Anonymous 12/13/2024 (Fri) 11:54 No.120867 del
(143.21 KB 721x745 avoid.png)
Here is a screenshot of Vore telling me what's happening; this could've been avoided, assuming anything she said is true. This situation spiraled out of control, and now she and her family are getting swatted. There is a reason for it, and it's not because of me; we all know I am just a script kid and can do nothing of the sorts.
This board is doomed (get it?) because of us. Check out Puka's thread and see how many pedrophiles are there; not larping or joking, they are pedrophiles going back and forth with the age thing to keep the thread alive since there isn't much they can talk about her or at all about anything related. You and I are both tired of internet BS unless it's fun, but this isn't funny. She's just a kid; an evil one, sure, but still a kid.