Anonymous 09/03/2024 (Tue) 05:39 No.93067 del
It helps that I got into art films when I was still a young teen. I watched The Man Who Sleeps which is black and white, old, has no dialogue except for narration. You’d find it worthless because it’s about a lonely persons inner world being explored. It’s about alienation. It’s examining a unique and painful human condition. And I found it amazing and the most touching thing I’ve ever seen. It spoke to me like God. Once you have that experience with a movie you start chasing it and seek out more and more. They deal with complex themes and writing thats never in the mainstream media funded by jews who only care about making money by showing naked chicks and writing witty one liners. Cinema isn’t about losing yourself and being entertained in a mindless way like a baby being pacified. It’s about experiencing yourself and others in new ways that broaden your perspective on the world and humanity. It’s legitimately a fucking spiritual high.

Is Jon itt? He’d agree with me. and I’m sure Ken would too but she’s not here to say it.