Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 19:20 No.73482 del
you don’t turn purple and remain that way when you die after an overdose unless there significant was bodily trauma that caused internal internal bleeding or hematoma which would have had to take place before she died and not after, otherwise another explanation for a change in skin appearance is when decomposition takes place it can darken parts of a body but that is only if we consider decomposition as a factor which it clearly was not. and while benzodiazepines are vasodilators it’s not commonly known to cause nosebleeds even when ingested through the nose.

unless he flipped her over, she would be pallid to the visible eye. this is actually how forensics determine whether a body was moved after death. if she’s stiff, that would mean enough time passed for rigor mortis to take place. that means livor mortis would accompany it in tandem and all of her blood would have started pooling where the points of gravity pulled depending on the position she was in.

so, his explanation can’t be true. i’ll be honest, it sounds like he’s just haphazardly throwing scenes he doesn’t remember well from movies together when describing this which is weird and i don’t know how else to word that. if anyone needs me to explain the entire process further i can do so but it’ll be a long post and naysayers will make up some predictable conspiracy regardless so i don’t want to waste the effort if i don’t have to. i can answer any questions someone has but i don’t have all day to go back and forth with nitpickers and opportunists.

>inb4 he was lying or he was high

please come up with a better argument if you want to contradict this