Anonymous 02/17/2025 (Mon) 16:21 No.130798 del
(10.07 KB 267x189 even in death.jpg)
I haven't been relevant on here for months or 4chan for weeks and yet I still get brought up frequently and retarded faggots like you insist that nobody cares.
I assure you, you care, others care. If you didn't care you would have forgotten I exist by now. I wouldn't still have anons on 4chan impersonating me and using me to troll my exs for everyones amusement.
Seriously, I'm inactive as fuck and barely lurk anymore. It's good to occasionally be reminded that my presence is still felt by insecure manchild that only know how to rip others down to feel better about their own insignificance.
I will always live rent free in the heads of my enemies, even in death I still serve.
Yes yes. you're a edgyboy who abusifies the wiminz almost as good as I do.
+1 internets to you good sir.
A lot of us are here for the drama and don't actually give a shit about the nudes but you keep telling yourself that.
Oh God. Did you compliment me? I feel gross and need a shower now....
But yes, only my mind is broken and unhinged enough to understand the joy that can be had from a multi-month hate crusade against a mentally ill drug addict who doesn't understand how little anyone actually values or respects her over what is literally nothing. [Embed]
A hundred of Cewls simps remained, they were the only survivors of Cewls glorious last stand and she had gathered them in the remains of the Cewlsimping discord server. Sons of deadbeats, undeveloped child, and even a few lost looking autistic spergs. Cewl noticed there were no hackermen in their numbers. Thinking that perhaps some had survived the Doom guys scouring of the simp bunkers, but knowing that they might as well not even be online. This.. was the end, they all knew it. But none of them had given poise to that fact.
She knew all their names now, before they had just been grease covered faces among the endless days and nights of battle. But now they were lovers, men she would die with, in an honorable mass suicide. Pictures of human feces bloomed in endchans other threads, flaming hateposts punched through the popular e-girls threads, scorching holes through which the glimering paypigs could be seen. The paypigs sent money to the e-girls in time to watch the website die.

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