Anonymous 02/14/2025 (Fri) 15:56 No.130357 del
>I don't think I've ever been this worked up over someone not fucking me.
You went out of your way to blackmail the girl and expose her private stuff because you thought she was cheating (and she was), then you moved to another excuse over and over because you were sad and mad at her. "Was this during December, November, before that???" ROFL.
Seriously... I think you need to go away, there is no reason for you to be here any longer if you are going to be a bitch about everything.

I sincerely hope you realise most of this is me being a cheap troll and the local "lolcow" because that's me, but out of here you are scared and told me to be a man and not to use your weaknesses against you... Well, stop asking for it then.