06/25/2024 (Tue) 22:48
No.75588 [X]
That night as I lay on her parents living room floor in total darkness, wrapped in the warmth of my Lilo and Stitch sleeping bag and quietly plunging my fingers in and out of my sticky wet hot slit, something shifted in my brain. My thoughts were in turmoil because of what Id witnessed earlier. Reality as I knew it had been shattered, as though Id lived life from behind a curtain that had suddenly been lifted, and the radiance of life as it truly was was shining brightly before me now. I now knew the power I possessed as a 14 yr old girl, and things would never be the same.
I lay there in the pitch black of night staring up at the ceiling, surrounded by the other girls who were now sound asleep. Jules, Kaley, Sarah, Cassie, all silent and dreaming in their sleeping bags while I lay awake shlicking. I imagined that saul goodman from breaking bad was with me in my sleeping bag and going down on me, his tongue eagerly working every angle of my clit while my hands pushed his head deeper into me, his mouth writhing inside me, and im squirming and going crazy with pleasure! Saul is an expert with his tongue, you know. Much like hes an expert on legal matters great and small.
I love older men, lets get that out of the way right now. Go ahead and say I have daddy issues, I dont care.
I thought that fingerblasting myself good would get my mind off the events that happened earlier and then I could stop ruminating on it, but no. It was still there. Why was I so mad? Why couldnt I let it go? Its because Im the cutest goth girl in our group, tbh. My face is so much prettier than Cassies. My hair is way cuter. My skin is paler. Im thinner. My tits look better than hers, Im sure of it. I probably have a tighter, innier pussy too. Id bet my life on it.
So its decided then. I will start my own discord server tomorrow and put lots of effort into it and make it the best goth server ever, with lots of cute girls and hot goth guys and rich older men. If cassie can make 500 dollars from some desperate old man in 30 seconds, I can earn more. I will make a thousand in 15 seconds. I am going to do it, youll see. Then I can buy five pairs of demonias and every dress ive been wanting on Dollskill, I will be the cutest and most liked goth girl in the entire school soon....