02/10/2024 (Sat) 01:46
No.48662 [X]
>lying and making completely false accusations
>fake and exaggerated emotional outbursts
>extreme virtue signaling
>unoriginal phrases
Holy fuck, r*ddit users are the fucking scum of the earth.
"it seems that this isn’t really an issue people care about" Maybe because you're completely making shit up to make it a bigger deal than it really is. To my knowledge, any illegal content or personal information gets deleted instantly, and the posters are banned for it.
And of course these retards never go anywhere close to acknowledging that the (adult) egirls themselves willingly attention whore online for years. But oops can't call them out on that because vagina.
The only good point they make is about the cyberstalking, but even then, the way they speak is filled with such disgusting self righteousness, you basically can't take them seriously. It's like their pussies are squirting ovulation juice from feeling outraged and victimized. "Ooooh noooo, the 4chan bastards are gonna get us, this is just like the Handjob's Tale"
>orbiters - predatory individuals who mistake a controlling obsession with something poetic like limerence.
Notice how they always use the same terms, like "predatory" and "controlling". And they always direct them towards the simps and orbiters, never at the people who ACTUALLY harm the women.
You can tell these r*ddit retards are making an exaggerated scene by how they react when anyone mentions 4chan. They always say shit like "I went to that place one time and it was super icky poopoo peeepee bad soooo awful :((((". And Endchan has nothing to do with 4chan, so they're double stupid for that.
>4 chan is a public square for these... creatures.
Notice how r*ddit users claim to be extremely virtuous, always shitting themselves over "trigger warning" or "phobia", but they're the ones constantly using LITERALLY DEHUMANIZING language towards others.
Also, these women's family or abusive bfs screwed them up, but r*ddit idiots repeatedly blame the autists online for it.
Hey retards, maybe do a better job at raising your daughter so she doesn't whore herself out for attention at 18. Or she doesn't chase obviously abusive men. But nah, it's totally the autists online who are the problem. Fuck off.