12/13/2024 (Fri) 12:10
No.120875 [X]

>>120867I want to believe that's fake, but if it's real I just hope she's ok. I don't actually have an issue with Vore and had I known her situation was that serious I would've avoided bringing her up. Shit happens I suppose. I'll confirm with her and if so I guess I'll just go back to acting like I don't know her.
I do hope she's safe. Even if she's a manipulative little shit and really dislikes me, she doesn't deserve that.
>doomedIt's Doom'd lol.
Idk man. You retardation is similar to mine. You understand the rule that random is not random. You clearly know what you're doing and are far more intelligent than you let on. idk the endgoal here, I have theories I'm holding close to my chest, but whatever happens, this nihilsitic rampager we've shared has been the most fun I've had in years.
That last little drama sesh between you and Cewl left a bad taste in my mouth because that was the first time I not only got a glimpse behind the scenes and was able to see some of the strings, but actually saw way more of the machines parts then i ever truly cared to. I can't be a good lolcow if I'm truly aware of what's really going on now, can I? There has to be a level of gullibility on my end and I've allowed you to have that over me but do better next time. <3
Yeah, the puka situation, idk. At this point I'm 50/50 that those conspiracy theories are true. Could be either way really.