Anonymous 06/19/2022 (Sun) 15:40:30 No.13225 del
she lives with her grandmother (the alive one obviously). her mom kicked her out long ago and i don’t think they even speak. marky’s burnt out and needed a break tbf. her job seemed really draining. she needs something with better hours that’s less physically demanding. you’re the normal one don’t worry. it’s not normal to be 26 and destroy every opportunity that comes on purpose just to end up at the same square 1 again. which is what marky does every year. soon she’ll get another bf she hopes will be her husband and provider but he won’t be either. you have to be a high value woman to attract a high value man. which means as a woman you have to bring more to the table than you’d think. rich men (actually rich, not just having 100k in crypto like some neets here) don’t want to marry people like marky. don’t get me wrong they’re not against dating neets but you at least have to be very educated and well spoken and able to mesh with their families. very high maintenance and keeping up appearances too. people saying she could just marry a rich man are delusional. she would have already if she could