12/16/2024 (Mon) 18:04
>>122067Yeah, people from here. People who have said countless creepy and explicitly sexual things about you. People who defend you because they're attracted to you and know you're desperate enough to give them attention as long as they give you even more.
You know the girls who got screwed over by stalkers going psycho on them didn't just happen to hand personal info to "random" guys right? It starts slow and sweet. They're always nice and seem normal at first. Then down the line you don't respond for a day or your tone is different and they run a crusade against you to ruin your reputation, spread lies with your face plastered on every board on every image board, and doxx you. It has nothing to do with how nice you are or how pretty you are or how much content you post. It's about control and power. It happened to Vamp. Happened to Marky. Happened to Tinker. Happened to Cewl. Happened to Kennedi, who never even posted here and is a much better person than anyone here will ever be yet schizos still wanted to ruin her life for fun.
You are not any different. If anything you are at a much greater risk of this happening since you've made it so clear in these threads that you're desperate and insecure and willing to do anything for more attention. It is a perfect recipe for your own ruin. I will stop trying to warn you now. You know what you're doing and you've made your decision. Have fun talking to Seymour and the guy who wants to buy you panties in exchange for pics.