12/23/2024 (Mon) 07:26
No.123319 [X]
>>123311Guy you pay the least attention to because I've only been respectful towards you here. Literally, you just limit the amount of people that have access to you. That's it. You keep freaking out and deleting Tweetypages you make, but that isn't the right move.
What you need to do is assess your goals, figure out what you want to do online, and then network with those able and willing to help you reach those goals.
Do not waste time doing pointless shit like posting in Pisscord servers and making new X accounts you don't intend to keep for more than a week.
To give you an idea of how to do things properly, the way I operate is I have almost no socials, spend most of my time working on actual meaningful content, and keep the security on everything tight. Oh, and importantly, NEVER use anything A.I.
I have Discord, because unfortunately you just have to these days. But I do NOT join servers. (Also, NEVER make a server or you can't delete your account.) I have Instagram (DO NOT sign up for Meta Platforms anything) but I check it once a day at most. Facebook made it impossible to get rid of Facebook, but I changed to a fake name and no longer log into it. (But I do have to use Messenger for a few friends, but I have exited every group chat.) Then I have a few of the secure apps that I've not done anything with yet but that are there if I ever feel like trying to have friends again and don't want to put them in danger. That's it. You keep it simple, make it so you don't have too much to keep up with. Don't sign up for insecure stuff that data mines you like Meta or Snap or anything. Always check the data policies of apps in the store and if possible turn your DNS settings to Private DNS: Big pro tip you just got for free.
Now please stop ignoring me in favour of people who are trying to control the way you think.