Anonymous 02/10/2025 (Mon) 20:11 No.129227 del
You told me your side but failed to provide any proof. If you were really on this journey to make her shit public, why aren't you showing any proof that this was actually planned?
I don't really get it.

And you're planning something for her that leads back to me? lol
You're not planning anything because you have nothing. You're hoping that she sees your comment and then comes to message you and see if you really have anything and then you're going to act like you have something really damning and then try to blackmail her some more. It'll go nowhere and you'll get even more pissed off.

Just stop your game. Idk why you're hung up on a failed booty call. Even if it were true, why the fuck does it matter so much? She's allowed to change her mind. She probably saw the scumbag shit you do to girls and bailed.