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(537.96 KB 981x632 434343434.jpg)
Ki thread #2 Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 13:28 [Preview] No. 112741 [X]
Second thread for our angelic youtuber princess

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@64waffles
Twitter: https://x.com/wafflestack64

Previous: >>97303
Edited last time by testacc on 11/13/2024 (Wed) 17:21.

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 13:30 [Preview] No.112743 [X] del
(952.75 KB 1242x834 grapes.png)
nhom nhom

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 13:32 [Preview] No.112744 [X] del
forgot to add previous thread : >>97303

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 13:54 [Preview] No.112750 [X] del >>112774
I didn't even notice the old one was past bump limit.

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 15:00 [Preview] No.112774 [X] del
me trying to find who asked

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 15:08 [Preview] No.112776 [X] del
her eyes ❤

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 15:27 [Preview] No.112777 [X] del
kiki is cewt

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 15:58 [Preview] No.112785 [X] del >>112786>>112795>>112803>>112894>>113086
(98.25 KB 887x650 IMG_9359.jpeg)
>angelic youtuber princess
are you serious!? that is extremely sweet thank you!
i tried to take a picture with good lighting .. this is why i dont lol its very unflattering

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 16:03 [Preview] No.112786 [X] del
sweet kiki

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 16:23 [Preview] No.112795 [X] del >>112802
You are so beautiful ki! you have a very pretty eye color I think I hve never seen dark green eyes before. What are your plans for today are you going to do more cooking/makeup videos?

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 16:37 [Preview] No.112802 [X] del >>112807>>112813>>114839
well my brother and i just sold a bunch of old ps4 games and split the money so i bought some things and i was going to do a video showing things i bought! :3

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 16:40 [Preview] No.112803 [X] del >>112805>>112808
>its very unflattering
Nah bruh, still very pretty.
But it's funny how you keep leaning your head forwards. lol It's ingrained at this point!

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 16:41 [Preview] No.112805 [X] del
>But it's funny how you keep leaning your head forwards
still cute af

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 16:42 [Preview] No.112807 [X] del >>112808
Looking forward to it!
What shop did you buy them at? (if this question doesn't dox you)

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 16:53 [Preview] No.112808 [X] del >>112810
lolol i never realise im doing it (╥_╥)
a clothes store and then a little store with random things and then claires lol and then a large drugstore :p

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 16:59 [Preview] No.112810 [X] del
>lolol i never realise im doing it (╥_╥)

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 17:04 [Preview] No.112811 [X] del >>112815
kiki can you post your best outfits please I am curious about your /fa/ choices

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 17:07 [Preview] No.112813 [X] del >>112815
Oh cool!! curious to know what are your fav games

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 17:12 [Preview] No.112815 [X] del >>112818
i would but i actually rarely take pictures of my outfits T_T
i will start taking pictures of them though! just stay tuned lol.
im not really a gamer :< it was games like lego games and racing games we used to play and some of his games

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 17:14 [Preview] No.112816 [X] del >>112820>>112841
(2.07 MB 3024x3179 IMG_9372.jpeg)
i just got sushi :p

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 17:18 [Preview] No.112818 [X] del
I think you would look cute in scene or emo clothes

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 17:25 [Preview] No.112820 [X] del
>lolly from AC
who is your fav character ? if you have animal crossing you could show us your island in a youtube vid !!

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 17:30 [Preview] No.112823 [X] del
ooooommmmmggggggggg that is such a good idea i do have animal crossing !! my favourite villagers are lolly and apollo and bob ! goldie also holds a place in my heart because when i first played animal crossing as a kidshe was my favourite and i would write letters to her all the time and i thought she loved me a lot . i will totally show my island but ill have to clean it up a little

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 17:47 [Preview] No.112828 [X] del
this girl

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 17:56 [Preview] No.112831 [X] del >>112843
hi kiki do u have mental illness

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 18:11 [Preview] No.112841 [X] del >>112845>>112858
Damn what is thr thing in the top right?
Biggest fucking sushi sausage I've ever seen. Is the yellow outside egg?

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 18:12 [Preview] No.112843 [X] del >>112846
just eating disorder if u count that

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 18:13 [Preview] No.112845 [X] del >>112847

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 18:13 [Preview] No.112846 [X] del >>112849
>just eating disorder if u count that
is this u kiki

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 18:15 [Preview] No.112847 [X] del >>112851
No I did mean the sushi roll. Or you mean there is a lemon on the rice?
Thr thing on the right looks like an orange slice.

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 18:16 [Preview] No.112849 [X] del >>112850

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 18:16 [Preview] No.112850 [X] del

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 18:17 [Preview] No.112851 [X] del >>112853
theres no yellow.. rice? its a little caterpillar thingy my mom got and she gave me a piece it was so good!

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 18:19 [Preview] No.112853 [X] del >>112856
I... nevermind. lol
So what do you do all day, Ki?

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 18:20 [Preview] No.112854 [X] del >>112855>>112856
how old is kiki give or take

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 18:21 [Preview] No.112855 [X] del >>112861
How many more times do we have to say she is 18?

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 18:21 [Preview] No.112856 [X] del >>112871
im sorry -_- am i being stupid
i go to school and eat fruit and buy mystery figures all day every day
im 18
old :(

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 18:26 [Preview] No.112858 [X] del >>112859>>112869
It looks like avocado

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 18:27 [Preview] No.112859 [X] del
ohh yes it is im sorry!

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 18:30 [Preview] No.112861 [X] del >>112864>>112865
>How many more times do we have to say she is 18?
is she??

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 18:31 [Preview] No.112863 [X] del >>112865
kiki i love u pls gain weight this is not healthy

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 18:32 [Preview] No.112864 [X] del
yes, redittor

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 18:32 [Preview] No.112865 [X] del >>112867>>112869
nobody believes me when i say 18 because it sounds like such a fake age LOL i feel like if i said either 17 or 19 it would be accepted
ur silly my bmi is 16.3!

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 18:34 [Preview] No.112867 [X] del >>112872
>i feel like if i said either 17 or 19 it would be accepted
>ur silly my bmi is 16.3!
good ur not skelly

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 18:40 [Preview] No.112869 [X] del
>ur silly my bmi is 16.3!
That's very little, hope you're staying healthy.
We wouldn't want you to get sick.

No I didn't mean that it's ok. lol

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 18:40 [Preview] No.112870 [X] del
kiki is skinny and cute most anons could manhandle her since she is 5'1

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 18:41 [Preview] No.112871 [X] del
What do you wanna do after you've finished school?

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 18:41 [Preview] No.112872 [X] del >>112873>>112874
(35.64 KB 350x382 IMG_9375.jpeg)
i wish upon a star i was skelly
picrel is my dream

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 18:45 [Preview] No.112873 [X] del >>112877

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 18:48 [Preview] No.112874 [X] del
>picrel is my dream
That is... way too little and looks unhealthy, heavily filtered or even deformed tbh.

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 18:49 [Preview] No.112875 [X] del >>112876>>112877>>112878
kiki dont u want to be attractive to men?

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 18:51 [Preview] No.112876 [X] del
A rather retarded question, are you 12?
Everybody who has an ED primarily does it for their own self-perceived image.

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 18:53 [Preview] No.112877 [X] del >>112880
do you really think that doesnt look attractive!? i think its really pretty, im surprised

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 18:53 [Preview] No.112878 [X] del >>112885
Kiki is already attractive to rich men because they tend to like skinny women, maybe she does not want to be sexualized for having big boobs and big ass. Seems like plenty of girls get ED to not be sexualized in a trashy way

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 18:55 [Preview] No.112880 [X] del >>112893
>do you really think that doesnt look attractive!? i think its really pretty, im surprised
shes HOT now but she wants to be skelly

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 19:02 [Preview] No.112885 [X] del >>112893
>Seems like plenty of girls get ED to not be sexualized in a trashy way
That is objectively not true.
As I have said, ED women do it mainly for themselves and how they perceive themselves.

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 19:06 [Preview] No.112888 [X] del >>112893
kiki would u get fake boobs

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 19:14 [Preview] No.112893 [X] del
wha? the girl in the picture i mean or do you know her?
no all plastic surgery makes me nauseous because i would just keep remembering that i had surgery and it would make me faint lol
yea thats true :p ed girls do it for themselves if they realise it or not

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 19:15 [Preview] No.112894 [X] del >>112896>>112897
Can you take a vid waving your hand over your face?

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 19:17 [Preview] No.112896 [X] del >>112898
Reslly weird way of asking if she uses filters or not.

That being said, I am always up for more hand pics and vids.

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 19:17 [Preview] No.112897 [X] del

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 19:18 [Preview] No.112898 [X] del >>112900>>112901
ooohhhh no i dont use filters i dont know how to use them and id be scared that someone would have the ability to remove the filter and expose me lol

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 19:20 [Preview] No.112900 [X] del >>112905
Do the vid then I never said anything about filters

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 19:20 [Preview] No.112901 [X] del >>112905
That's ok, you seem naturally beautiful.
How are the new clothes doing? Alreqdy wearing any or washing them first?

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 19:22 [Preview] No.112905 [X] del >>112906>>112908
why ?
the new clothes are okay.. i recorded a video but it looks so bad i think ill redo it lol, i just got a top and socks and a necklace and tried them on and bleh im sleepy so i feel gross >_>

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 19:24 [Preview] No.112906 [X] del >>112909
Because you make your eyes and lips bigger and your nose and cheeks smaller with a software

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 19:25 [Preview] No.112908 [X] del
>it looks so bad
Why? Were you out of frame or the lighting wasn't good enough?

You need more calories to stay focused and HYPE!

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 19:31 [Preview] No.112909 [X] del >>112910>>112915>>112931>>112962>>113423
im flattered that u think so lol
ive never uploaded a video here before idk if it will work
im not wearing makeup and im sleepy so eye bags ugh

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 19:36 [Preview] No.112910 [X] del >>112912
hahahhahha look at the file name

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 19:37 [Preview] No.112912 [X] del
it says filtered because i deleted the audio pls (╥_╥)

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 19:38 [Preview] No.112913 [X] del >>112914>>112925
why havent you taken a single pic that isnt with the same angle? cant you look straight at the camera from a front angle for once? honestly feels like youre catfishing with anglemaxxing

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 19:40 [Preview] No.112914 [X] del
She is and she is also using some face altering filter

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 19:41 [Preview] No.112915 [X] del >>112917>>112931
>"im not filtering"
>filename is auto titled Filtered
>"noo anon its umm because of the audio??? haha???"

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 19:41 [Preview] No.112916 [X] del
im not :( i literally wouldnt know how to if i tried
the angle thing i guess i do use the most flattering angles, ill take a facing forward or something else soon but in my youtube videos you see different angles

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 19:43 [Preview] No.112917 [X] del >>112921
if i knew how to filter videos id be able to change the file name to something normal!! why would i leave it at filtered, how else could i prove it?

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 19:45 [Preview] No.112918 [X] del >>112922>>112923>>112931>>113595
when will you all stop falling for the nice innocent act from girls who spent every waking moment on image boards? no girl willingly posting herself like this is a good person. you know what gets posted in these places and how people get treated, only a legit bpdemon with no real personality would come here for an iv drip of attention. its easy to see what we like which means its easy to pretend to be what we like. i see through it every time tho, selfposting immediately proves wrong all the fake niceness because you have to be fucking insane to do it given everything. especially here

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 19:46 [Preview] No.112921 [X] del >>112922
Then take a video of you putting your hands directly over your eyes and then taking them off

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 19:52 [Preview] No.112922 [X] del
i got scared because of >>112918
but in my next youtube video ill do it and like squish my face or something for proof even though its silly .

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 19:53 [Preview] No.112923 [X] del
Ki is a nice girl and this is a nice place filled with nice people.

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 19:56 [Preview] No.112925 [X] del >>112926>>112934
>cant you look straight at the camera from a front angle for once?
literally no one takes photos like this

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 20:07 [Preview] No.112926 [X] del >>112937
yes they do lmao most selfies are taken face forward and not from above at a 3/4 angle with half of the features covered with hair and intentional shadows. shes a classic case of a shallow woman hating herself but wanting to have her cake and eat it too by feeling deserving of attention anyway because shes a woman

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 20:24 [Preview] No.112930 [X] del >>112937
her youtube videos are cringe as fuck. shes a girl trying really hard to fit the stereotype of le quirky shy mentally ill egirl with daddy issues

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 20:33 [Preview] No.112931 [X] del >>113595
You would be perfect for a Sadako cosplay.
How long is your hair? All the way down to the butt?

Don't be so serious.

>nice innocent
Why would that matter?
None of us will ever meet anybody here.
Grow up.

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 20:37 [Preview] No.112933 [X] del >>112950
(626.55 KB 1134x724 kiki new.png)
Kiki you are adorable can you please post pics of yourself using different hairstyles like a ponytail? ignore the haters they are jealous women

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 20:39 [Preview] No.112934 [X] del >>112937

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 20:40 [Preview] No.112935 [X] del >>112937
wait instead of a ponytail you could do this type of "down twintails"

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 20:48 [Preview] No.112937 [X] del >>112938
i never claimed to be confident about my appearance and of course i try to use flattering angles and lighting, who wouldnt?
im not trying to do that :<
shes really pretty, she would look cute in any angle (╥_╥)
absolutely, i have little blue ribbon that i can tie them with too

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 20:50 [Preview] No.112938 [X] del
>shes really pretty, she would look cute in any angle (╥_╥)
You could stomp on a nigga and it would be cute.

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 20:52 [Preview] No.112939 [X] del >>112941
So I just watched your bunny makeup tutorial. I like bunnies. Here is one of mine. She is adorable.

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 20:53 [Preview] No.112941 [X] del >>112942>>112945
(2.88 MB 4000x3000 20241027_145159.jpg)
😵 Way too hard to post a picture here.

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 20:55 [Preview] No.112942 [X] del >>112973
oh my goddddddd please tell me everything!! what is her name, what is she like!? she is seriously precious. her fur is so fluffy. she is so cute among the leavesssss aaaaahhhhhhh. thank you so much for sharing, if you have any more images please please post them

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 20:58 [Preview] No.112945 [X] del >>112973
wtf that bunny is so cute

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 21:05 [Preview] No.112950 [X] del >>112952>>112953>>112958
Starting to realize she has a receding jaw and her face isn't round at all from the front, so she uses the constant 3/4 downward angle to make her cheeks look fuller. Her dark circles are also mostly makeup.
She'll claim otherwise but she's already been caught lying about other things. Very weird.

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 21:08 [Preview] No.112952 [X] del >>112971
The gaslighters are here.

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 21:20 [Preview] No.112953 [X] del
>her face isn't round at all from the front
I mean she suffers from ED it usually makes the persons face look more angular and sharp but she still has soft features and very beautiful eyes

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 21:35 [Preview] No.112958 [X] del
You sound like such a faggot. Like an actual homosexual.

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 21:51 [Preview] No.112962 [X] del
Im sorry for looking into your eyes without permission

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 22:35 [Preview] No.112971 [X] del
I'm sorry you're too fucking retarded to even know the real definition of gaslighting.

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 22:45 [Preview] No.112973 [X] del
She is Izumi, and she is kind of pudgy and does hilarious stunt jumps all the time. She can be a bit territorial and scratched me up pretty good at first, but I made her lay down and listen to music with me and that got her to the point where she will be friendly with me and any guests.

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 03:02 [Preview] No.113028 [X] del >>113081
Ki, what do you think of Tiktok and bonbibonkers?
You think you'd be up for making short funny videos?

Grath 11/14/2024 (Thu) 03:58 [Preview] No.113045 [X] del >>113051
Where do I find girls who look like this IRL? I need someone to lean on my shoulder and look aesthetic while it rains outside the window of a cafe.

And I need it approximately now

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 04:18 [Preview] No.113051 [X] del >>113059
only in your imagination. shes not real. when shes not posting and taking pictures to post here i guarantee shes wearing some walmart shorts, a bart simpson t shirt, and crocs. and with no filters/ai/anglefrauding ,she likely looks borderline goblinish

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 04:23 [Preview] No.113059 [X] del >>113069>>113072
Bruh you do not understand women. I have sisters and they literally always have to look aesthetic whenever they go outside, I overheard one of them mention that they literally change their underwear twice a day because wearing one pair throughout the day is considered too long. Women are not like dudes. Their clothes are very important.

Besides wtf does that have to do with anything? I wanted to know where to find a girl who looks like this IRL and I specifically meant her physical appearance not the clothes she's wearing

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 05:20 [Preview] No.113069 [X] del >>113072>>113081
Women at HOME are different from women going out. I have three sisters. They do indeed wear sweats and no makeup at home when not taking selfies or about to go out. My mom is different tho, she's always dressed well and wearing makeup even when not going anywhere but thats how most old school women are i think bc that generation was raised more to be housewives.

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 05:29 [Preview] No.113072 [X] del
How often do your sisters let you eat them out?

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 06:31 [Preview] No.113081 [X] del >>113085
oooo i hate tiktok!! i mean i have it and use it obviously but i wouldnt make tiktoks lol
at home i wear leggings or pj pants and fluffy socks and large sweaters , of course im not dressed up when im home lol

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 09:15 [Preview] No.113085 [X] del
>at home i wear leggings or pj pants
And you surely look tight and hot in them?

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 09:26 [Preview] No.113086 [X] del >>113091
I teach you how to be popular on YouTube you give me some of the money how bou da

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 10:48 [Preview] No.113091 [X] del
kk sounds gud

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 14:04 [Preview] No.113109 [X] del >>113115
>not waking up to new Ki selfies
A sad morning.

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 14:42 [Preview] No.113115 [X] del >>113118>>113128
(777.51 KB 1170x814 IMG_9409.jpeg)
im sorry! well i took this yesterday but its everyones greatest pet peeve.. darkness in the air

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 15:03 [Preview] No.113118 [X] del
>darkness in the air
I don't know what that means, but you are looking gorgeous in the pic.
Will you rerecord the shopping haul video today or upload the one from yesterday?

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 15:06 [Preview] No.113122 [X] del >>113123>>113127>>113130
im going to record a new one either this evening or tomorrow and im going to try a few hairstyles! sorry for taking long, im more busy because of school lately . im also planning to do a baking video tomorrow or this weekend too

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 15:08 [Preview] No.113123 [X] del
ou and also another what i eat video because people liked it on youtube

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 15:11 [Preview] No.113127 [X] del
School's more important, don't worry.

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 15:12 [Preview] No.113128 [X] del
(87.68 KB 691x653 1658493175067062.jpg)
She betrayed us... Turned her back on us... When all we did was love us to this day... Fuck...

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 15:19 [Preview] No.113130 [X] del >>113140
The boys in school must be all over you with how pretty you are.

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 15:35 [Preview] No.113140 [X] del >>113143
thank you but not at all LOL im kindof emo and i dont talk to anyone but my friend in school :<

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 15:41 [Preview] No.113143 [X] del
What kind of boys (or men) are you into, Ki?

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 15:58 [Preview] No.113146 [X] del >>113173>>113174
i made a letterboxd too :p
its kinda messy and theres a good chance i might forget about it but i want to use it so that i stop forgetting my favourite movies lol

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 19:49 [Preview] No.113173 [X] del
What's your favorite genre of movie and would you watch anons movie suggestions

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 19:55 [Preview] No.113174 [X] del >>113179
Illusion ruined.

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 20:46 [Preview] No.113179 [X] del >>113182
are you implying she is a normie

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 20:56 [Preview] No.113182 [X] del >>113183>>113187>>113193
She is. A normie who wouldn't have found this place without tiktok. She wouldn't look how she does without tiktok either. It's all a matter of imitating other women. That's what it is. She dyes her hair, wears makeup, tries dressing cutesy, and in the end she's just a hollow shell with no thoughts of her own. You can tell everything about a person from their taste in movies.

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 20:59 [Preview] No.113183 [X] del >>113194
what are your favourite movies!? :}

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 21:04 [Preview] No.113187 [X] del >>113192
>meanwhile, I am an euphoric incel *tips fedora*

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 21:41 [Preview] No.113192 [X] del
Okay woman.

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 21:47 [Preview] No.113193 [X] del
this 100%. plus shes mastered the lost, deer-in-headlights look and the sad eyes that most egirls have in order to activate our savior instincts.

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 21:52 [Preview] No.113194 [X] del
Satantango, Stalker, Close-Up.

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 22:01 [Preview] No.113197 [X] del >>113200>>113212
do you think people talk about 4chan or even agatha on tiktok? i never see that.. idk where you got that idea from, i understand and im aware that im basic but idk why old people always blame tiktok for everything lol

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 22:10 [Preview] No.113200 [X] del >>113201
>old people
I would argue the hateful idiots here are in their 20s.

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 22:18 [Preview] No.113201 [X] del >>113203>>113375
(45.59 KB 543x423 IMG_9456.jpeg)
can we just all be friends

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 22:21 [Preview] No.113203 [X] del >>113204
No, because they hope to get under your skin by shitting on you.

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 22:22 [Preview] No.113204 [X] del >>113206
they definitely will . idk what the point is

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 22:32 [Preview] No.113206 [X] del
You shouldn't let that happen. Keep in mind you have done nothing to justify being hated.

They do it because miserable people want others to be miserable too, it helps them justify their own inaction.

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 22:35 [Preview] No.113207 [X] del >>113208>>113214>>113354>>113375
(599.72 KB 1170x692 IMG_9454.jpeg)
facing forward picture to divert from that flattering angle im attached to
awkward awkward

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 22:39 [Preview] No.113208 [X] del >>113210
Nah, even prettier and more cute than with the angle.
It makes your big and beautiful eyes and lips pop even more.
Kudos for giving at try, even if you felt awkward about it.

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 22:47 [Preview] No.113210 [X] del
(109.85 KB 1200x1200 IMG_9458.jpeg)
thank you berry much!

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 22:50 [Preview] No.113211 [X] del >>113213
Say, do you not go out a lot like to the beach or hiking? Or are you trying to stay pale in general?
I remember you posted a pic of your legs some time ago.

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 22:53 [Preview] No.113212 [X] del >>113215>>113377
You must be new. There are regular occurences of teenage girls coming here because they saw endchan in a list of "scary darknet" sites on tiktoks. Tiktok also has tons of self described femcels that talk about r9k and 4chan all the time. They all look and act exactly like Ki.

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 22:54 [Preview] No.113213 [X] del >>113217
i stay inside a lot! if i vacation in the sun, i wear long sleeves and a hat because yes i like staying as pale as possible :>

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 22:55 [Preview] No.113214 [X] del >>113216
You're still taking it from an angle above your head and looking down with your head tilted down to make your lower half look smaller. Also in the dark.

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 22:56 [Preview] No.113215 [X] del >>113221
are you on tiktok regularly? i have literally never seen that.. i dont know what your goal is here, i am aware that im just girly and simple but idk why youre trying to force the whole tiktok thing

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 22:57 [Preview] No.113216 [X] del
ok you caught me @_@ lol

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 22:59 [Preview] No.113217 [X] del >>113224
I think pale skin contrasts greatly with dark hair and especially dark eyebrows. And dark nails.
Do you have completely black hair or is it just quite dark brown?

In one of your videos you put on a choker, do you like wearing those? You should take a pic of wearing it.

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 23:22 [Preview] No.113221 [X] del >>113223
Then how did you learn about image boards?

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 23:36 [Preview] No.113223 [X] del
4chan from online friends and endchan from an anon

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 23:37 [Preview] No.113224 [X] del >>113226
i do like wearing chokers sometimes i feel cringe in them lolol
my hair is naturally dark brown but ive dyed it black a couple of times to make me look paler and to make my eyes pop more

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 23:43 [Preview] No.113226 [X] del
Do you have several chokers?
I'm aure they look good on you since you are so dainty.
Why would wearing them make you feel cringe?

Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 12:18 [Preview] No.113349 [X] del >>113354
(663.94 KB 1170x647 IMG_9506.jpeg)
(655.58 KB 1170x634 IMG_9507.jpeg)
(475.61 KB 2085x1242 IMG_9497.jpeg)
i took more pictures outside
and did my hair

Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 12:46 [Preview] No.113354 [X] del >>113358
Did you already get rid of the braids from yesterday >>113207?
The hair thing looks cute.
Were you walking around in the woods?

Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 12:55 [Preview] No.113358 [X] del
yes i took the braids out when i went to sleep :>
i was walking around the woods for a while for once
im editing the things i bought video naw

Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 15:28 [Preview] No.113375 [X] del >>113382
oof I forgot how mean and ugly Flootershi's bad bunny was. Hahaha, he and her are both canonically dead and buried in shitty modern MLP but shitty Spike is alive.

Do you have any pics without makeup? I think you'd look pretty without makeup.

Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 15:30 [Preview] No.113377 [X] del
Cool, how do I get seggz with one of them and possibly a serious relationship if the seggz was good?

Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 15:50 [Preview] No.113382 [X] del >>113384>>113391
(529.52 KB 1242x1896 IMG_9541.jpeg)
the bunny is just mean sometimes not uglyy! hes super cute and rude
in the last thread there were some no makeup pics but here is another one ,, i always cover the dark circles with concealer because theyre bleh. but i dont want to hide reality so here

Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 15:57 [Preview] No.113384 [X] del >>113385
How do you manage to always have the same angle? Is it that ingrained in you by now that it just happens automatically? 😭

Looking as pretty as always though.

Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 16:01 [Preview] No.113385 [X] del >>113387
whaaaaat are you serious i was literally thinking this angle was different lol. i guess it is ingrained.

new youtube video :>
https://youtube.com/watch?v=dHSbfUgPfzM [Embed]

Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 16:10 [Preview] No.113387 [X] del >>113389
>whit nails already gone

Did you just chew on a lego there?
The white top really looks good on you, like I said for the other white top you posted a few days ago.
Do you ever go full black like Wednesday or Lydia from Beetlejuice?
I imagine you'd look stunning in their costume for Halloween.

Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 16:17 [Preview] No.113389 [X] del >>113397
the white was chipping so i removed it to redo it! expect it again in future pictures/ vids :}
i do wear full black often but i want to be more white

Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 16:28 [Preview] No.113391 [X] del >>113392
Yeah, you still look good even with dark circles. Would you want to do a character voice on a show I do? The only thing is, you would need to be able to pronounce Japanese decently, but it isn't that hard unless maybe you aren't very familiar with Japanese TV shows.

Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 16:32 [Preview] No.113392 [X] del >>113404
reeaaallllyyyy? you made a show?? thats so cool, what type of show!? i would love to !

Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 16:56 [Preview] No.113394 [X] del >>113397>>113405
(79.42 KB 968x410 banner.png)
kiki they turned your picture into a banner! what do you think of this

Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 17:02 [Preview] No.113397 [X] del >>113405
I appreciate you not letting chipped nail polish on, I think that's kinda ugly. Looking forward to it in high quality next time hopefully... ;_;
What other nail polish do u have? I remember you wearing black once.

Some black/white outfit with stark contrast would surely look good on you too.


Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 17:19 [Preview] No.113404 [X] del >>113408
It's a cartoon show that's a mix of game characters and my OCs. I want to test your skills a bit and if I think you're good enough, I'll drop you a line. What chat apps do you use? I can do like Zangi, Telegram, an X DM, but not anything super insecure like Snap or Meta.

Hit me with a vocaroo of this Japanese game character line. (This channel isn't me, but is an oomfie.)
https://youtube.com/watch?v=KIH7KaIqRYY [Embed]

Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 17:21 [Preview] No.113405 [X] del >>113407
NO WAY LOL. who makes these!? i love the font they used awh. this is the coolest, i feel like im gonna die soon now that this exists for some reason
i have white and black and purple and pink i need more

Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 17:26 [Preview] No.113407 [X] del
>i need more
I'd legit buy you some if you ended up taking pics. lol
Dark red can look cool too. Femme fatale!

Have you ever mixed them? Like having all black, but one nail on each hand pink.

Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 17:26 [Preview] No.113408 [X] del >>113409
i will dm it to u on x! what is your username? if you dont want to post it, mine is @wafflestack64
ill do the voice thingy in a bit as soon as i can because im baking brownies rn!
i think thats so cool having a show including your ocs, do you animate it or how do you do that?

Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 17:28 [Preview] No.113409 [X] del >>113410
Hand drawn sprite animation. It is hard. I will DM you after I finish cooking a breakfast sandwich. Glad you like cooking too. It is an art that needs to be preserved.

Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 17:31 [Preview] No.113410 [X] del >>113413
oh wow hand drawn animation must take AGES. thats really impressive, my friend draws animations too and it takes them sooo so long to do short videos, i cant imagine how long a show would take

Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 17:43 [Preview] No.113413 [X] del
Well to be clear they're short episodes, not like a full half hour thing. Yeah, that would take forever. But yeah, I'll DM you in a moment with a link to an episode. My account is set to private so I hope it goes through. I get way too many bits trying to follow so I have to be on private.

Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 17:48 [Preview] No.113414 [X] del >>113416
Sent an X message, DM me if you got it. The security settings can be confusing.

Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 17:51 [Preview] No.113416 [X] del >>113420
no i didnt get any message :((
i just realised i had message requests off so i turned it on just now, maybe try again ?

Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 18:06 [Preview] No.113420 [X] del
Sent. Hope it went through. Sent 3 minutes after the hour.

Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 18:22 [Preview] No.113423 [X] del >>113424>>113438
the eye bags are because you don't consume any iron you fucking retard

Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 18:31 [Preview] No.113424 [X] del
Maybe her parents can't afford good vitamins for her, bro.

Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 19:39 [Preview] No.113434 [X] del >>113438
Grapes and coffee, huh?
Damn bro, you gotta get on some protein in your diet, how else are we gonna do the Peruvian marathon together next year?

Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 19:47 [Preview] No.113438 [X] del >>113441
oh ya true
what is that! i love grapes x coffee

Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 19:59 [Preview] No.113441 [X] del >>115472
(95.05 KB 1591x1177 kinetic food.JPG)
I love grapes too. But only seedless ones.
The look of immediate disappointment.
Also, prettiest hands ever.

Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 23:08 [Preview] No.113455 [X] del
Pea protein and soy protein drinks might help if you are vegetarian, they should have them in the grocery store.

Anonymous 11/16/2024 (Sat) 16:11 [Preview] No.113552 [X] del
>dead thread
But also why the reupload?

Anonymous 11/16/2024 (Sat) 22:47 [Preview] No.113595 [X] del >>113601>>113652>>113685
yes, this. there's something very suspicious about this girl like she's hiding something. there's no way you're 18 and this naive about imageboard culture, "orbiting culture" and what people here are trying to do by ingratiating themselves with her.

take your own advice, grow up and meet an actual woman in real life rather than trying to form a parasocial relationship with a mentally ill attention seeker. you say no one will meet anyone here as if it's unheard of for people from the internet to meet each other in real life. several of the stupid whores frequently posted in this shithole have met up with men from 4chan, most of the garbage that swoops in to pick up these damaged females are low inhibition sociopaths who placate them with drugs and the whores go with it because they're also low inhibition junkie degenerates. if "ki" were a smart person with any integrity she would distance herself from this community and stop posting herself here to you smelly dicked disgusting retard niggers.

Anonymous 11/16/2024 (Sat) 23:25 [Preview] No.113601 [X] del
seething roastie detected

Anonymous 11/17/2024 (Sun) 06:44 [Preview] No.113652 [X] del >>113656>>113809
Why the drama crap? I was liking Ki's videos but I think some of you jerks bullied her and she ran for it. Her channel is blank now! She had some feally good content! What the hell, guys?

Anonymous 11/17/2024 (Sun) 07:46 [Preview] No.113656 [X] del >>113671
I am now unironically worried about her and I don't know what to do about it. 😓 all the good ones keep disappearing because of bullshit likd this.

Anonymous 11/17/2024 (Sun) 10:11 [Preview] No.113671 [X] del
Stop being so fucking weird.

Anonymous 11/17/2024 (Sun) 11:39 [Preview] No.113685 [X] del
lol you are super mad I bet you are an e-girl or something fuck off

Anonymous 11/17/2024 (Sun) 17:37 [Preview] No.113809 [X] del >>113814
her twitter is gone as well, she probably got scared and/or realized that nothing good will come out of this, good for her :-)!

Anonymous 11/17/2024 (Sun) 17:47 [Preview] No.113814 [X] del
She is still active on YT and asked the subscribers there.

Anonymous 11/17/2024 (Sun) 20:34 [Preview] No.113931 [X] del >>113937>>113945>>113949
(153.23 KB 1170x758 IMG_9661.jpeg)
what do you think of this hair, in pink and purple colours

Anonymous 11/17/2024 (Sun) 20:41 [Preview] No.113937 [X] del
very pretty but I think blue instead of pink would suit kiki chan better

Anonymous 11/17/2024 (Sun) 20:51 [Preview] No.113945 [X] del >>113982
What happened? Is everything OK?

Anonymous 11/17/2024 (Sun) 21:03 [Preview] No.113949 [X] del
I think having dark red strains would look cooler.

Anonymous 11/17/2024 (Sun) 22:29 [Preview] No.113982 [X] del >>113989
just scared of people

Anonymous 11/17/2024 (Sun) 22:41 [Preview] No.113989 [X] del >>113995
Understandable and probably a good idea.
Not sure if you noticed it, but in the cewl thread you can see how crazy it can get.
Cute edit you uploaded on youtube.
I used to think Clairo and Cavetown were the same. lol

Anonymous 11/17/2024 (Sun) 22:47 [Preview] No.113995 [X] del >>114000>>114006
thank you and yes wow i saw.. i felt scared and anxious for her! i think its good advertising though and im always quietly impressed by how people can make so much money from laying in bed :p while im saving up money for a ds lol .. she could probably do it in an hour
i hope she is ok though if it wasnt her posting it

Anonymous 11/17/2024 (Sun) 22:55 [Preview] No.114000 [X] del >>114002>>114003
>i think its good advertising though
Good advertising by posting yourself masturbating?! Bruh...

>she could probably do it in an hour
I don't think so, at least not longterm.
Partially because she is not as stable as she might seem, but also because she is just selling nudes to some anons and not doing it in a really well thought out commercial way. She picked the worst of both worlds, you could say.

You mean you are saving money for a Nintendo DS?
In theory you could open a throne, but there is always the danger of somebody obsessing over you in a way they start to become dangerous.
I mean I like you posting here and your videos are nice, but it's definitely not a thing for everybody.

Anonymous 11/17/2024 (Sun) 22:58 [Preview] No.114002 [X] del >>114007
>but there is always the danger of somebody obsessing over you in a way they start to become dangerous.
And by this I mean, an anon starts to think you OWE them if they bought you something. It's not an uncommon view here and on chan boards in general that men think they can just buy women (or at least their time).
Once you put your face out there, like you have, it's best to be safe and not accept gifts and do on.

Anonymous 11/17/2024 (Sun) 22:59 [Preview] No.114003 [X] del >>114012
>Good advertising by posting yourself masturbating?!
i mean its for onlyfans right ?? i dont know much about advertising for that, but wouldnt it make people want to buy more content? or maybe less.. idk

yes a nintendo ds :> what is a throne ? i dont think someone would obsess in a dangerous way but if its some sort of custom content or wishlist thing id just be scared that someone would try to harm me and hack it to find my information or something lol

Anonymous 11/17/2024 (Sun) 23:01 [Preview] No.114006 [X] del
She isn't making any money from it lol no one is paying her for her gross nudes

Anonymous 11/17/2024 (Sun) 23:01 [Preview] No.114007 [X] del >>114012
ohh yea i definitely dont want to accept gifts from people. i feel like its sort of a too good to be true concept and even if there was no malicious intent behind it, i wouldnt be comfortable taking that from someone who would clearly be too ‘generous’ (idk another word) for their own good
i feel like im typing like an esl idk why

Anonymous 11/17/2024 (Sun) 23:10 [Preview] No.114012 [X] del >>114016
>i mean its for onlyfans right ??
No, the idiot just wants to sell them privately. Hence why somebody can super easily leak them without any repercussions.
And in this case it was herself.
It's also the most unsafe way you could go about this, like I don't know if she uses paypal or whatever.
Anyway, it's stupid.

The donation site is throne.com and safe if you set it up properly. Plenty of streamers have one too.
But the point is more the issue of potential change of attitude from donators towards you, like you correctly said here >>114007.
This isn's much of an issue if you are somehow already an internet personality, like I don't know you got a hundred viewers on twitch on average. Bet when you are just a small person on a chan board? You get crazy people like the named users in the cewl thread.

You should get a 3DS right away instead of just a DS, since you can play DS games on it.
No clue for how much they go though nowadays, I still have one a friend of my gifted me once years ago.

Anonymous 11/17/2024 (Sun) 23:15 [Preview] No.114016 [X] del >>114020>>114307
(154.43 KB 862x1164 IMG_9627.jpeg)
agh i definitely wont be setting up anything like that
i was looking at 3ds online but the dsi is way cheaper and its basically the same so im thinking about getting one of those instead , i just want to play tomodachi life

also unrelated outfit picture i like because my socks and legs match the wall >_>

Anonymous 11/17/2024 (Sun) 23:28 [Preview] No.114020 [X] del >>114024
>agh i definitely wont be setting up anything like that
Hey, maybe you make it big on Youtube! Become a fashion influencer or something, got some cute videos going.
It is a grind though until you are anywhere.

The DSi is not the same as the 3DS. It can not play any 3DS games!
Not sure which platform the games you want are on, but trust me when I tell you to get (used) 3DS. You can also buy a ROM cart where you can just load all your games onto from the PC, without having to buy them.
saves a ton of money.

The socks and legs really do match the wall. lmao
Like somebody just painted across you.

Anonymous 11/17/2024 (Sun) 23:30 [Preview] No.114024 [X] del >>114026
ahh really the dsi doesnt play 3ds games!??! thank you for telling me omg, i literally had no idea. ill get a used 3ds online then :} i really want a pretty white one eek im so excited

Anonymous 11/17/2024 (Sun) 23:36 [Preview] No.114026 [X] del >>114030
Yeah, you can google it to be sure.
The 3DS has a ton of games like Zelda and Mario, I would also recommend you play 'Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors' and after that 'Virtue's Last Reward' if you are visual novel, puzzle games and I guess anime. Those really impressed me.
The flash cart is called "R4 Gold" and is around $30.
Hope you can find a good deal!

Anonymous 11/17/2024 (Sun) 23:41 [Preview] No.114030 [X] del >>114036
thank you very much!!
i dont know much about games at all but i like pretty looking fun games so ill definitely look those up :>>
i used to play one zelda game and some other random things when i was a kid but then gave away my ds like an idiot (ーー;)

Anonymous 11/17/2024 (Sun) 23:52 [Preview] No.114036 [X] del >>114079>>114841
>but then gave away my ds like an idiot (ーー;)
Don't call yourself an idiot!
Don't beat yourself up over it, just means you can make more new memories with a 3DS.
You said you had a brother, right? Maybe he can help you with the ROM flash cart if you can't figure it out on your own. I never had one myself, but a relative did.
Don't laugh at me, but my most played 3DS games were just Picross... they were oddly relaxing to me. lol

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 09:08 [Preview] No.114079 [X] del >>114107>>114166>>114841
okay true, ill keep this 3ds clean and i wont lose the stylus :-)
i dont know what a ROM flash card is T_T ill ask him later
picross are puzzle games ?
i have unpacking on my switch, i really like it. i wish tomodachi was available for switch (ーー;)

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 11:10 [Preview] No.114107 [X] del >>114112>>114152
>ill keep this 3ds clean and i wont lose the stylus
Good girl! :p

A ROM flash cart is a cart you can put games on. Download them from a ROM site and copy them to the cart, which goes into your 3DS. Free games.

I've been meaning to ask, what software do you use to edit your videos?

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 11:56 [Preview] No.114112 [X] del >>114166
ou thats so cool! thank you for letting me know
i just use capcut on my phone lol super basic

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 16:49 [Preview] No.114152 [X] del >>114156>>114160
Oh, right, Anon, I heard there was a ROM flash cart for Switch now. Is it more worth it to get that or a Switch emulator for single player games? I keep a NSO subscription for multiplayer, but they absolutely refuse to do any good multiplayer stuff anymore, so I don't feel bad about stealing single player content at this point.

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 17:01 [Preview] No.114156 [X] del >>114160>>114166
for switch, really!??! i dont know why i always have a mental block against that sort of thing.. i think im brainwashed. id rather just buy it and be a good citizen .. im boring!

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 17:18 [Preview] No.114160 [X] del >>114162>>114168
I'm not sure who is who now, but I don't have a Switch so I can't talk about any experiences with that.

The 3DS has no more online shop/servers online iirc, so there is no advantage over buying games legally.
And your favourites you can still buy if you got the money.
You just made yourself sound like you need to think about every penny. lol

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 17:58 [Preview] No.114162 [X] del >>114165>>114170>>114206
(766.10 KB 1242x2208 IMG_9618.jpeg)
(668.22 KB 2206x1185 IMG_9617.jpeg)
idk whos who either lol (ーー;)
but hi , bunny socks

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 18:08 [Preview] No.114165 [X] del >>114166
Were you any of the people? kek
Maybe you should at least use a name here like cewl, if not a trip.
Are those your favourite shoes?
Pretty legos. :3

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 18:13 [Preview] No.114166 [X] del
yes they are my beloved shoes :3

kiki 11/18/2024 (Mon) 18:14 [Preview] No.114167 [X] del >>114169
testing trip ::>>

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 18:16 [Preview] No.114168 [X] del >>114171
>You just made yourself sound like you need to think about every penny. lol
When I was 18 like you I spent irresponsibly and I'm still paying for it today, so yeah, you have to watch your spending THAT closely. I am hoping I get money from an inheritance soon, but it's getting dragged out and I need to be able to buy Soylent...

Trip##SRrn5x 11/18/2024 (Mon) 18:17 [Preview] No.114169 [X] del >>114174
I think the trip would be something like:


Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 18:18 [Preview] No.114170 [X] del >>114174
teasing little fucking slut. move your left leg out of the way, i dare you, and show off those panties. youre dying to, dont even deny that.

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 18:19 [Preview] No.114171 [X] del >>114172
>When I was 18 like you I spent irresponsibly
I'm clearly not Ki lol and she mentioned the money thing herself, like selling old ps4 games.
Not everybody grows up rich, ya know.

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 18:21 [Preview] No.114172 [X] del >>114173>>114174
Well, either way, I do need to watch my spending to a ridiculous degree.

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 18:24 [Preview] No.114173 [X] del >>114176
Do you have a ton of debt or whst did you blow your money on?

kiki 11/18/2024 (Mon) 18:25 [Preview] No.114174 [X] del >>114175>>114179
oh, why not just kiki ?
they are shorts connected to my skirt :p
me too T_T i spend way too much .. the second i get money its just so much stuff i want ahh im so bad at saving.

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 18:30 [Preview] No.114175 [X] del
>oh, why not just kiki ?
Somebody could just impersonate you if they wanted.
It happened with vamp recently too, so she used a trip (name+password) and posted a new timestamped picture with it. She was harassed so much before that already though that she left shortly after, at least for now.
But it's up to you.

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 18:35 [Preview] No.114176 [X] del >>114177
I just didn't know that credit cards were dangerous and I got fast food daily and junk like that. Technically I don't have debt but I have data breaches and I know some douche in the FBI has a count of how much I've spent and knows I haven't made nearly as much as I've spent. I'm just ready to end it all at a moment's notice tbh.

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 18:38 [Preview] No.114177 [X] del >>114182>>114202
Credit cards aren't dangerous, but our negligent spending habits.
It's good you got that under control now though and try to warn others, you should be proud of that.

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 18:40 [Preview] No.114179 [X] del >>114182>>114202
>they are shorts connected to my skirt :p
are you going to show us any of that?
or the bra you teased us with in the last video?

kiki 11/18/2024 (Mon) 18:53 [Preview] No.114182 [X] del >>114190
true true tru
it wasnt a tease i was showing what i bought!! and why would you want to see boring black shorts lol

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 19:10 [Preview] No.114190 [X] del
For men everything is a tease and you are the prettiest girl this board has ever seen

kiki 11/18/2024 (Mon) 19:13 [Preview] No.114192 [X] del >>114194>>114195>>114202
(364.13 KB 1832x1164 IMG_9705.jpeg)
working ..

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 19:13 [Preview] No.114193 [X] del >>114197
>and why would you want to see boring black shorts lol
Male brain craves to see. Female brain understands this.
Are you sure you're 18 yet lol?

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 19:16 [Preview] No.114194 [X] del >>114195>>114196>>114202
Goddamn I hope you aren't into clopping or are a furry...

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 19:21 [Preview] No.114195 [X] del >>114196
Nice drawing!

What if she stays thin to better fit in a fursuit?

kiki 11/18/2024 (Mon) 19:25 [Preview] No.114196 [X] del
im not! i just love mlp a lot
thank you!
and no way!

kiki 11/18/2024 (Mon) 19:31 [Preview] No.114197 [X] del >>114213
(2.88 MB 4032x3024 IMG_9706.jpeg)
i am 18 i just dont think theres anything interesting about it :<

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 19:36 [Preview] No.114199 [X] del >>114200
>and no way!
It has been decided kiki. Wear the fursuit or we won't love you anymore. Super serious.

kiki 11/18/2024 (Mon) 19:38 [Preview] No.114200 [X] del >>114213
ohhhmmmggggggg its so over
also i might have made a new twitter dats called rainingwaffles4

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 19:58 [Preview] No.114202 [X] del >>114205
Well, I mean, they leave a record of purchase anytime you use one, so really you want to use cash whenever possible. I only use cards for gas now and the one shopping site I still have an account on, eBay.

Yeah, I kicked the habit so hard I don't even have Amazon anymore.

What? Link pls.

Gyatt this is good art. 😭 I've drawn some decent pony art but this blows it out of the water.

Literally everyone who has played Pokémon SV is a furry. That is a losing battle, sonny.

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 20:08 [Preview] No.114205 [X] del >>114210

can i see ur pony art please !?

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 20:15 [Preview] No.114206 [X] del >>114209
I adore your style, it's pretty cute and kawaii. Also, you should definitely get the pink highlights, it will suit your aesthetic so much.
You're the most adorable girl, I've ever seen and I wish I had half your beauty atleast. ^^
Btww,what are your hobbies ki?

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 20:21 [Preview] No.114209 [X] del >>114213>>114224
aaaaaaawwwwwwwwww what the hell this is so kind, thank you so much, seriously (╥_╥)
im going to get the highlights either this weekend or next but i want them asap!!!
my hobbies are pretty basic, i love baking, drawing, colouring, painting, collecting tiny guys and staring at them, i also love movies and making edits on my phone of random things and i like makeup sometimes :p im very easily entertained. sometimes i feel like ive been injected with a sedative because the most simple things bring me so much entertainment and joy lol. i could draw the same thing over and over and over and love it
what are your hobbies!?

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 20:24 [Preview] No.114210 [X] del >>114212
Yes, once I am done working on an elaborate trick with my calico bunny. I think I figured out how I can get her to come inside sometimes.

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 20:26 [Preview] No.114212 [X] del >>114217
do i have to beg for more bunny pics please please please anon

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 20:29 [Preview] No.114213 [X] del >>114214
I can't make out a single thing in this picture.

Are you going to delete this one too?

>collecting tiny guys and staring at them
The manlets will rejoice for the first time in their lives.

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 20:31 [Preview] No.114214 [X] del >>114219>>114222
its da skirt showing black shorts
>delete this one too?
theres like a 65% chance it will be deleted but it doesnt mean there wont befun and colours

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 20:35 [Preview] No.114217 [X] del >>114223
(1.05 MB 2724x1600 20241118_153151.jpg)
Floofy fuzzboi

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 20:35 [Preview] No.114218 [X] del >>114223
(2.04 MB 2510x2142 20241118_153225.jpg)
Feisty flipper.

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 20:36 [Preview] No.114219 [X] del >>114223
I will you repost the hand pic here that you posted on your old one? I never got to see it... :<

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 20:37 [Preview] No.114222 [X] del >>114223
I tried to make a new X account last week and the captcha thing was impossible so I don't know how you're even going about doing the whole burner accounts thing.

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 20:40 [Preview] No.114223 [X] del >>114227
oh my goddd hi hi hi hi hi hi hi bunnies hiiii! hii hi please tell them i say hi
i pisted it here somewhere i think idk why do you love hand pictures
hi it just seems way more complicated than it is lol, i would do it for u if u didnt mind being hacked by me

also i ordered my 3ds eheheh

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 20:41 [Preview] No.114224 [X] del >>114225>>114226
You're welcome, you deserve all the kindness in the world since you are very sweet, you have a charming personality and it feels comfyy interacting with you^^
>my hobbies are pretty basic, i love baking, drawing, colouring, painting, collecting tiny guys and staring at them,
That's so wholesome, you know how to spend your time wisely. Good for you! Can you show one of your paintings to us? I really like seeing art from others since it's like sharing a piece of your soul. Btw, the pony drawing was so kewlllll and awesome =^.^=
>because the most simple things bring me so much entertainment and joy lol.
Same, honestly. It's the small things in this life that make me happy. I am thinking of making little gifts for my friends this new year to appreciate them.

>what are your hobbies!?
I really enjoy reading especially when its raining since i'ts cozy and I can concentrate better. Time to time I draw when I feel bored but I am not so good at it. After all, its the experience that matters more than the product you get. Aslong as you like what you are doing,time passes fast and eventually you'll get better at it and even excell. Lately, I've started baking and maybe, I'll try to learn the guitar but every time I have picked it up, I quit immediately

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 20:45 [Preview] No.114225 [X] del >>114238
eek ur the cutest.
what sort of gifts are you thinking of getting for your friends??
i would share some paintings but.. the reason i seldom post finished art is because if it isnt perfect i throw it away, its a sort of ugly trait but i just hate looking at something i make if i can see something that should be different (ーー;)
if i ever make anything perfect in my eyes, ill post it for you!

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 20:46 [Preview] No.114226 [X] del
What country are you from, ESL?

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 20:52 [Preview] No.114227 [X] del
>also i ordered my 3ds eheheh
Nice how much did you get it for?

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 20:56 [Preview] No.114228 [X] del >>114234
like 90 $
its pretty and white

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 21:13 [Preview] No.114234 [X] del >>114240
(348.62 KB 1796x1259 20241118_161147.jpg)
Nice, you got a good deal. Found 2 pony pics I drew. First is Flootershi.

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 21:13 [Preview] No.114235 [X] del >>114240
(651.45 KB 2123x2107 20241118_161141.jpg)
And then scootaloo the cutealoo.

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 21:19 [Preview] No.114238 [X] del >>114240
Thank u, thank u kiki
>what sort of gifts are you thinking of getting for your friends
I am not sure but maybe a little fragrance and a letter where I write about their best qualities.
>the reason i seldom post finished art is because if it isnt perfect i throw it away, its a sort of ugly trait but i just hate looking at something i make if i can see something that should be different

Ughh, you shouldn't feel insecure about your art at ALL because it's not meant to be perfect. Art exists as a way to express your inner self, not to conform to objective standards. Placing strict rules on creativity or striving for perfection can be extremelyy unhealthy. Remember, no matter how imperfect you think your work is, there will always be someone who finds beauty and meaning in it. Dont waste your potential into thinking you are not good enough. Tbh, what stagnate me to get better at art is the fact that it will take time to reach "perfection" so I just dont practice at all. I believe this sub consciously so It's very hard to completely change my mindset. Im lowkey a hypocrite convincing you otherwise. :p
ANYWAYS,keep creating and share what feels authentic and comfortable to you. I'll wait patiently for your painting since any form of art brings me warmth. Its one of the reasons I enjoy living.

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 21:24 [Preview] No.114240 [X] del >>114241>>114245>>114601
you are so right, i wish we could think this way about ourselves (。╯︵╰。)
you are such a sweetheart, and i think the fragrance idea is SO adorable and i would love to receive a gift like that so im sure they would too! i love art too
aaaawwwww cute cute cute. are you going to colour them? :>

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 21:35 [Preview] No.114241 [X] del >>114246
Nah, those are old enough that Icd rather leave them be.

I wish it were possible for MLP to make a new good show, but there's no way at this point. 😭

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 21:45 [Preview] No.114242 [X] del >>114244
hmm...theres a peculiar smell in this thread. do you guys smell it too? its the scent of a particular brazillian gremlin that grooms 12 yr olds in mlp servers. my spider senses are definitely tingling..i think hes among us in here?

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 21:51 [Preview] No.114244 [X] del >>114246
I try to be nice to people who are nice, but I am iffy about anons who are pretending to be too overly cute uwu and wholesome posting. It's usually the anons who just wear a mask as a personality.
But kiki is new, so it's not like she'll really listen to any of us about it.

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 21:57 [Preview] No.114245 [X] del >>114246
I really hope they appreciate the gift. Btw, do you give me permissions to draw you? I would love to make a drawing of you

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 22:00 [Preview] No.114246 [X] del >>114252
oh my god literally, g4 didnt have to end it was so beautiful i would have been happy if it went on for eternity :/ so upset over the new..
i dont think its forced uwu stuff its just nice conversations which just stands out among the arguments and stuff in other threads :<
are you kidding , i would absolutely love that but you dont have to!!

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 22:10 [Preview] No.114247 [X] del
Some of you guys are probably too cynical and paranoid. I went through a phase like that and alienated a lot of friends. Thankfully I got over it and am doing better.

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 22:17 [Preview] No.114248 [X] del >>114250
i know none of you will probably care but do any of you watch slushy noobz on youtube theyre my favourite youtubers and nobody i know likes them and i have nobody to talk about them with ::::::::::( sorry for being super active also posting a crazy ultimate surprise on twitter tmrw so everyone shoyld tune in it will be crazy

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 22:40 [Preview] No.114250 [X] del
>sorry for being super active
Why do you say that?

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 22:50 [Preview] No.114252 [X] del >>114253>>114258
Genuine question. If you've seen that EVERY SINGLE other thread on this board is filled with predators, doxxers, psycho stalkers, pedrophiles, and other assorted life-ruiners, why are you posting here as if you will be the exception? Do you really think you're so special? The small percentage of normal positivity doesn't get rid of that huge inevitability of something bad that you will have no control over at all. It doesn't matter how cutesy you dress or how "nice" you try to be when there are plenty of mentally ill people who are going to try to mess up your life for fun.

And before anyone tries anything, no I'm not a fucking foid and no I'm not a white knight. Women who intentionally come here to mine for attention despite seeing what it's like here deserve everything that comes their way if they're that desperate. I want an actual honest answer instead of hearing the same thing as usual.

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 22:55 [Preview] No.114253 [X] del >>114255
It's the Internet. People know there are a lot of freaks. People are bad, carry boxing gloves.

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 23:02 [Preview] No.114255 [X] del >>114256>>114257
Except this specific board in this specific image board community is far more dangerous for people to get involved with than most places online. Don't act coy. There are two options, and one is more likely than the other: she's ignorant, or she secretly wants obsessive stalking for whatever reason, maybe to get money to get out of poverty like Ika or to fuel BPD ego like the others who post here like Cewl. See this recent post by an Endchan admin: >>114108

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 23:06 [Preview] No.114256 [X] del
Also, if she keeps posting here I'll stop trying to warn her because it'll then obvious she's not just ignorant and is instead a BPD basketcase welcoming all of these outcomes with open arms. But I like to at least try to weed out the normal nonBPD women out at first. For example I don't give a fuck about Cewl and Bee posting here, and I used to try to talk Iris out of posting since she's not built for it, and I still regularly try to get schizos to chill out in other threads. I used to try to level with Vamp but stopped. After a certain point some girls make it obvious that they like the obsessiveness and attempts at ruining their lives, cause if they didn't they wouldn't stay posting here.

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 23:26 [Preview] No.114257 [X] del >>114260>>114261
I used this chan as a kid and only just rediscovered it because 4chan became literally unusable. It is NOT worse than 4chan, bro, 4chan is a nightmare. I have seen a couple awful posts, but then I learned from it and stopped looking at Overboard.

I'm a male content creator and I'm not a child or early to mid teen, so that is like 4× max difficulty. I need a thousand freakin' subs like, last year. And people are such nitpicky assholes (see 4chan) that it just gets even harder. People need to talk and anonymous spaces are way safer than some bs like Leddit where you have to register and basically can be stalked freely and endlessly.

I do see the point you are trying to make, but the Internet is changing. There are very good reasons that people are ditching shit like Twitch and X and especially Meta, Jesus CHRIST I want Meta to die!

I personally am back here on Endchan mainly because /AM/ gave me some of the best laughs of my life (like inventing the term "cuckime") and because everything else is terribad to completely unusable. And meatspace? Ha! Friggen forget it, dude! Absolutely impossible now with the overpopulation and every small business location changing hands weekly.

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 23:34 [Preview] No.114258 [X] del >>114260>>114261>>114272
to be honest yes i did feel like an exception
i realise it was stupid and im scared now , im going to stop posting here . thank you to all the sweet people

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 23:44 [Preview] No.114260 [X] del >>114306
My point is that she's not anonymous, lol. She's posting her face and other highly personal information that can easily be used to identify her. She's closer to Ika than any of the other girls to come here imo. Naive enough to be honest but still egotistical enough to want the attention and think it can't sour. She should be making actual friends, not posting to a sea of anons. It's one thing to come here to chill and shoot the shit but it's completely different to selfpost and intentionally try to curate a cult of personality in a place where many girls can no longer live normal lives (at least online) because said cults of personality.

I don't think anything bad will happen if you back out now, and I hope you didn't see my posts as threats. But I do think that if you stick around here then the usual mass psychosis will kick in, and you didn't seem to understand how much of an inevitability that actually is. I wish no ill upon you, which is why I felt the need to be so direct. If you're serious about staying away, good luck in life. Just don't be stupid like Vamp and come back the next day pretending you never said that kek

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 23:47 [Preview] No.114261 [X] del >>114263
This reads like if somebody told chatgpt to make the most stereotypical chan post.

It will be hard if you actually.like the attention and compliments you got, but it's probably a good decision.
Try to find friends online in more normal places and maybe restricted to around your age, if you have problems making them offline.
Stay safe, eat well (please) and enjoy your 3DS. Hope you think of me if you ever end up buying a flash cart!
I'll be rooting for you.

Anonymous 11/19/2024 (Tue) 00:00 [Preview] No.114263 [X] del >>114264>>114265
>Try to find friends online in more normal places and maybe restricted to around your age, if you have problems making them offline.

Delusionpost. That normie shit never works out long term, worst mistakes I have ever made. All those losers betray you for money and get unforgivably evil "jobs" and get rich while you remain poor and without real connections. Could not disagree more. You can't speak freely anywhere but these underground type venues, and getting that cloistered becomes unbearable.

I literally can't stand more than like three of the generic robots I know in the supposed "real world."

Anonymous 11/19/2024 (Tue) 00:01 [Preview] No.114264 [X] del >>114266
Yeah well you're also not an 18 year old girl or an anon who isn't stuck in the mud of blackpill bullshit so

Anonymous 11/19/2024 (Tue) 00:03 [Preview] No.114265 [X] del >>114266
Chances are you are the insufferable one.

>You can't speak freely anywhere but these underground type venues
Oh no, why don't people want to be a miserable pile of shit? What a riddle...

Anonymous 11/19/2024 (Tue) 00:08 [Preview] No.114266 [X] del >>114269
My life objectively sucks, and this "oh just be happy" garbage is WHY it sucks. The world is literally ending!!

Anonymous 11/19/2024 (Tue) 00:19 [Preview] No.114269 [X] del
Fuck off.

Anonymous 11/19/2024 (Tue) 01:17 [Preview] No.114272 [X] del >>114275
You'd get a lot of money from OnlyFans, always expand your options. Dudes would go crazy over your feet and body. It could also increase your YouTube views and subs.

Anonymous 11/19/2024 (Tue) 01:46 [Preview] No.114275 [X] del >>114277
Bruh, is that really a thing women can do? I hate being male. I'd gave 10k subs if I were female and willing to show bewbz. 😮‍💨

Anonymous 11/19/2024 (Tue) 01:52 [Preview] No.114277 [X] del >>114278
Again, fuck off.

Anonymous 11/19/2024 (Tue) 01:57 [Preview] No.114278 [X] del
You fuck off, thread killing idiot. Stop spreading your own poison. Morons like you are WHY the Internet is bad.

Anonymous 11/19/2024 (Tue) 07:50 [Preview] No.114306 [X] del
Who is ika?

Anonymous 11/19/2024 (Tue) 07:58 [Preview] No.114307 [X] del >>114309>>114316
No fucking way you're 18 and don't know the difference between a 3DS and a DSi

Anonymous 11/19/2024 (Tue) 08:05 [Preview] No.114309 [X] del >>114313
You forget how old DS systems are, Anon-kun. Nintendo has been tricking the Switch out on us for seven whole years now. An 18yo hasn't even seen a DS usually.

Anonymous 11/19/2024 (Tue) 09:18 [Preview] No.114313 [X] del
Lol stop trying to research Nintendo's history to try and combat someone who has literally lived through it. "DS Systems" can play the same games as DSi's but not 3Ds.

Anonymous 11/19/2024 (Tue) 09:55 [Preview] No.114316 [X] del >>114416
This is some really weird form of gatekeeping.

Anonymous 11/19/2024 (Tue) 23:24 [Preview] No.114407 [X] del >>114446
Kiki making edits about guys 30 years older than her.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 00:02 [Preview] No.114416 [X] del >>114428
How the fuck is it gatekeeping to say the average 18 year old didn't really grow up in the DS generation? This girl clearly wasn't a nerdy kid so she wouldn't have gone out of her way to get one, and by the time she got old they were no longer everywhere like they once were.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 02:38 [Preview] No.114428 [X] del >>114446
If she's 18 she was born in 2005 or 2006. Meaning she was a kid when 3ds games and marketing were at their peak. There's no way someone born in 2005 or 2006 doesn't know that a DS can't play 3Ds games

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 07:39 [Preview] No.114446 [X] del >>114460
did you like them ?
i just dont know anything about gaming consoles :< i literally could not tell you the difference between an xbox or playstation other than the logo

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 08:16 [Preview] No.114449 [X] del >>114456>>114458
(97.15 KB 735x658 IMG_9754.jpeg)
(54.58 KB 750x740 IMG_9755.jpeg)
(170.08 KB 763x763 IMG_9757.jpeg)
hii hi guys
should i save up for and do a cosplay of vanellope, buttercup or stocking

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 08:34 [Preview] No.114450 [X] del >>114454
>im leaving
>hi guys im back
She's done this 3 times already.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 08:40 [Preview] No.114454 [X] del >>114457>>114458
yea :( forgive me

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 08:50 [Preview] No.114456 [X] del >>114462

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 09:20 [Preview] No.114457 [X] del >>114462
Whatever, whore. Typical woman addicted to cheap attention.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 09:34 [Preview] No.114458 [X] del >>114462
Definitely Stocking, best style.

So you want the attention and don't mind getting sexualized here?

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 09:44 [Preview] No.114460 [X] del >>114465
>did you like them ?
I had to google who that was, so I can't really say much about it.
Are you into older guys in general?

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 09:47 [Preview] No.114462 [X] del >>114464
:( rude
eee okok, buttercup will be the easiest/cheapest but stocking is my favourite character like in the world so ill really try to do both asap,
i dont think im really sexualised, like some people say weird things but thats honestly really rare, compared to other girls threads here, and i like talking to u guys :<

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 09:53 [Preview] No.114464 [X] del >>114465
>i dont think im really sexualised
That's not what I asked though.
I asked if you don't mind it happening? Or even enjoy it?
Because the longer you stay the more it will happen.
It's usually why the girls stay, they want men to desire them. Cewl even asked us to fap to her.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 10:00 [Preview] No.114465 [X] del >>114466
ohhhhhhh, well i dont really know how i would feel about it because it hasnt happened but i dont mind, i would just ignore it if it was weird, i just want to talk and have fun with people normally :<<

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 10:10 [Preview] No.114466 [X] del >>114469
Well you should start by showing us your tummy and tight waist. You're proud of how skinny you are, right?
I'm sure the anons here would enjoy it.
Your slender legs were already really pretty.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 10:40 [Preview] No.114469 [X] del >>114471>>114472>>114478
maybe on yt or twitter in a sfw manner :p

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 10:46 [Preview] No.114471 [X] del
Well I'm not expecting you to just hop out nude, bunny.
But something like vamp's bikini pics here >>108290 would be hot. I bet you'd look stellar in them.
Youtube would work well for a bikini try on, you could really show them off.
But here would be a lot more personal, since it's just a few of us.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 11:01 [Preview] No.114472 [X] del >>114474
(46.94 KB 736x744 44.jpg)
Lmao, female logic right here.
>ummm sure ill giv u fap material :p but only if it doesnt make me a skank to u like the others hehe
Just admit you're here because you WANT attention, you LIKE attention, and you NEED even more attention. You literally want to be objectified and ogled. Why else would you post here instead of anywhere else?

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 11:13 [Preview] No.114474 [X] del >>114476>>114482
i post here because nobody else cares about me on any other social media place :< and i like peoples humour here!
i didnt say it was ‘fap material’ lol ur just being a perv

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 11:31 [Preview] No.114476 [X] del >>114477
The anon you responded positively to and promised content to did, lmao.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 11:38 [Preview] No.114477 [X] del >>114479
they did wut .. ?

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 11:39 [Preview] No.114478 [X] del >>114516>>114517
wht made u think i was gna kill u schizo girl wonder im fragrant and affable individuel

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 11:41 [Preview] No.114479 [X] del >>114480
He literally asked for lewder pics and gave Vamp's nudes and bikini pics as a comparison. Then you said maybe with a cutesy :p but added "hehe itll be sfw tho!"
Fucking Christ lmao. If you're gonna whore yourself out for attention be honest about it instead of using loopholes to make yourself feel less bad.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 11:44 [Preview] No.114480 [X] del >>114482>>114486
why are u so angry (ーー;) they didnt ask for anythibg lewd just that bikini thing
yes i dont want to feel icky is that so bad

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 12:05 [Preview] No.114482 [X] del
>ur just being a perv
As you have been told before, you should assume everybody you interact with here is a pervert. Including me.

>hey didnt ask for anythibg lewd just that bikini thing
If you walk around on the beach in a bikini, that is nothing lewd.
But I asked you to post pictures of yourself in a bikini here, for us. I asked you to show off your sexy body.
You also seem like a nice person to talk to and you're a beautiful girl, but I'm not sure how you can be so naive? Like, you've been told at least twice now that the main focus of this board is people following e-girls. Those e-girls post content of themselves that the followers find hot.

>yes i dont want to feel icky is that so bad
It's not "icky" to be attractive and want others to be attracted to you, that's the most normal thing in the world. Everybody wants to be popular. This is a place where you can be popular, but the type of popular where you are seen as hot and sexual desired.
You either are into that kind of attention and getting compliments on your pics/videos or you aren't. If you aren't, stick to some subreddits with your desired topics. You need to make up your mind about it, because you can't really have it both ways.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 12:30 [Preview] No.114486 [X] del >>114494>>114528
Lmao this is a board where every single girl except the ones who left have had nudes posted/leaked. Do you want attention or not? Cause no one actually cares about MLP or Powerpuff girls. And don't pretend you think a sea of faceless anon posts are friends. It's transactional. You give anons what they want and anons give you what you want (attention). Accept it or leave.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 13:12 [Preview] No.114492 [X] del >>114494>>114499
why are u guys so mean :< do you just not want to ever have normal conversations with people..? i might try on some clothes for youtube/twitter but idk why you have to make everything creepy and weird.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 13:31 [Preview] No.114494 [X] del >>114496
>why are u guys so mean
Stop just calling everybody mean for no reason.
It's really weird that you basically would want us to lie to you.
The other anon calling you a whore was mean, but I was not mean at all, I was just being objective and honest. And >>114486 wasn't a mean comment either, he was being very fair and truthful.
Do you also go on a news website and ask why everybody is talking about politics, and not just flowers and butterflies?

>normal conversations with people
This isn't really the place for that.
Yeah you can talk about the 3DS or whatever, but this is not a gaming or "normal conversations" board. You have seen all the other threads. You have been told by another anon that you are not going to be some special snowflake that people will only talk cutely towards.
I don't know what is so hard to understand for you?
You get attention and people talking with you, because you are pretty, have a good style and you post pictures of yourself. You say you get no attention on other social media sites, that's because there are millions of young girls on Instagram, Twitter or Youtube. But on endchan that's not the case, so of course you get people replying to you. However, that comes with a price that you've been told multiple times now.
It's all been laid out for you openly, several times now. Again, what is so hard for you to comprehend? That people like this exist? That some women enjoying having men lusting after them? If that's the case, then we've already told you to find a subreddit or something that is moderated, where people won't ogle at you.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 13:38 [Preview] No.114496 [X] del >>114499>>114502>>114513>>114528
ok fine i like it i just feel embarrassed about it .im going to go clothes shopping soon and ill try stuff on for u guys , im sorry for calling you mean just for being honest T_T

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 14:01 [Preview] No.114499 [X] del >>114502>>114505>>114506>>114510>>114528>>114533
Take yourself to /soc/ on 4chan, this really isn't the place for you. Trying to become a beloved egirl is lowly and pathetic and no one will like you for it. The girls here have legacies built over time, many of them against their will which is actually part of the appeal. The girls trying to become famous by posting themselves here are THE MOST harassed and hated. Usually it starts off with nice convos but it always becomes a shitshow. You will absolutely get doxxed and anything embarrassing you've done will be uncovered. I suggest taking your retarded ass to /soc/ if you want conversation and "friends." This is not the place for it.
>inb4 emotes and saying you're leaving just to come back again
You're an actual retard btw with nothing interesting about you.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 14:08 [Preview] No.114502 [X] del
>i just feel embarrassed about it
That's understandable with your little experience, but it's good to be honest about it.

Would probably be a better option too.
You'd also get way more people interacting with you when posting pics, than the 4 or 5 anons lurking in this thread.
Contactfagging is much more common there though.
Endchan doesn't really have any advantages over /soc/, except there is fewer people if you prefer that.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 14:41 [Preview] No.114505 [X] del
owch this really hurt

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 14:48 [Preview] No.114506 [X] del >>114507
bruh, the only one harassing her is you

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 14:51 [Preview] No.114507 [X] del
Better me than a dozen schizo anons down the line like clockwork. Don't act dumb.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 15:10 [Preview] No.114510 [X] del
>don't post here
>do post on /soc/
truly horrible advice if I've ever seen any

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 15:43 [Preview] No.114513 [X] del
What do you plan on shopping and showing?

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 16:25 [Preview] No.114516 [X] del >>114517
i miss u 2 kiki i thought we were gonna b friends !!

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 16:30 [Preview] No.114517 [X] del >>114518
Oh no, the ESL groomers...

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 16:46 [Preview] No.114518 [X] del
do u hv a chip on ur shoulder over sticking out liek a sore thumb among these grammar autists??

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 18:18 [Preview] No.114528 [X] del
Hey, I care about MLP. I'm not that big on PPG because the original is too violent and 2016 is too XD randumb, but I always like talking to fellow pony fans.

Wow, that is honest all right.

Oh, shut up you jerk.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 18:44 [Preview] No.114533 [X] del
It's OK because I will marry her and take care of her if she becomes abandoned teehee :3

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 20:43 [Preview] No.114549 [X] del >>114551
How can someone so cute be so retarded? She needs to get some nutrients in her ASAP

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 20:54 [Preview] No.114551 [X] del >>114553
Oftentimes cute people don't have to think for themselves because others just want to take care of them. But she isn't retarded. She's just a regular young woman who's maybe a little underweight.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 20:54 [Preview] No.114552 [X] del >>114555>>114561
are you into age gap relationships ki? you want a bf that is 20-30 yrs older than you? i think a lot of us would like to know the answer to this. dont be shy. theres a lot of wealthy handsome older men here who would love to spoil you and treat you like a princess. wouldnt you like that?

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 21:02 [Preview] No.114553 [X] del >>114561
can u say im super duper underweight instead pls

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 21:06 [Preview] No.114555 [X] del
>20-30 yrs older
That's more than just "age gap", more like "grandpa". lol
And she already said she is into older men.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 21:46 [Preview] No.114561 [X] del >>114582
I mean I would feed her a lot. But the thing is I would then be acting as an architect... but there is also a girl who lives a couple towns over that I'm in love with but her mom thinks I'm "beneath her." I just don't know what to do. I'm so lonely and pent up.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 23:24 [Preview] No.114582 [X] del >>114583>>114595
>I mean I would feed her a lot.
Yeah I am sure this is super fucking sensitive and nice for a person who has an eating disorder...

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 23:37 [Preview] No.114583 [X] del >>114586>>114595>>114624
every egirl claims to have an ED, you and i both know its probably bullshit.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 23:59 [Preview] No.114586 [X] del >>114595
We are talking about a specific one that is clearly very skinny.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 01:58 [Preview] No.114595 [X] del >>114610
Guy you were replying to here.
I don't have an ED, but I physically cannot eat much for some reason. However, I know that I have to get the nutrition in somehow so sometimes I do what I did this evening and go out to a buffet and force myself to eat a lot. Sometimes you just have to push yourself.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 02:05 [Preview] No.114597 [X] del >>114598
Has Ki shown hole yet?

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 02:17 [Preview] No.114598 [X] del >>114599>>114625
Spiritually she has.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 02:20 [Preview] No.114599 [X] del >>114600
is it gaped?

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 02:23 [Preview] No.114600 [X] del >>114603
Unbelievably gaped. The way she posts shows that no matter her body she will always be GAPED. Only the impure at heart would post like she does, and being impure at heart makes your body impure too.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 02:36 [Preview] No.114601 [X] del
I would love to see your paintings

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 02:42 [Preview] No.114603 [X] del
Please stop. Trying to respect her as a person but it's NNN and I'm CONSTANTLY throbbing...

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 03:55 [Preview] No.114610 [X] del >>114611
>Guy you were replying to here.
What makes you think anybody will ever care about you? lmao
Fucking worthless idiot, nobody cares about you, this thread is not about you.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 04:01 [Preview] No.114611 [X] del >>114613
Why are you just randomly attacking me? This isn't stupid fucking Facebook.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 04:36 [Preview] No.114613 [X] del >>114617
You'd be a much better fit for facebook considering how stupid and uneducated you are.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 05:01 [Preview] No.114617 [X] del
"education" is brainwashing, stupid.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 06:25 [Preview] No.114624 [X] del
wha why would i lie about that it literally ruins my life
why was everyone so nice b4 and now its all bleh (ーー;)

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 06:35 [Preview] No.114627 [X] del >>114628
You're whoring yourself out for cheap instant attention from men on a board notorious for things that aren't the most innocent in nature. Yes, you're spiritually blown out and probably physically too. It takes a certain type of woman to willingly spread her own pictures here coming day after day for more attention. If you weren't spiritually fucked you wouldn't want faceless interaction that only amounts to empty compliments you convince yourself has more meaning to lessen the guilt in something so debased. It is what it is. You're in denial, and that's fine, but soon you'll understand.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 06:37 [Preview] No.114628 [X] del >>114630

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 06:46 [Preview] No.114630 [X] del >>114632
See? All you do is sit and watch as I say that, proving you probably like it because any attention is good attention. The good attention is nice because you get to look in the mirror and think about everything everyone's said, the bad stuff is good because you get off knowing we're men most likely older than you (you go out of your way to signal that you're a pedrobaiter with a masochism kink).

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 06:55 [Preview] No.114632 [X] del >>114633>>114634>>114656
(54.67 KB 600x736 IMG_9782.jpeg)
yes of course i like attention everyone likes attention .. i think
but i think youre just projecting about the last thing you said because i literally have never done or said anything to indicate those things, other than saying ‘ya’ when someone asked about older people! if you hate me just say it or leave idk what the point of this weird narrative is..
anyway i think its going to snow later today so im excited for that :3

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 06:58 [Preview] No.114633 [X] del
post pic of your mouth open with tongue drooling

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 07:00 [Preview] No.114634 [X] del >>114635
>grown ass woman posting mlp pics and saying she wants to look as young as possible coyly telling everyone she likes old men
>not pedrobaiting

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 07:10 [Preview] No.114635 [X] del >>114636>>114640
come on loads of girls love mlp and literally what woman doesnt want to look young!? why does everything have to have some gross deep meaning like that ? also what would i even get out of that? just silly

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 07:23 [Preview] No.114636 [X] del
These guys are just trolling or angry they can't have you or something. They can't get girlfriends so they're taking it out on a random girl.

God my back hurts so much. Please, God, please kill me already...

So what's the deal with the eating disorder thing? I was thought to have an eating disorder in the past, but I don't know what actually makes it so I can't eat very much anymore. I thought it might just be aging but I was told not.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 08:12 [Preview] No.114640 [X] del >>114641
>what would i even get out of that?
kek as if you don't know where you are. You're posting here and not another place for a reason.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 08:17 [Preview] No.114641 [X] del >>114642>>114645
why does it hurt my heart when someone sages lol

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 08:26 [Preview] No.114642 [X] del >>114643
because unconsciously you love the attention you get from having a thread about you, it makes you feel special and validated. the thought of this thread dying would make you feel unwanted

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 08:39 [Preview] No.114643 [X] del

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 08:48 [Preview] No.114645 [X] del >>114647
Because you're already addicted to having your thread bumped lmao.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 08:56 [Preview] No.114647 [X] del
idc about bump its already on page 1 its just like jeez u hate me so much u put a huge red thing owch

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 11:00 [Preview] No.114656 [X] del >>114659
>other than saying ‘ya’ when someone asked about older people!
It is hot tho.
You look so sexy with your tight and skinny waist, it's why we want you to show off in a bikini or underwear. I'm sure you'd get a ton of comments.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 11:02 [Preview] No.114657 [X] del >>114659
So can I gape you phisically?

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 11:11 [Preview] No.114659 [X] del
Meant to write compliments.

Damn, you aren't holding back.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 14:15 [Preview] No.114667 [X] del >>114668
No new pic today? :(

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 14:30 [Preview] No.114668 [X] del >>114669>>114670>>114671>>114680>>114712
She posted these on Twitter, the little whore.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 14:33 [Preview] No.114669 [X] del >>114766
Ki this is a open invitation for us to breed,I think it would be mutually beneficial since your viewers would love to see you with a baby bump

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 14:33 [Preview] No.114670 [X] del
Fuck, do I really need to make a twitter to follow her cut ass?

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 14:52 [Preview] No.114671 [X] del >>114694
(85.05 KB 1116x1242 Gcuu0W_WAAEZdzN.jpg)
Also this.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 15:15 [Preview] No.114672 [X] del >>114673>>114674>>114676>>114681>>114713
This girl sent nudes to a fugly r9k namefaggot named "ruby", cheated on her ex-bf and met with a 40 year old irl. She also selfposted her youtube channel on r9k and tv months ago.
As always you cucks are simping for bottom of the barrel mentally ill women.

Read these threads, especially her ex-bf's posts and his gf's posts.


Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 15:28 [Preview] No.114673 [X] del >>114675>>114679>>114681
ouuu i knew this would happen
i wont post more because i know nobody will believe me, but i never sent anything to that ruby guy. i was talking with someone else and my ex thought it was ruby for some reason
i never cheated on him , and the ‘mistake’ he keeps referring to, which is why we broke up, was that he cheated on me with girls online .

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 15:29 [Preview] No.114674 [X] del
So just normal egirl behavior.
Problem is she's not posting the lewd or even nude stuff here for us all to see.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 15:31 [Preview] No.114675 [X] del
Most here don't care about who you fuvk or don't fuck, we just want pictures and videos of you.
So will you finally start sharing some?

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 15:34 [Preview] No.114676 [X] del >>114677
also hes 30 and his gf in the posts which hes now been dumped by, is 16

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 15:46 [Preview] No.114677 [X] del
And you were how old when you started edating? Probably 17, so not much better.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 15:54 [Preview] No.114679 [X] del
I don't care about My Little Pony or retarded baking videos. This has been reiterated multiple times already, I'm not sure why you pretend to not understand that no one wants to be your friend. Just post yourself wearing that little thong you showed and everything will be forgotten. People will soon forget about your habit of seeking attention from older men online.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 16:10 [Preview] No.114680 [X] del
lmao shes just a manipulative fucking whore liar pretending she doesnt want or understand sexualisation. anons have said it already but SHES HERE FOR A REASON. she cant have her cake and eat it too kek shes due for a rude awakening

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 16:11 [Preview] No.114681 [X] del
of fucking course

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 17:36 [Preview] No.114690 [X] del
I guarantee most of you faggots are 30yo men who WISH you could get innocent-whore puss. I doubt you'll abandon thread. You will probably keep on looking thinking in yiur delusional minds you might get some epuss for bullying.

Meanwhile, I'mma just enjoy seeing sexy pictures of this beutiful regular girl who is partly innocent and partly a whore. The innocent ones aren't the "pure" ones, those bitches are FAKE. The innocent ones are the ones that are still horny AS FUCK!!

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 17:59 [Preview] No.114694 [X] del
god you look so fucking good ki. i like to imagine you with those nice new sexy panties on :) i think i am going to write poems and stories about how beautiful you are and how much id love to touch your soft porcelain skin and kiss those shy looking lips of yours, and see you turn red and giggle. wouldnt that be nice ki?

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 20:01 [Preview] No.114712 [X] del >>114716>>114724
Lmao so innocent and totally not trying to manipulate us by posting thongs then denying any sexual intentions. Skank. At least Cewl is honest.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 20:01 [Preview] No.114713 [X] del >>114715>>114724
Wait...Wait my fucking sides LMAO. Fucking run of the mill BPD whore. Ran through.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 20:03 [Preview] No.114715 [X] del >>114718
isn't that just everyone on this site

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 20:08 [Preview] No.114716 [X] del >>114718>>114719
We are not entitled to lewds. If she wants to show us, she can. If not, that's her choice. If she wants to tease us, she is allowed to, and we are allowed to leave if we don't like it.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 20:11 [Preview] No.114718 [X] del
foid hands wrote this post

the ones selfposting like this is a blog yes

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 20:18 [Preview] No.114719 [X] del >>114727>>114741
Sure, but what is the point?
No clue id she is different in DMs, but she is acting really weird and doesn't know what she wants.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 20:45 [Preview] No.114724 [X] del
Fuck off, Elliot. You whine like a bitch.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 20:54 [Preview] No.114727 [X] del >>114728>>114729
it is good that she is naive and doesnt know what she wants :) she is waiting for an alpha chad to TELL her what she wants

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 20:56 [Preview] No.114728 [X] del
shes probably just a whore pretending no one makes it here a wholesome normie

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 20:59 [Preview] No.114729 [X] del >>114730
No, it is annoying since it means she isn't going to post content here. And we all want to see her cute face and skinny body some more.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 21:04 [Preview] No.114730 [X] del >>114731
theres no way its real its just a larp

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 21:06 [Preview] No.114731 [X] del >>114732>>114738
Are you dense?
It doesn't if she is actually shy or just uwu pretending.
What matters is that she isn't posting anything.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 21:12 [Preview] No.114732 [X] del >>114734
what do you mean shes posted on here before and there are picture of her body on here?

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 21:33 [Preview] No.114734 [X] del >>114735
Yes and that was days ago.
Is this just you, Kiki? lol

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 21:36 [Preview] No.114735 [X] del >>114736
XDDD no lol keep white knighting

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 21:38 [Preview] No.114736 [X] del >>114737
Who hurt you?

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 21:42 [Preview] No.114737 [X] del >>114738
what are you mad or something i feel bad for you the girl will never will spend more than 5 seconds thinking about you but your on here creaming pants thinking your talking her

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 21:47 [Preview] No.114738 [X] del >>114739
How old are you that you already forgot what I wrote just a few posts ago? Or do you have ADD or some shit?

>What matters is that she isn't posting anything.
This is all that matters, not if she talks or what else she does.
Grow up.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 21:50 [Preview] No.114739 [X] del >>114740
ok i mean no one has hurt me i just wanted to see if you mad lol are you?

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 21:51 [Preview] No.114740 [X] del
>no one has hurt me
Uh, ok?

>i just wanted to see if you mad lol are you?
I'm just disappointed she stopped posting pics.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 22:15 [Preview] No.114741 [X] del
she knows exactly what she wants. shes just not smart enough to know how to get it. she knows being seen as impure here doesnt work for the kind of positive attention she wants with no backlash but she wants the sexual validation enough anyway that she thinks she can try to be "subtle" as if we dont immediately clock what shes doing. she wants to be given the benefit of the doubt but shes so fucking obvious

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 22:19 [Preview] No.114742 [X] del
There's nothing even slightly interesting about this woman which makes the average poster not care about her, so anons are just fucking around with her except the one guy who kept trying to talk to her about nail polish and DS games to make her comfortable enough to think she was in good company so she'd post selfies. A tip for Ki: most people here don't care about women who have nothing unique about them going on, whether it's autism or some unique trait or a habit of self destruction. You need to be more interesting and that would start with dropping the fake personality. Embrace the real you, a slut for r9k 30 y/os.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 23:15 [Preview] No.114750 [X] del >>114752>>114753>>114754
(856.63 KB 1164x896 t.png)
Her twitter banner is literally Belle Delphine, lmao.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 23:24 [Preview] No.114752 [X] del >>114753
jesus christ. sigh. we lost a cute one

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 23:30 [Preview] No.114753 [X] del >>115024
>we lost a cute one
Why do so many idiots here think people here are MUH PERFECT PURE ANGEL?

Makes me hope she posts herself again.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 23:32 [Preview] No.114754 [X] del >>114755>>114756
I saw this too. I don't understand why she tries to keep up with the 'coy' act. She has posted herself all over /r9k/, /ck/, and /tv/ anyways. Why even bother pretending?

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 23:36 [Preview] No.114755 [X] del >>114757
Why /tv/ of all fucking places?

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 23:36 [Preview] No.114756 [X] del >>114758
Coping mechanism most likely.
It's stupid though and why I told her to just be honest. Everybody here knows what this plsce and 4chan is for.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 23:38 [Preview] No.114757 [X] del
Probably desperate become famous just somewhere. Jumping from place to place.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 23:41 [Preview] No.114758 [X] del >>114759
I think she must think this is identical to r9k where people obsess over purity in the same exact way. You can win as a whore here as long as you're honest and dish out what you've got, but the whole coy act like another anon said doesn't work when she's trying to farm sexual attention with suggestive things while playing dumb. I don't recommend the blatant whore route either though because clearly she can't handle anything but worship, and the whores here get the most negative attention even if they get the most GOOD attention too.

She's trying to artificially build up a legacy like the established egirls here have, but she doesn't know that the legacy was built through years of lore and orbiting from a distance. Just waltzing through here posting selfies and blogging isn't gonna get her what she wants, but neither is posting the lewdshit tbh.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 23:48 [Preview] No.114759 [X] del >>114765
Some anon mentioned going on /soc/.
There are threads there where women DO get worshipped and probably in the vain she wants, but they show off skin, if not even some form of nudity.

Anonymous 11/22/2024 (Fri) 00:41 [Preview] No.114765 [X] del >>114767
God, why would ANYONE ever use /soc/? It is on the same level as Tinder.

Anonymous 11/22/2024 (Fri) 00:44 [Preview] No.114766 [X] del
Ki please...

Anonymous 11/22/2024 (Fri) 00:45 [Preview] No.114767 [X] del >>114768
I just told you.

Anonymous 11/22/2024 (Fri) 00:46 [Preview] No.114768 [X] del >>114769
To try and get popular with the absurd notion that there's no such thing as bad press?

Anonymous 11/22/2024 (Fri) 00:57 [Preview] No.114769 [X] del >>114771
Yeah, for attention and some form of emotional gratification, even if it is ultimately unfulfilling. How is this a new concept for you when you are on endchan?

Anonymous 11/22/2024 (Fri) 01:29 [Preview] No.114771 [X] del
Well I'd forgotten Endchan was a thing for like over a year.

Anonymous 11/22/2024 (Fri) 10:41 [Preview] No.114807 [X] del >>114830
https://youtube.com/watch?v=Glgjg_xlIbA [Embed]

Anonymous 11/22/2024 (Fri) 19:30 [Preview] No.114830 [X] del

Anonymous 11/22/2024 (Fri) 20:45 [Preview] No.114833 [X] del >>114834
who is the fucking male foot in this video? bf? i need answers. now.

Anonymous 11/22/2024 (Fri) 20:47 [Preview] No.114834 [X] del >>114835
Most likely her brother.

Anonymous 11/22/2024 (Fri) 20:57 [Preview] No.114835 [X] del >>114839>>114841
Selfpost? She never mentioned a brother.

Anonymous 11/22/2024 (Fri) 21:10 [Preview] No.114841 [X] del
Keep up with the lore.

And then here again

>You said you had a brother, right?
> ill ask him later

Anonymous 11/23/2024 (Sat) 15:51 [Preview] No.114923 [X] del >>114924>>114935>>114943>>114949
https://youtube.com/watch?v=m-oek3Dhbkk [Embed]

Anonymous 11/23/2024 (Sat) 15:54 [Preview] No.114924 [X] del
>11 mins after upload
Wb kiki
Do you also send panties and not just leftoovers

Anonymous 11/23/2024 (Sat) 18:40 [Preview] No.114935 [X] del
Cute video, but watching you eat won't distract me from the teasing whore allegations.

Anonymous 11/23/2024 (Sat) 19:51 [Preview] No.114943 [X] del
Her hands are so fucking pretty.

Anonymous 11/23/2024 (Sat) 21:39 [Preview] No.114949 [X] del >>114960
Looking old.

Anonymous 11/23/2024 (Sat) 22:24 [Preview] No.114960 [X] del
She doesn't look old, she looks young and sexy.

Anonymous 11/24/2024 (Sun) 07:49 [Preview] No.115016 [X] del
Be very careful if anyone messages you trying to get you to join discord servers, Ki. Whatever they say, they're mostly blackmailing and extortion servers where they abuse young girls that they're going to try to get you to join.

Anonymous 11/24/2024 (Sun) 08:52 [Preview] No.115024 [X] del >>115025>>115026>>115028>>115109
she uses filters/facetune who knows what she actually looks like

Anonymous 11/24/2024 (Sun) 08:54 [Preview] No.115025 [X] del
Anons creaming themselves over a bitch thats probably as ugly as Empathchan

Anonymous 11/24/2024 (Sun) 09:03 [Preview] No.115026 [X] del
Again, why would I care if I never meet her?

Anonymous 11/24/2024 (Sun) 09:11 [Preview] No.115028 [X] del >>115041
Don’t her youtube videos disprove that?

Anonymous 11/24/2024 (Sun) 10:29 [Preview] No.115041 [X] del >>115095>>115109
Filters work well in videos now. You can even change your entire body shape/weight with filters even in videos now.

Anonymous 11/24/2024 (Sun) 12:45 [Preview] No.115095 [X] del
not even pretty enough to be accused of facetuning .

Anonymous 11/24/2024 (Sun) 13:27 [Preview] No.115102 [X] del >>115104
Oh look she privated her videos in a fit of BPD...

Anonymous 11/24/2024 (Sun) 14:02 [Preview] No.115104 [X] del >>115108>>115240
why would you even save them

Anonymous 11/24/2024 (Sun) 15:03 [Preview] No.115108 [X] del
do you not know what board you are on

Anonymous 11/24/2024 (Sun) 15:11 [Preview] No.115109 [X] del >>115116>>115258
https://youtube.com/watch?v=xgEcaUDYxzE [Embed]

Bro really got under her skin with the filter allegations, so she is still clearly reading the thread. kek

Her stupid dance about pretending to leave endchan, but still reading everything is so annoying and stupid. Bitch just post some hot pictures and videos, it's all we want, not these childish games.

Anonymous 11/24/2024 (Sun) 16:02 [Preview] No.115116 [X] del >>115142
>now she deleted this video too
I cant with this girl

Anonymous 11/24/2024 (Sun) 16:10 [Preview] No.115119 [X] del >>115137
absolute BPDemon

Anonymous 11/24/2024 (Sun) 18:30 [Preview] No.115137 [X] del
That was clear from the get-go, the beautiful crazy eyes always give it away.

Anonymous 11/24/2024 (Sun) 19:05 [Preview] No.115142 [X] del >>115147
>Up again

Ki, post pics in your underwear. I know you're reading this.

Anonymous 11/24/2024 (Sun) 19:14 [Preview] No.115146 [X] del
I wanna be her daddy that helps her in return she sends hot pics to.

Anonymous 11/24/2024 (Sun) 19:14 [Preview] No.115147 [X] del
yeah come on ki. its just underwear. the whole board will like you again if you do, isnt that what you want?

Anonymous 11/24/2024 (Sun) 19:22 [Preview] No.115153 [X] del >>115154
ki doesn't use filters and she's the cutest girl ever. get over it.

Anonymous 11/24/2024 (Sun) 19:24 [Preview] No.115154 [X] del
We all want her, little guy.
But you don't sound neither old nor rich enough for her.

Anonymous 11/24/2024 (Sun) 20:12 [Preview] No.115161 [X] del >>115240>>115242
It's creepy how boring and unintelligent she is. Like a shell of a person trying to convince us otherwise

Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 03:36 [Preview] No.115240 [X] del >>115276
see what i mean? now everyone is showing their true colors. don't waste your time with this orbiter culture shit if you care at all about having integrity. people here just want to see your naked body and you should especially be wary of the ones coming off affable and personable towards you, they're the sneaky beta males who are most likely to try and get on your contacts and do their best to earn your trust so they can convince you to send nudes which they'll then hold over you.

that's because she's an 18 year old girl who doesn't know shit about the world and you're an old rotted out mentally deranged adult man looking for frankly dumb high school girls to bully in order to alleviate your feelings of failure and self loathing. she's "creepy and unintelligent" because her brain is literally still forming you head up ass retarded cunt, lol. stop putting me in the difficult position of having to defend e-girls by being even more odious than they are.

i tried to warn you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 03:40 [Preview] No.115242 [X] del
She never tried to be anything else. I doubt she could, but she definitely plays into being boring and unintelligent because she thinks it makes her look cute and innocent.

Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 04:47 [Preview] No.115254 [X] del
is she actually 18? its great news for her if she is, LOL. cuz thats considered an expired , post wall roastie around these parts. no one will give two shits about her anymore.

Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 05:07 [Preview] No.115258 [X] del
Stop reading the thread, there are too many dicks on here trying to make you paranoid like they are, and also, I think maybe putting on mascara makes the dark circles more prominent. You might do better without the mascara. You're sexy, I care about you, ignore these dumb clowns who for some reason think 18 is somehow "old."

Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 06:02 [Preview] No.115266 [X] del >>115271
I think she's heavenly.

Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 06:55 [Preview] No.115271 [X] del >>115280
me too i love loli lol

Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 07:41 [Preview] No.115276 [X] del
She has proven several times by now she knows exactly what she wants and what this place is. She idolizes Belle Delphine and Bianca on her Twitter, talks to cewl.
It is you who is infantilizing her, thinking she is stupid and buys her act. I see her as an adult who can accept the fact ahe enjoys the attention, which she herself has admitted to already.

Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 08:09 [Preview] No.115280 [X] del >>115282
>grown adult woman with sunken in face and wrinkles
carrying a plush backpack doesnt make her a kid no matter how much this ageplayer fetishist wishes it did

Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 08:22 [Preview] No.115282 [X] del >>115285>>115288
having eyebags doesn't stop her from looking young asf

Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 08:36 [Preview] No.115285 [X] del >>115286
Hollow cheeks and nasolabial folds.

Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 08:38 [Preview] No.115286 [X] del >>115288
dont care she looks like a loli to me

Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 08:48 [Preview] No.115288 [X] del >>115290
>typing like a woman
uh huh

Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 08:55 [Preview] No.115290 [X] del >>115292
yea bro keep coming here and deluding yourself into to thinking you talking to her anon self posting lol

Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 09:04 [Preview] No.115292 [X] del >>115294>>115302
i think shes ugly and h@ggard but keep coping

Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 09:09 [Preview] No.115294 [X] del >>115297
then why do you have to defend her so hard are you mad or something?

Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 09:25 [Preview] No.115297 [X] del >>115298>>115311
i havent defended her a single time. i literally just called her h@ggard bro

Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 09:26 [Preview] No.115298 [X] del
oh my bad i thought you were the guys responding to me when i was posting about her being loli

Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 09:57 [Preview] No.115302 [X] del
Ok so i guess she's all mine now haha ah bummer that would suuuuck.

Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 10:09 [Preview] No.115311 [X] del >>115315>>115506
Are you underaged yourself that you can't type out angelgard?

Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 10:19 [Preview] No.115313 [X] del
angel cosplay on twitter

Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 10:29 [Preview] No.115315 [X] del >>115323
>doesn't know about the word filter

Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 10:42 [Preview] No.115319 [X] del >>115333
'angelgard' is starting to grow on me as a potential term in itself tbh. "She's sooo angelgard." I think it sounds cool.

Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 11:52 [Preview] No.115323 [X] del >>115333
Why would I ever call any of these girls ha gs? ahaha
Says a lot about you that you know this filter exists.

Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 12:56 [Preview] No.115333 [X] del
insane newfag cope

Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 14:40 [Preview] No.115360 [X] del >>115369
why are some anons bullying ki ? she is very pretty and kind

Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 15:30 [Preview] No.115369 [X] del
>why are some anons bullying ki ?
It's not about any individual, they do it to everybody, it's how they get off.

Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 16:14 [Preview] No.115374 [X] del
Let's see what the dumbass evil word filter changes h a g s to.

Hello you angelging angels who are a angel.

Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 16:15 [Preview] No.115375 [X] del
Oh that is extremely problematic for clarity...

Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 17:02 [Preview] No.115380 [X] del

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 00:51 [Preview] No.115464 [X] del >>115469>>115515
Just look at this sexy little minx.
I want her so bad.

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 01:30 [Preview] No.115469 [X] del >>115472>>115494>>115514
>hiding face in every image
>obvious editing artefacts
>clearly high test as evidenced by the excess natural muscle mass in her wide shins and huge wide arms and knees while underweight
>gigantic feet
>short nails
Looking like a boy, pass.

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 01:52 [Preview] No.115472 [X] del
>>short nails

Oh and feet are unimportant.

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 05:06 [Preview] No.115494 [X] del
unlike you, tranny

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 05:23 [Preview] No.115498 [X] del >>115500>>115514
my genuine wish for ki, and all the other dumb sluts like her, is that someday you will want a guy to like you for who you are and not just your physical appearance. maybe if you put as much effort into your non existant personality as you do your hair, make up and clothes, there could actually be something to like about you other than your holes

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 06:35 [Preview] No.115500 [X] del >>115501
you literally know nothing about her, you just read some anon saying this and you’re repeating it to feel better about yourself. get a life

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 06:40 [Preview] No.115501 [X] del >>115502
>you literally know nothing about her
Lol she's been open and oversharing here, the only reason "nothing" is known is because inside of her is nothing.

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 06:45 [Preview] No.115502 [X] del >>115503
how do you know she was open and oversharing?

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 06:49 [Preview] No.115503 [X] del

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 08:23 [Preview] No.115506 [X] del
(982.43 KB 255x185 1586078364345.gif)

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 08:31 [Preview] No.115507 [X] del
аgаthа2 fаgs аrе tоо dumb... Оr mаybе thеsе "аnоns" аrе fаt hаgs thеmsеlvеs, rоаstіеs sееthіng оvеr thе nеw gіrl...
evading ban for cp (delastelle)

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 08:41 [Preview] No.115509 [X] del >>115511
I want a threesome with her and cewl.
We could teach her so well how to be a good little slut.

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 08:53 [Preview] No.115511 [X] del >>115513>>115516
why are you saying cewl? im not updated and saw no mention of it
evading ban for cp (delastelle)

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 08:58 [Preview] No.115513 [X] del
The influx of newfags in this thread alone make me feel like this entire girl's thread is astroturfed by her selfposting.

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 08:59 [Preview] No.115514 [X] del >>115517>>115530
I am getting tired of her getting hated on this is so annoying kill yourself cewl/donut/whoever you are get a job nigga

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 09:01 [Preview] No.115515 [X] del
beautiful angel ki, are you going to make a christmas video soon?

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 09:06 [Preview] No.115516 [X] del >>115518
Because she talks with and idolizes her on Twitter? Keep up with the lore.

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 09:07 [Preview] No.115517 [X] del >>115630
It's not Cewl, she's very very busy multitasking IRL stuff (studies) because she has a life, she only has time to answer me on WhatsApp and barely posted on her thread today. I can't speak for Donut though but given Donut's history of hating on girls for no good reason it makes sense.
evading ban for cp (delastelle)

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 09:10 [Preview] No.115518 [X] del >>115519>>115525>>115591>>115630
They're friends, and I invited Kiki to Cewl's Discord server so Cewl can have more female friends, Bee is also back.
evading ban for cp (delastelle)

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 09:11 [Preview] No.115519 [X] del
Wow, you are evil.

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 09:19 [Preview] No.115525 [X] del >>115527
lol cewl trash talks all women she talks to on discord kys for doing that, kiki deserves real friends not someone like junkie cewl

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 09:24 [Preview] No.115527 [X] del >>115528
Stop lying. One lie can turn into a weapon pointed at your own head, and that applies to everyone. We'll be taking care of Kiki on our server. She'll play Minecraft with us, share her taste in music, and just be another friend of ours.
evading ban for cp (delastelle)

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 09:26 [Preview] No.115528 [X] del >>115531>>115533
>We'll be taking care of Kiki on our server.
yeah until the simps from cewl's server start orbiting kiki because she is way cuter and kinder than cewl and the bitch starts being mean towards ki. Elliot used to talk about ciara and cewl would hate it. I already know what kind of woman cewl is everyone does unless they are dumb.

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 09:28 [Preview] No.115529 [X] del
my advice for ki: block all the niggers from cewl's server , block cewl , leave the server and go make some female friends on jirai kei twitter or instagram instead.

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 09:29 [Preview] No.115530 [X] del
I'm not a woman. Take a look at literally any other thread and you will be reminded of the fact that NO GIRL on this board is without many anons who hate her. In fact most of this board is negativity.

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 09:30 [Preview] No.115531 [X] del
>Elliot used to talk about ciara and cewl would hate it.
You're leaving out the relevant fact that Elliot was posting from his hoard of Ciara CP, lmao.

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 09:32 [Preview] No.115533 [X] del >>115534
Damn, your attempts at fearmongering are so low par.
Elliot is a pedrophile and was posting pics of Ciara when she was underage, he was forcing Cewl to make a channel just for Ciara and used to shit talk not only Cewl but other girls as well. Need I remind you he used to sell Ciara's underage pictures? That's one of the reasons he got banned, Ciara is dead though, and I wouldn't want her around Cewl because Ciara was just what you try to put Cewl as...

You're just jealous someone like me took the step of helping the girl instead of making her feel bad.
evading ban for cp (delastelle)

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 09:33 [Preview] No.115534 [X] del >>115537
you are mentally ill cewl trash talks everyone and you know it stop lying and being a groomer nigger

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 09:35 [Preview] No.115536 [X] del >>115537
ki you should tell cewl to fuck off she is a skank that posts nude pics and wants to ruin you so you become like her as time goes on run away from her before it's too late

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 09:36 [Preview] No.115537 [X] del >>115540
Look how desperate this motherfucker is. THIS IS THE REAL DEFINITION OF A SIMP.
evading ban for cp (delastelle)

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 09:36 [Preview] No.115538 [X] del
Even Vore is a better person that Cewl

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 09:37 [Preview] No.115540 [X] del >>115542
t.cewl's personal dog that makes posts for her because the whore is banned

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 09:39 [Preview] No.115542 [X] del >>115546
Her boyfriend, not dog. Also: >>115499
Banned? She's still posting.
evading ban for cp (delastelle)

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 09:40 [Preview] No.115544 [X] del >>115547
Reminder that delastelle datamines everyone in cewl's server for blackmail material and that he also posted child porn here multiple times.

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 09:41 [Preview] No.115545 [X] del >>115554>>115591
(4.10 MB 1280x720 hehe paul.mp4)
I will not answer any of you folks anymore. Only Kiki, on Discord. ;)
evading ban for cp (delastelle)

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 09:41 [Preview] No.115546 [X] del
You are cewl's boyfriend? that explains alot.

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 09:43 [Preview] No.115547 [X] del >>115551
OK. I'm breaking my rule of not posting anymore to answer: I never posted CP, but if you want to believe this crap, that's on you and you entirely, and I don't datamine her server, I even admitted that was a lie to scare creeps like you.

I do datamine this place here (agatha2), not Discord because of their rate limit.
evading ban for cp (delastelle)

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 09:50 [Preview] No.115551 [X] del >>115552
You were already proven to have posted cp, little bro. Not that I expect a habitual and pathological liar like you to admit this even when the evidence was clear as day.

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 09:59 [Preview] No.115552 [X] del >>115560
The evidence was that I use a VPN that shares large CIDR blocks across the service. I can choose a country and still have the same CIDR block as another country, but you're dumb and don't know any of these terms. Most of the IPs are globally banned for spamming even if I change the country the first part remains and it's that part that got banned, and it wasn't me.
evading ban for cp (delastelle)

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 10:05 [Preview] No.115554 [X] del
Paulie was WOATed, worst piece of shit in the entire show. Screwed every single person over from start to finish, and in the end wouldn't even do Tony a solid. Should've been him to get whacked instead of fucking Ralphie.

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 10:36 [Preview] No.115558 [X] del
lmao what a retarded tranny
>uh yeah not to brag but I'm like a groomer, I post cp, I'm a skiddie and I'm a pretty big deal on some eslut's discord server!
very cool 😎 👍 very impressive

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 10:44 [Preview] No.115560 [X] del >>115561
>i-it wasn't me, it was another guy on the same ip range on the same vpn who also acts exactly like me who posted it!!
thankfully no one other than you is retarded enough to believe this shit

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 10:47 [Preview] No.115561 [X] del >>115571
CIDR block is not the same as IP range, illiterate monkey.
And I wasn't present during the events.
evading ban for cp + threats (delastelle)

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 10:48 [Preview] No.115562 [X] del >>115630
The board volunteer made a big mistake of changing my ban message and the whole website will pay for it, I already told the admins about it. Expect a sudden restart or downtime.
evading ban for cp + threats (delastelle)

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 10:49 [Preview] No.115563 [X] del >>115564
omg he said cidr block I guess he's actually innocent...

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 10:50 [Preview] No.115564 [X] del
Shut up fatty.
evading ban for cp + threats (delastelle)

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 10:51 [Preview] No.115565 [X] del
just change your own ban message 1337 hackertranny I know you can do it. you're super duper smart!

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 11:02 [Preview] No.115568 [X] del
>another thread invaded by a male attention whore that nobody wants to know anything about
Please please please get banned again asap.

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 11:10 [Preview] No.115571 [X] del >>115573
CIDR blocks have nothing to do with the hashed range shown, retard.

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 11:21 [Preview] No.115573 [X] del >>115591
They do, they can get as many IPs in different locations at once, I don't need to select an IP from the US to have the same broad range from a person using an IP from fucking Cambodia.
evading ban for cp + threats (delastelle)

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 13:16 [Preview] No.115591 [X] del
>evading ban for cp (delastelle)
Based janny exposing the groomer once more.

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 15:40 [Preview] No.115630 [X] del
People who are in college very specifically do NOT have a life and are throwing away any chanve they could have had at a life.

Eww, D**cord... Dude, servers are the biggest waste of time ever. I only use DMs. (and unfortuntlately most of the girls I DM just don't talk much because women are never assertive)

Honestly, fuck all modfags. Only a deranged asshole would moderate a forum FOR FREE™. (please do not ban me for disagreeing with your life choices)

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