Every preview/leak so far should be taken with a HUGE BLOCK of salt. If you see the chatlogs, he claims
>>128658 >>128657 are exes of him.
He will try to control the situation by giving nonsensical ultimatums and when he can't find a good situation he'll just block you or stop replying and claim it's someone else. He's easy to catch on 4chan if you start threads pretending to be her (something he does with Joel).
Another boring chatlog where he claims he wasn't here, that being true or not is up to the mod turn on IDs:
discordant112: 14:21
broker: 14:30
I'm seeing someone replying as me but I'll let it happen
broker: 14:31
It's funny when people do it
broker: 14:31
Let them play
discordant112: 14:31
Someone is replying as me towards whoever is replying as you
discordant112: 14:31
I haven't posted on there in weeks until today/yesterday.
discordant112: 14:32
I can't tell if it's Joel or something but I've been out of this shit for awhile. But I was intentionally trying to hail you
broker: 14:32
It takes a lot of work since I don't actually give a damn about any of it
discordant112: 14:33
Now help me understand where the fuck this "'cuck" dialogue is coming from? I'm not interested in reading the whole thread. What happened that I'm being seen as a cuck
broker: 14:33
I think it's because you sent some of her stuff and then got jealous, IDK
broker: 14:33
They will troll you at that point
broker: 14:34
Trust me, I've been there far too long
broker: 14:34
And there were the other guy(s) in the mix so that's it basically
discordant112: 14:35
That's unusual. Didn't realize it was coming off as jealous.
discordant112: 14:36
Joel's been desperately trying to get ahold of her because he thinks he can win her back, but I still don't understand why he wants that after their relationship ended poorly and he knows how ours ended.
discordant112: 14:37
Someone said Joel was impersonating me and using his own nudes from her to sell people on the belief that it was me. So be mindful if you are talking to someone who claims to be me on any platform that isn't this one.
broker: 14:38
discordant112: 14:39
You don't have to come to my defense but if you suspect that I'm talking to you on Agatha, just message me here and I'll prove or disprove it.
discordant112: 14:39
His username was "a"
broker: 14:39
Be mindful there are trolls who will try a number of games on any of us
broker: 14:40
The Japanese guy is from Australia, I know him and he's just a tourist trolling because Australians have their own board and the bot was spamming there...
discordant112: 14:40
I'm not all that interested in getting involved again. But hearing that you posted my IP and someone else was trying to provide my full name really confused me since I've done nothing wrong to you
discordant112: 14:40
Do you want to tell me why you did that
discordant112: 14:41
The post where you remarked about Comcast
broker: 14:42
I don't know how to explain it in better words to make it less weird but it's just my normal way of being a sadistic piece of shit
broker: 14:42
Doom got used to it, we're friends but he says all that stuff about me on Endchan because it's fun
broker: 14:42
and it's just IP, don't worry about it
discordant112: 14:43
discordant112: 14:43
Oh I know..that's why I didn't even respond.
discordant112: 14:43
I'm not K. I don't shit bricks over an IP.
discordant112: 14:43
discordant112: 14:44
Y'know in other circumstances we probably would have been friends because I usually love being surrounded by filth similar to me.
broker: 14:45
I was supportive at the beginning because everything I said about me and her is true
discordant112: 14:45
Alright. I'm rolling out..just wanted to touch base and make sure you know that it hasn't been me posting on probably two or three weeks
discordant112: 14:45
But then you started with the ultimatums. Which made no sense.
broker: 14:46
Let's say I got bo