Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 03:23 No.49059 del
>There have been plenty of questionable looking e-girls. Some, like Bee, who are downright repulsive.
Bee was more of a lolcow than an egirl. She is what I'd like to call a lolgirl. Her and Roz. No one actually simped for her, those interested cared about Sosa drama, while her "obsessed simps" who'd post her face were clear as day selfposts. Same with Roz - she got the attention she got through hate and general bewilderment, from her ugly nudes and weird faces. No one actually is attracted enough to them to simp that hard, but theyre entertaining.

Although there are plenty questionable looking egirls - in fact most are - a downright ugly egirl will never get far without something else going on.