02/28/2025 (Fri) 20:50
Every preview/leak so far should be taken with a HUGE BLOCK of salt. If you see the chatlogs, he claims
>>128658 >>128657 are exes of him.
He will try to control the situation by giving nonsensical ultimatums and when he can't find a good situation he'll just block you or stop replying and claim it's someone else. He's easy to catch on 4chan if you start threads pretending to be her (something he does with Joel).
Another boring chatlog where he claims he wasn't here, that being true or not is up to the mod turn on IDs:
discordant112: 14:21
broker: 14:30
I'm seeing someone replying as me but I'll let it happen
broker: 14:31
It's funny when people do it
broker: 14:31
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