insecure because it's how they trap you. Hating other egirls is a way to gas up your ego and make you think you're better, but in reality, you're just another spoke in their whore parade, until you're too old or not exciting enough anymore and they throw you away for new meat. You have no self worth whatsoever and no self esteem so it's easy to keep you hooked, like an addiction. They have no actual moral compass, they will shift goal posts to keep hating you. They have no type besides eager to please and insecure.
Here's a post of one of Donuts pimps,
"I have been seeing your posts for a while. I just want to say, I actually like your body, and I am not an incel (so my opinion counts, I think that the opinion of someone who's had 30+ sexual partners matters more than the opinion of kissless virgins). I would fuck you and hang out with you afterwards, you sound fun. You also have a hot body, perhaps a bit overweight but I like it. It screams fertility. It actually turns me on that you were pregnant and aborted, I have got a girlfriend pregnant before and we aborted but cumming inside her for the short time where she was pregnant was very hot. You are prime meat for a friends with benefits situationship: Nothing official. Just sleep together, hang out, cook something together, cum inside then bail out. Girls with your body type make the best subjects for these dynamics because they have low self esteem and they can take the degradation of being fucked by someone knowing they'll never be a couple, also do kinky shit like eating the cum or letting you into their ass.. etc. Anyway I hope you keep posting, don't listen to the haters. You are hot and the people who criticize you are unironically virgin losers. In any case, I have a request: Can you take out your tampon to swap it with a new one, and post a picture of your bloody pussy with your old tampon? I like fucking sluts like you when they are menstruating, it feels extra degrading. Blood also makes a good lube for anal"
This is how they see you. They are broken shells and you are nothing to them but fodder.