Anonymous 02/26/2025 (Wed) 01:05 No.131112 del
So, this is exbf #12 that was attempting to extort the eslut. Picrel; proof that that's my post from before.
I've been absent of this board for some time. I had a goal and achieved it and left. y'allst folx are toxic and it makes me feel so much better about myself, but I couldn't stick around just to keep feeling better about myself in comparison.
Unless you've been in my shoes, trying to make sense of such an unusual situation, you can't quite judge effectively.

> I deleted everything when we broke up
Yeah, but I was either incredibly foolish or willfully negligent because I didn't clear it out of my Dropbox, iCloud, or iPad. I shouldn't have even mentioned that I tried deleting everything because y'allst folx collectively forgot that recycling bins existed on computers and phones.

The "troll" couldn't recognize being trolled? This still makes me laugh so hard. I really can't believe that this place exists, but I'm especially impressed with the degree of entitlement someone carries just because they got burned by someone hot.
Bro, I totally get it. Shes insanely hot. I'd be SOOO bitter about not getting to fuck her too. But like... Let it go, please.
Just take the pity lewds I gave you, study them until they're seared into the remaining braincells, close your eyes, beat your shit especially hard, and then move on. How did you get hung up on her to begin with?
Again, shes insanely hot and is an absolute freak, but you barely scratched the surface of what made her special, but you've managed to carry a torch for her longer than me and I actually dated her. You knew her less than 1/15th of the time and somehow can't get over her? Are you okay, bro?

Idk who this even is but they seem to be under the impression that they were privy to exclusive information. If you're boasting about seeing her cry and then laugh immediately after, yet believed anything coming out of her mouth, you might actually be hopeless.

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